
Bong Joon Ho’s Parasite Wins Golden Globe Best Foreign Picture with Stars Song Kang Ho, Jo Yeo Jung, and Lee Jung Eun in Attendance — 5 Comments

    • It is a good normal movie, unusually different than the usually! But, I second you on that not getting the hype. I feel the same when I see the hype those idols” flowers boys” get over the manly one’s. I believe is a question of tasty!

  1. It’s not a normal movie, my opinion, of course.
    Bong Joon Ho, through Parasite, showed a different face of Korea to the world- the world of semi bunker apartment filled with molds, pest and worst flood. Nowadays. There are so many the details and metaphor in the movie that he emphasizes on including the rock that appear at the start of the movie and at the end of the movie, even the camera angle focusing on the fly landing on the body.
    It’s funny at first, and then it’s not funny in the middle and it is definitely NOT so funny toward the end.
    Its old but true: you can never get rich if you don’t work hard but only doing the short cut.

    • The film kind of go against the whole notion of hardwork and meritocracy. The final song in the film sang by the lead actor mentioned that it would actually take hundreds of years for someone within their class to reach the level of wealth the Parks have. And yes, the film is definitely a much needed reminder on the gravity of class problem in our capitalistic society, and it’s a good thing that it’s made in such an entertaining, accessible manner.

      • Hard work i meant not only physically but also mentally. Both kids of the Kim are damn smart but they use their brain to do illegal things, instead of focusing on their proper education, or doing their work properly and its the father fault. Even beginning of the film, we can for seen the Kim only wants to so short cut and dirt trick ( pizza box is an example).
        You don’t get rich and classed as affluence just by sitting around and dreaming.

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