
Walk Down Memory Lane with Jung Woo Sung in The Good, The Bad, The Weird — 9 Comments

    • I know. Isn’t it? Plus that picture of him riding the horse against the setting sun. Sometimes I have a hard time breathing when I watch him.

  1. hehe I watch this movie over Thanksgiving. Plot-wise not too much. Action-wise…a lot of action. good cinematography.

    Sometimes I got confused as to what I was watching…but in the end I think I understood: everyone set out with a purpose (whether it’s good or bad). ^_^

    All the chasing…that Jung Woo-sung did was to find the brutal man who cut fingers. Only that this man was with him the entire time and he didn’t know.

    I like the twist in the end 🙂

  2. TGTBTW made me a fan of The Bad. I am nothing if not predictable in these things. But even being a fan of The Bad, I skimmed through IRIS for him and TOP – pretty much zapped through the middle section. I just couldn’t take the rest.

    I’ll give Athena a try for The Good and CSW, but I’m hoping for a better script.

  3. Dear Ockoala,
    Thanks for posting about “The Good, The Bad,The Weird”. I think this movie is remake of American movie “The Good, The Bad,The Ugly”. Am I right?????
    But if it is, good to see in Korea Version. I did not know Lee BH in that movie, because I have seen most of his movies.
    I like his acting since I had seen Kdrama “All In” and “Beautiful Days”.
    I know now Jung Woo Sung because of Kdrama “Athena” U did post about it. I am looking forword to see Athena and to read your awesome recap.

    Your new header is nice, are u welcoming “Athena” in advance….because M3 has not over yet. But good to see something new.

    • *clears throat*

      First off, The Good, The Bad, The Ugly is not American (it’s actually ‘Il buono, il brutto e il cattivo’). It’s an Italian movie by Sergio Leone, the father of the Spaghetti-western subgenre; true, American actors starred in the movie, but the the writers/director and everything was made in Italy. And hm, yes, I think the good, the bad, the weird could be seen like a remake, but I’d like to think is more of an hommage to Sergio Leone.

      Dude, you have no idea what that scene with LSW riding his horse and shooting did to me. It’s the one scene I rewatched a million times because OMGUH SO hot. I ride a little, meaning I can only trot and no way I can imagine what galloping means, but zomg, seeing LSW doing his thing without even holding the reins, I was like *___* I may have drooled, no kidding.

      • @sere
        Thanks u for your clarify about The good, The bad, The urgly.
        It is good to know, that movie was quiet famous at the time. I had seen on TV long ago.

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