Period Spy Thriller C-drama Deep Lurk with Cheng Yi and Ying Er Reportedly to Air Drop Next Month

This may be one of the most inadvertently apropos drama titles ever. The period spy thriller C-drama Deep Lurk was filmed in 20219 which is so far pre-COVID it was like a different lifetime ago. The drama stars Cheng Yi and Ying Er and if it’s Cheng Yi pre-Love and Redemption he hadn’t broken out yet. The drama is set in the Battle of Changsa era where the Communist party revolutionary forces battle against the occupying Japanese. Reportedly the drama has been dusted off the shelf from whence it resided and will be air dropped next week. It’s going to feel like a blast from the past in so many ways haha. Since this drama doesn’t appear to have any questionable elements or cast I’m guess the shelving was simply due to it not being that good.

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