
So Ji Sub and Shin Mina Lead the Script Reading for KBS Drama Oh My Venus — 11 Comments

  1. After seeing him in this get up, I once again believe that there is nothing So Ji Sub can do to make him look bad. He is a truly handsome man.

  2. I love So Ji Sub to pieces, but I am more than wary of this plot line. Korean society puts its people under so much pressure already and now we’ll get a heroine that finds love only once she slims down? Maybe they’ll surprise us and she, like so many others, won’t be able to lose weight and will get him after all, because she simply is a nice person? … Nah, I don’t think so, too. That would be too daring.

    But I am not surprised, that he chose a topic like this. In my perception he is the male celebrity that talks the most about his need to diet.

  3. “As long as the drama doesn’t try to fat shame” lol I’m not holding my breath. Korea loves to fat shame. Because of that I’m cautiously optimistic for this drama.

  4. So Ji Sub is so good looking, but can as Koala put it “un-sexy himself thoroughly” in his everyday clothes (and his formal attire on many occasions). I think he looks great in business casual outfits and needs to dress more like his Master’s Sun character in real life.

    I’m not for fat shaming or these dramas where a chubby girl must lose weight to gain happiness or love. I hope Shin Mina’s character is a positive one who slims down because she wants to and not for some trivial, vindictive, or vengeful reason like getting back at a jerk who dumps her because she’s overweight (one can hope the plot won’t be this). I guess we’ll have to wait to find out more about the plot of this drama. For now my the only thing keeping me interested in this drama are Shin Mina and So Ji Sub.

  5. I don’t know from what Galaxy you beamed down from just beam yourself back up! I for one love comfortable clothes and I do love that sexy attire on him! He could show up in a sack and still look sexy! Actually, take that sack and put it over your head! Like my mammy used to say, if you do not have anything nice to say, than for God’s sake, put a cork in it! A zipper or duck tape over your typing middle finger!

    • yeah… why don’t you listen to your mammy @Joyce Yagoda… zipp it tight really really tight?, it’s not nice things to say to people who just want to give their opinion.
      I agree with koala, he should dress sexier ?…can’t wait for the drama though.

  6. Like my mammy used to say, if you don’t have anything nice to say then cork it! My mammy used to say not to respond to negative people! There is no response for two of you! Karma will bit you negative people in the ass!

  7. I disagree with the koalas because maybe he likes his casual attire! He does not owe anyone anything except a good performance for your money! Other than that he owes no one anything! As free people we have a right to dress anything we want as long as it is not illegal! You will have to deal, so put that in your pipe and smoke it!

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