
Chris Wu is the Leading Man in Upcoming TTV Friday Drama What is Love — 19 Comments


    I don’t even care about the plot much except FINALLY 🙂
    Gosh, I was just re-watching Inborn Pair yesterday and caught his part where he was lovelorn and lost. Man, finally.

    Oops. Sorry for the repetition. I am not even much of a fan but sick of him in 2nd lead territory when his acting is so much better.

  2. high five* horray for a worthy actor becoming first lead!

    btw, the texts in the second teaser is really heart-warming =3 if it doesn’t pull a taiwanese-manga-drama on me i think I’ll enjoy watching it =D thanks for putting this drama on my radar, Ms. Koala~~~ =3

  3. Yes!! I’ve loved Chris Wu ever since Autumn’s Concerto. IMO, Mu Cheng should’ve ended up with him, but alas, that’s not the way Asian drama works.

    Anyway, the premise sounds really great. I can’t wait!

  4. It will be tragic if the one drama where he gets the leading role, he doesn’t end up with the girl.. I wouldn’t know what to say.

    The drama is pretty generic, so it’s all up to how good the leads get together and look together..

  5. KYAAAA! Ditto! FINALLY! Chris was awesome in IP! Can’t wait!
    Another reason I’ll be following is because the writer and creator is the same as EX-BF but they promised that this wouldn’t be a cruel drama like EX-BF! LOL!
    But my goodness, the 2nd trailer looks so beautiful!
    *thumb’s up*

  6. The start of the 1st teaser is a spoiler for “In Between”‘s last episode?! Isn’t that Xiao Yang throwing the bouquet and Ke Huai standing next to her???

  7. I think this drama didn’t get a good rating when it was showing, right? I’m watching it now, and really like it. It’s so light, and honestly I feel the topic is more real than most drama. Chris Wu of course was a delight!

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