An Exquisite Screencap Only Revisit of Mary Stayed Out All Night Episodes 6 and 7
I normally leave the credits for the end of a post, but I simply must acknowlege and bow down to the supreme screencapping skills of 麦兜白白 (Ling Du Bai Bai or B. Iris), a recently delurked drama fan at the Mary Stayed Out All Night Baidu bar. She posted the most crystal clear and jawdroppingly gorgeous screencaps of episodes 6 and 7 (see sample above). She’s happy to share with all M3 fans, and I’m happy to bring her hard work to the English-speaking M3 forums – I’m reposting only the highlights. If you decide to repost, please credit her. I think I’ve gotten an even deeper appreciation for the recently intensified M3. I also have some random thoughts after the screencap montage is done, so stick with me if you’re curious.
Screencaps of Episodes 6 and 7 of M3:
Aren’t these screencaps just amazing. We’re so blessed that devoted fans of M3 put in their time and hard work to share their talents with everyone. I notice at the end of episode that not only was Mu Gyul waiting outside for Mae Ri (seriously? he’s sick and he’s waiting outside for her? it’s not because he wants his medicine a minute earlier, trust me on that one), but Mae Ri is gripping Mu Gyul’s medicine tightly in her hand when she gets out of the car. When she rummages in her giant purse for Jung In’s socks, she continues to hold that medicine like its an extension of her hand. It’s these subconscious gestures by both of them that convince me that they have fallen in love with each other.
I don’t discount that fact that Jung In is capable of, and may already be, falling in love with Mae Ri. But it’s like there is no room for him in this game, regardless of whether he thinks hard work will get Mae Ri in the end. Everything Mae Ri and Mu Gyul does in episode 7 just reinforces the growing realization that they are constantly aware of each other’s presence in their lives, and affected by it. Episode 8 will shed more light on how this thing will all shake out. In the meantime, I just bask in the pretty. And to be fair, Kim Jae Wook might just be the hottest thing in the drama, some of the screencaps of him above left me breatheless. But I am beyond that – I have transcended to a plane where my OTP must get their happily ever after (and some boating prior to that) and nothing else matters.
w0w koala, don’t you sleep? must be 4 or 5 am in US?
many thanks to you and Ling for sharing these gorgeous pics~
Thanks Ockoala! I’m always waiting for anything M3! These are awesome!
Do you think Mu Kyul would have still proposed they end the fake marriage if Seo Joon didn’t say that he would probably push her away too eventually?
@miso I don’t think Mu Kyul wants to end the fake marriage because of what Seo Joon said. More likely he is confused about his feeling of Mae Ri and can’t keep the original term of the fake marriage.
I’m glad they want to end the fake marriage OR that the fake marrige DID end (have to see what happening in EP8). It will give them the chance to find of what does the other person means to them and the effect they have on each other.
Thanks to B. Iris too!
My heart just leaped when I saw you have more M3 goodies for us… ^.^
Wonderful wonderful caps… thank you so much for sharing this, B.Iris and Ockoala…
It’s beyond crazy how many times I’ve watched the sick bed scene, and yet looking at these still pics still managed to squeeze my heart *complete with that part of Europa soaring in my head*
And that scap when MaeRi was tending MuGyul’s wound and he was checking her bruised forehead? I swear I could hear the crackling of electricity when they’re looking at each other. In still pic.
Crystal clear I need ep 8 asap. How come it’s not Monday yet… >.<
You wrote exactly how I feel! I am more addicted to M3 than PK — and I thought that was bad. Silly, silly me.
wow! they are looks so fine !!!
i also like KJW in the still better than the “moving picture”… (^^)v
thank you so much dear koala… (^-^)
I just re-watched 7 and my heart broke all over again.
Have you seen any written previews/spoilers for Episode 8? We are all going through M3 withdrawals out here in dramaland!
You read the atmosphere well ockoala!! You just knew when to pull your punches well! Thank you, thank you!! When I am pining away for glimpses of M3, these came out. Amazing screen caps. Restless for tomorrow night!
Love the M3 goodies!
