
Latest Teaser for Secret Garden Reveals its Comedic Roots — 9 Comments

  1. hahahaha!!…i’ve been stalking your site for your take on the latest preview…lol….it looks totally awsome comedy wise though still kinda clueless as to how they get there

  2. Ooh it looks GOOD! I wasn’t feeling any interest based on the earlier trailers (and I was trying not to let my love of City Hall get my hopes up too high) but I feel like I can get excited about this now! Yay!

    Thanks ockoala. 🙂

  3. Wow! Kdramaland is constantly surprising me! Usually bodyswapping dramas are full on comedy, but SG includes angst (my guilty pleasure in kdramas) as well? How are they gonna do it? I don’t know, but I’m totally in for the ride!

  4. woot. i think i am more psyched about this drama than any of the other upcoming ones. btw, that bench by the sea looks awfully familiar.

  5. OK this is hooking me now…
    It looks promising and sure there’s plenty of lol moments…
    I can’t wait… arghh binnie my bunny hubby…

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