Seo In Guk Leaves K-movie Hip Daddy After Both Jeon Do Yeon and Su Ae Pass on the Leading Lady Role

Not sure if the movie isn’t very well plotted or both leading lady candidates simply found it too light for their usual more challenging fare. The K-movie Hip Daddy is likely dead in the water now as there are no more leads involved with the production. Male lead Seo In Guk left this week after both Jeon Do Yeon and later Su Ae passed on the project about a woman who has a baby from a sperm donor and later needs to find him when the child had a genetic condition and she needs to find the sperm donor to discover his medical condition. The title makes it sound like a rom-com and I’m guessing the two will fall in love ala noona-dongsaeng style. Sadly it’s not meant to be and this story will have to wait longer for a potential birth.

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