Xiao Zhan’s Next Period Drama Tibetian Sea Opera Gets Sun Yi as Female Lead with Li Hong Yi as Second Male Lead

I hope this drama gets a real English title soon because calling it Tibetan Sea Opera just frustrates the geography nerd in me. The drama is reportedly announcing official casting soon but the lead will be Xiao Zhan with lesser known Sun Yi as the female lead and Li Hong Yi (the other dude who facetwins with Cheng Yi and Bai Jing Ting) as the second male lead. Xiao Zhan’s fans are good with Li Hong Yi as the second male lead, won’t steal Xiao Zhan’s thunder and a decent enough actor to not drag down the drama. They are, however, totally not good with rumored female lead Sun Yi thinking she’s not up to Xiao Zhan’s level to be his female lead. I legit had to google her myself because I happen to have never watched a drama of hers but there are plenty of C-actresses famous in their own right that I have never watched so it’s not weird to hear unfamiliar names here and there. From all accounts, she’s a good actress and probably has no rabid fanbase to incite any fanwars.

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