
Yang Zi and Li Xian’s Big Budget Tang Dynasty Drama Flourished Peony Confirms 60 Episode Count Split into Two Parts Airing — 32 Comments

    • I’ll give this a shot even I don’t have high expectation. But I’m still looking forward to the Double 2.0. LOL. Both Kdrama and Cdrama have been such a drought recently. Nothing fun to watch. I finished almost all the interesting old K dramas from fans’ recommendations. Nonetheless, Taiwanese politics has filled the void. LMAO

  1. It a smart move for naming the two part differently so one followed the other in airing when both received their lincenses. By the way, why does yang zi always shoot long period dramas 🙄 because of this I have been able to finish even one of her shows, it never also occurred to me to start her mordern shows either.

      • There are pros for not being able to edit – to make commenters more responsible and think twice before giving opinions. It’s good to have track records that’s not modifiable in case ppl regret and want to lie later on about something embarrassing they have said. I was able to even google some ridiculous remarks by some visitors of this site in the past that contradict their comments later on. LOL.

  2. Pingback:Yang Zi and Li Xian's Big Budget Tang Dynasty Drama Flourished Peony Confirms 60 Episode Count Split into Two Parts Airing | Parlour News Korea

  3. I don’t know if this will actually work, the condor heroes one tried with different names but they didn’t manage to air the other parts, so a bit confusing if doing this in the beginning will make a difference. It’s a loophole and CCP will soon try to cover it if they don’t already have plans in place. BLs explored loopholes until they got completely banned, the long dramas that were divided in parts also tried, some will get away some will not. I think this will be a race against time before ccp decides if long dramas registered as two should be treated as a second season and therefore aired a year later.
    I also share the sentiment that she does too many long dramas, like girl pick a 40 ep drama and go on vacation or something 🤣🤣.

  4. I have not been able to finish any of her dramas, I always lose interest somehow. Even Go Go Squid, became too cheesy quickly… Though I like Li Xian, will still check this out.

    • me too. she isnt a bad actress for me. but her choice of drama not exactly my type. so i drop after a few ep. but Go Go Squid is a big no for me.

    • Oh gosh, I thought its only me. She’s a good actress and I like Li Xian but probably she always choose the heart-wrenching plot that makes me like naaah I cant continue watching this. And her more light-hearted drama is not my cup of tea either. Li Xian drama that finished were Meet Yourself and the old Dr Qin only. Hopefully this drama has a wonderful script and do not drag down during 2nd part.

      • Same! I like her as an actress, but could never really finish her dramas. I agree that it’s the type of story and/or role that she takes on.

    • Oh to the opposite, I have not been able to finish any of his dramas. I always lost interest somehow. Go Go Squid is one exception for YZ’s sake who saved the drama. I tried to like LX but always failed. LOL.

      Nonetheless, I agree YZ has been stuck in the same types of acting for a long while. She has become boring. But the scripts and the directing are something to blame the most.

  5. I hope it’s good enough for people to watch and stick with the second half. If this were back in the day the 60 episodes would have some filler and pointless plot lines and distractions to the actual plot but maybe it could work because they could focus on what is what. Maybe 🙃🙂

  6. I’m curious as to why Lost You Forever had cut the second half down so much when they could have gone up to 40 episodes. The first half had such a good reception, so it doesn’t feel like they have to cut their losses.

    I hope Flourished Peony will avoid the pitfalls of what happened with LYF part 2

    • Me too. I loved Part 1 so much. Why rewrite the crucial scenes and thus took away their power? I was and still am so puzzled by the second part’s ruin.

  7. I trust huace knows what they are doing and it is evident cause they were smart to name the parts separately and get airing permits for both so we won’t have to wait for a whole year for the 2nd part

    No wonder filming took so long😅, I have high expectations for this one

  8. Yang Zi debuted 25 years ago yet still stuck in doing the same idol dramas with the same white lotus roles. Her ‘acting’ was the same with no improvement or evolution at all.
    Most of her dramas are just produced by her previous agency Hanrui or from Huace even her upcoming ‘Tree of Life’ drama that was falsely marketed as ‘Daylight drama’ will just be under Huace again.
    This Flourished Peony will only be on Mango TV 😬
    For many years, YZ marketed herself from being ‘ugly but with acting skill’, ‘ liuliang actress blessed with luck that can make her ML famous’ and now as ‘ Big Flower (checked her Bosideng brand announcement) with good fashion resources (She was able to signed low end luxury brands for short period contract after hiring LSS manager in early 2023). Also, her marketing beauty drafts are flooding all Chinese platforms 24/7.
    With her many years in the industry and her self-proclaimed titles, her reality is that she’s still stuck doing the same thing again and again the difference only is that both her acting and appearance are regressing to worst

    • I think you are confusing this with Tree of Life. Tree of Life is indeed a Daylight drama but has been pushed back and now people are saying she’s no longer part of it.

      • @Meh

        When Tree of Life, indeed a Daylight drama, was announced it had no actors attached to it.

        Then Yang Zi started pushing marketing that it is her drama and it even went to hot search. Daylight straight up denied it.

        Then some time passed and she started again, including Hu Ge as the second billed actor to her (I am sure he was thrilled about her using his name to pro herself up). Koala here posted it was official, when it never was, because she posts things by Yang Zi’d team.

        And now here we are, back to reality with the drama not only not filming until next year but YZ again not associated with her. All the hype came from her team and her team alone.

      • I didn’t know Chinese teams can affect international blogs but Koala does post about some really ridiculous rumors like Yang Zi and Xiao Zhan reuniting for a project which screams FKAE to me (like only delulus would believe it).

        Tree of Life news however was everywhere on Weibo that I almost believed it. However it started getting dubious when reports about Hu Ge being second billed male lead started to appear.

    • Yz is in a better position than many stars, most of them are doing idol roles over and over again . The 85 flowers for example only these past years have branched out, maybe it’s an industry issue with the scripts offered to them and not YZ personally.I don’t understand brands and ranking so no comment on that.

    • Wait is she really not in that Daylight Ent drama? If so I would be mighty glad as I love their productions but I can’t stand Yang Zi’s acting. Even in Ode to Joy she was only tolerable because she was surrounded by veteran actors and part of a large cast insead of being the main lead.

  9. Will definitely gove this one a shot. Both actors are awesome and the production team had a good history. Hope the 2nd season wont take long from s1.

    Still bitter with LYF team. Why LYF didnt use the same tactics as One and Only and Forever and Ever. Same drama production but different titles. What a waste of time.

  10. The hair looks weird. I feel the only series I’ve seen for tang costume and hair that looks natural is the Strange Tales of Tang Dynasty. Even their white thick make up looks natural.

  11. They need to air both parts together this time round. I dropped LYF part 2 cos it was so depressing n draggy. Would have forced myself to finish it if it aired together with Part 1 but alas.

  12. Same idol dramas over and over again.

    CCP doesn’t tolerate loopholes and Condor Heroes already tried this and failed. Why do producers do this is beyond me? Anyway there will be plenty of tsunamis to say how this is the biggest hit to ever hit and then it will all disappear like the fakery that these dramas are. So tiring.

  13. 60 eps is waaay too long! Back then, I can roll with it, but now some good C-dramas are able to produce and write great dramas with 40 eps or less. Over the years, my patience tolerance with many episodes has gotten less as I’ve also watched quite a lot of short C-dramas that are quick-paced.

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