Can’t wait for monday to come!
Thanks very much for sharing!! Great screencaps!!
wow! awesome screen caps. Thanks B. Iris.
KJW, whoa! those cheekbones.. I wish I could take you home! Ooppss, did I just say that? Hahaha..
@ockoala Thanks for bringing us a such a beautiful screencap.
And I totally agree with you>> "everything Mae Ri and Mu Gyul does in episode 7 just reinforces the growing realization that they are constantly aware of each other’s presence in their lives, and affected by it"
All I can say is Thank you to Mr. & Mrs. Jang for having put that face on this planet.
I second that!!! Thank you indeed, for bringing forth such a specimen of good looks, talent and wonderfully charming personality =)
the quality of these screencaps are amazing! Thank u ockoala as always.
Beautiful pictures. Thank you.
I absolutely loved this line you wrote, “I have transcended to a plane where my OTP must get their happily ever after (and some boating prior to that) and nothing else matters.”
LOL, “Boating” 😉 Shoot, I’d be happy if they at least kiss a couple more times…they seriously need a proper kiss (none of this pressing of lips and not moving for a long time crap)….that scene in the preview where they were running and hid in a narrow alley would be the perfect scene to have a hot kiss…imagine it…dark alley, close quarters, at least the actors would feel a little less shy about the kiss if there weren’t a dozen or so ppl gawking at them at all angles…only the camera man, the director and the hundreds or thousands of fans who’s gonna see it on their 52″ flat screen tvs…hehehe
whoaaaah!!!! in case you wonder what do people do in the office at lunch hours behind their close curtain……. yup, they’re having a major noose bleed grinning stupidly at these georgeous pictures.
Thank you B.Iris, thank you Koala…. for sharing such joy (and make us temporary forget the ‘I hate Monday’ syndrome). KJW cheek bone and smirk…. *swoon.
I hate Monday changes to I waited for Monday! please hurry ! what’s wrong with the clock…aigoo~
🙂 thank you so much. and thanks to B.Iris as well. the screencaps are crystal clear and beautiful !
Thanks for shairing ,all picture so cute.
Thanks koala for sharing these wonderful, wonderful pictures!
I really enjoyed reading your comments, btw, what is OTP? Sorry for my stupid question ,thought I can guess, i’d likt to know what is is exactly. Thanks in advance
ockoala dear,
I’m so blessed to find this site!
You’re doing perfectly great with your recaps. I love them! Btw, are you ockoala of my City Hall days? If yes, I’m so glad to cross paths with you again.
“everything Mae Ri and Mu Gyul does in episode 7 just reinforces the growing realization that they are constantly aware of each other’s presence in their lives, and affected by it” – couldn’t have said it better. Subconsciously, these two are slowly entering the realm of love, not just physical attraction (but there’s a lot of scenes that would justify the sparks between them) but the emotional and psychological attraction which would eventually cement the subtle feelings they have for each other. And when they become fully aware of this feeling, surely there will be no stopping them.
It’s a wonderful feeling watching a drama where the actors can truly act. MGY has constantly awed me with her wide range of acting skills. JGS is one fine actor, although I really haven’t seen much of his works. KJW, the first time I saw him in CP, I knew he is much more beyond the good looks (although I am not complaining here (“,) I want more of him!! ).
Looking forward to your next recap.
I love your recaps! Awesome!
I’m like a crazy idiot here smiling alone while looking through those pictures. HAHA! Thanks for posting them over here Koala! ^^
“it’s not because he wants his medicine a minute earlier, trust me on that one”
I think he was waiting with the umbrella for her. Seriously, he’s the one who’s sick but he drags himself outside with the umbrella. So sweet!
Wow! What a superb caps…..and especially love the scene where JI kissed MR…it is very and I mean VERY clearly how good a kisser he is…just like when he was in Antique… the only other kissing scene that I think is good was Goong JH & EH…
Otherwise, I am getting all excited with the upcoming ep 8 and what it will stir up in that ep….and the love triangle battle….:)
the quality is out of this world !
thanks for sharing them :]