
First Athena BTS Footage — 2 Comments

  1. Some AM musings. I wonder if that moustache & goatee are all his or if he got some help from the prop department. Most korean guys I know have a hard time growing facial hair unless its wispy scraggly kind. Not Poirot impressive but impressive nonetheless if its all his.

  2. @ nycgrl

    I haven’t wondered about the origin of his facial hair (whether its natural or artificial) but you definitely pose a good question. I have a feeling it’s real, but probably takes longer to grow than a non-Asian going for that look. Most Asian guys veer from near-hairless to mild-to-medium amount of body hair, period.

    Sigh, somehow it works on him, whether he intends for it to convey sleazy, skeevy, or creepy. I support you, CSW, and your right to ugly facial hair!

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