Seo In Guk Leaves K-movie Hip Daddy After Both Jeon Do Yeon and Su Ae Pass on the Leading Lady Role

Not sure if the movie isn’t very well plotted or both leading lady candidates simply found it too light for their usual more challenging fare. The K-movie Hip Daddy is likely dead in the water now as there are no more leads involved with the production. Male lead Seo In Guk left this week after both Jeon Do Yeon and later Su Ae passed on the project about a woman who has a baby from a sperm donor and later needs to find him when the child had a genetic condition and she needs to find the sperm donor to discover his medical condition. The title makes it sound like a rom-com and I’m guessing the two will fall in love ala noona-dongsaeng style. Sadly it’s not meant to be and this story will have to wait longer for a potential birth.

Story is totally stupid. Donor information is confidential. Who wrote the script?
Lookes fun movie to me lol
I miss Seo In Guk on my screen. I am hoping to see him in a new drama again.
Me too… Missed him, he’s a great actor and singer
Woohoo! Finally my absolute top fave Seo In Guk makes an appearance in KP’s post after absence of nearly 2 years! I don’t like the plot in Hip Daddy and thought it was very risky for SIG to sign up for it. Good that it was not meant to be as I want my adorable shopping King Louis back in dramaland. Please drama gods, please please make SIG accept MBC thriller Smoking Gun. Hope that he will get a FL and 2nd ML that can match his incredible acting prowess. SIG is so criminally underrated and under-appreciated. He totally deserves to win heaps of awards for his phenomenal performance in The Smile Has Left Your Eyes (Hundred Million Stars From The Sky). No wonder same PD brought him and Jung So Min back to Abyss for a superb cameo as Grim Reapers. Can totally imagine SIG as a hot NIS agent dodging bullets and doing fight scenes ala So Ji Sub in Secret Terrius another MBC drama.
i think this will be a different kind of SIG character, he stands out in A smile has left your smile, i cried a lot but its a heartfelt movie…lets just wait & watch the movie then we can judge the story itself, more power to SIG fighting
SIG already dropped out of Hip Daddy. Even if made will have completely new cast with no SIg in it.
Very well said… He’s my Top favorite actor and singer, he dserverves more awards on previous projects that he portrayed.
yes u r right
I agree with you with “SiG is criminally underrated and an unappreciated” though his acting skill is superb.