TW-ent Abuzz with Rumor that Actress Janine Chang is Tying the Knot at Year End with Malaysian-Chinese Director Sam Quah

So neither a confirmation or a denial speaks volumes haha and this one fits the bill. This weekend came the rumor that TW-actress Janine Chang, one of the remaining actresses of her gen that is still single, will soon joined the married contingent. The rumor is that she is marrying Malaysian-Chinese director Sam Quah (Ke Wen Li) who is best known for directing the C-drama Detective Chinatown and also Yang Zi‘s drama Psychologist. Reportedly the two met on that drama when Janine guest starred. She’s 41 years old and his younger by a few years being 38 years old and already the C-netizens have launched into lamentations that such a beauty is marrying a comparable beast. This is Shu Qi and her director husband Stephen Fung all over again and you know what, the people involved hopefully do not give a fug.

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