New Posters Drop for The Story of Pearl Girl with Zhao Lu Si and Liu Yu Ning as Press Conference Scheduled for October 31st

Oh lawd it’s a-coming! I am so hyped up for The Story of Pearl Girl, for leads Zhao Lu Si and Liu Yu Ning, for their reunion, and for the fact that this is her one drama on deck that I actually want to watch for story and her male lead. The premiere is still reportedly November 1st and what is confirmed is a press conference on October 31st where both leads will be there. Youku is pulling out all the stops to promote this so short of it being a hot mess it should do better ratings and views than the October C-dramas thus far. It’s been awhile since there has been a mega hit C-drama and this has a chance to be that.

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Isn’t the press conference on 30th October?
You and me both, Koala! Excited!!!
All of their costumes, wigs & accs & filming sets looks so beautiful *-* I really cant wait to check this one!