Wuxia C-drama A Journey to Love with Liu Shi Shi and Liu Yu Ning Wraps Filming in Early 2023

When a drama I took note of when it started filming then pops back up on radar to hear that it finished filming and that 6 months flew by I’m always rather a tad melancholy since it’s like reel life intruding on real life time passing. Wuxia C-drama A Journey to Love wrapped last week and the cast and crew shared wrap photos with congratulatory bouquets and plenty of tired but happy faces. Starring Liu Shi Shi and Liu Yu Ning, I’m super pumped for this drama and pairing and also for the chance to see some up and coming faces as most of the supporting leads are unfamiliar to me.

Wow! The drama is now finished! I’m super excited for this drama.
Another flop for cent