Japan Rui Oguri Shun Pairs up with Taiwan Domyouji Jerry Yan for Live-action Lupin III Movie

In a billion million gazillion years I never would have hoped or imagined for this, but this is honest to god happening. Taiwan’s Hana Yori Dango version of Domyouji Tsukasa (called Dao Ming Shi) played by Jerry Yan will be filming a Japanese movie with the Hanazawa Rui of the Japanese version of HanaDan which is of course played by the one and only Oguri Shun. Can we all have a moment here to bask in the cross-over glory of Meteor Garden Domyouji meeting up with HanaDan Rui. These two were my favorites from both cast, other than my personal love for Vic Zhou in his version of Rui (Hua Zhe Lei) but honestly Shun captured the aura better. The only thing better would be if this was for a new movie adaptation of HYD because these two would be ideally the older versions of their respective characters. I was never a fan of Barbie Hsu as Makino Tsukushi (called Shan Cai) and she’s retired from acting these days anyways so stick in Inoue Mao and the imaginary updated HYD would be perfect. Even though this new movie is not HYD, it’s still mighty exciting and tickles the manga fan in me. It’s the live-action adaptation of a famous shonen manga from the 60’s called Lupin III (Lupin the Third). The titular character Arsène Lupin III is the grandson of the fictional thief and himself following in the family trade. He can steal anything and always sends a calling card indicating his impending theft before striking. Shun will be playing the main character of the thief Lupin III while Jerry’s character is a new one to the franchise and is supposedly a rival equally as talented thief and it isn’t clear where his loyalties lie. The film is currently filming in Bangkok and will have other location shoots as well. Currently the main female lead and Lupin’s love interest hasn’t been revealed yet but lots of big name actresses are vying for the role. The movie is slated for a Spring 2014 release. Continue reading