
Mary Stayed Out All Night Episode 12 Recap — 146 Comments

  1. I really really really love this episode. I’m not entirely sure how I am supposed to wait a whole week for episode 13 to air, however, I’m certain it will involve replaying this episode all over again.
    Plus there is a new dilemma for me. After reading your recap of ep 13 I don’t know if I like more the episode or your the recap:-)

  2. KJW OMG I’m loving you even more now OPPA!
    Ok, sorry about that, thank you koala for your wonderful screen cap. I’m a MG fan but for some reason i can’t help but lean towards JI. The old writer kinda built the character and though i wish they kinda moved things along like in episode 8 the new writer is giving us what we needed some action!
    JI-OPPA! You need your own drama where you’re the leading man and have some shower looks like our robot-boy from Playful Kiss!!

  3. many thanks! you are really so fast!!! reading through the recap, this ep sure has funny moments. Plot, you are becoming more alive now!!! I am loving the dumpster scene, epic!! i find myself laughing out loud when Jung In calls MG while fetching the water..totally adorable and funny and cute…now in addition to MG and MR adorable moments, I am looking forward to more funny, cute, adorable from JI and MG…happy, happier me!! ***now off to watch the epi in raw*** thanks again!!

  4. Thank you for the quick recap. I love how positive you are about the series now that we have a change of writer because I feel the same way. I also adore Mu-Gyul and Mary chemistry, it’s so rare that the male & female lead are so naturally sweet together.

    The scenes with My-Gyul and Jung-in was hilarious. I was surprise to see this devilish side if Jung-In and loving it. Hope the rating will increase!!

  5. I’m so unbelievably charmed by JI, I want him for myself to be quite honest. He’s such a presh closet dork/geek, boy is a sweetie <333

    • I’m still firmly on board the MR/MG ship because they have this unbelievable magic together. It just makes you want them to see them ride off into the sunset in MG’s bus and have their “happily-ever after.”

      • I agree with you on Mary-Mu Gyul relationship. They are just perfect and so natural. I can’t differentiate anymore, are the really acting?

        They might be my best on-screen couple this year hehe.. so cute. Can’t helpp but fall in love every time I see them on screen together.. More kiss please, coz I’m dying to see that scene.. hahaha ;p

  6. You do not mention the fact that Jung In sees the photo of Mae Ri’s mother in the wallet of her father. This is interesting: Jung In begins to see beyond the marriage contract and I hope that what he discovers will make him open his eyes about his devil dad !
    I still love your summary ! I think episode 12 is the one who made me laugh the most.
    Jung in and Moo Gyul are simply adorable >_< I love the competition that exists between them.
    But what I prefer is the resurgence of ours Merry Christmas ♥ Mae Ri, you are the best!

  7. love, love, love, love this episode!!!! yay!!!! 🙂

    Jung In bringing his A-Game!!! hahahaha!! love him on this one!! how adorable can he be??!!!! he was already funny at episode 11 when he sprayed water all over breakfast.. but with this episode!! oh my!!! hahaha!!! i was just laughing and laughing.. and laughing some more.. ( i should really get a hold of myself now…. ) i guess i’m just happy because in my heart, as much as i’m for Mae Ri and Mu Gyul, i know that Jung In will BRING it!!! and he did!!! 🙂 … kaaahh… warm fuzzies!!! and walking out ala-Baek Seung Jo!!! kyaaaahh!! ( now i melted a little.. ) You are really giving Mu Gyul a run for his money!!

    i love how the story is now picking up its pace and giving the the characters room to grow.. (can we just lose the parents?!! i’m serious!!! ).. and like ockoala, i’m clueless now on how things will go, but i’m just hoping that everybody would end up happy one way or another.

    and ockoala, love the recaps as always, and feel free to just share your lovely thoughts.. it’s part of what we love to read here. 🙂 you are awesome!!! 🙂

    • OTP = One True Pair
      googling on the internet will give you a better explanation

      love love love the scenes of KJW
      how on earth did he come up with that plopping on his bed faced down
      and that water spraying scene in ep 11, da best!

  8. Thanks mi ockoala. Squeee Jung In!!! I love JGS to bits but as MG with his ‘hobo’ clothes I just prefer well-groomed JI (sorry, call me shallow LOL) but that’s on appearance only. Nah, not jumping ship… Geun-Geun couple forevar 😀

    Aaaw… what’s this I read that you won’t be around for the finale? Now that the story is really heating up…

    Off topic, CONGRATS ockoala on surpassing 1,0o0,000 (atm 1,029,212)! Must be a record for only 6 months blogging. Well done!

  9. Yes, I totally agree with you. The new write totally did justice to our Jung In. Making him a possible candid against our MG. But I love Our MG more. Lolz it’s to die for when they are trying to make each other jealous. Their reactions are adorable. As for Mary and MG when they are together they just complete one another. Love them together and how innocent they are. Even though MG probably been with a girl before he respects Mary’s wishes and waits for her. I also like to thank you for the quick updates which helps me alot since I don’t understand Korean but watch it after reading ur recaps. Which makes me understand the episodes without subs. I think I should learn Korean so I can watch more Korean series and movies. Thanks again!!


  10. Oh yey!! I love this episode sooo much..MR&MG they are so natural and they are real lover the rest are great too..JI, SJ are wonderful not so stress like previous

    many many thanks to you ockoala you make me are making my day dear..

    I hope today is Monday

  11. Thanks Koala.. for me, your recaps interspersed with your witty comments are great but I love hearing your thoughts more cos they usually describe exactly what I feel abt the show but don’t have the words to express them.. so I get this delicious giddy delight when I read your thoughts, going yes, yes, YESSSS…more please 🙂

    I’m going to be greedy…my first OTP is MR and MG but a runner-up contender is definitely JI and MG.. they are wicked together.. I laughed so hard at their antics this episode.. I was also hysterical when MR used her best angelic honorifics to ‘send’ her dad off after he gave her the walloping.. it’s just the feel good, hilarious vibe of the whole episode.. it just made me hysterical through the whole hour…

    it’s a little early but I’m already feeling down that M3 will be ending in 2 weeks.. ottoke 🙁

  12. Thank you for not jumping ship. It has been a Jung In love fest on the internet. Maeri loves MG. She calls the other guy by his title. Anyway they (MG & MR) belong together. I hope you are still on board the M&M ship when it ends so I can get comforted by your wonderful blog.

  13. Thank you so much for the recap Ockoala! I’m glad Jung In is continuing to step up to face Mu Gyul head on, and aggressively so. My gosh I’m so loving this kdrama.

    I’ve always known that I’m a full-fledged Korean drama addict since years back and I thought that PK was my peak since I even made my first MV ever because of my deep affection for it. But this one is so much different. A particular song and the scenes from M3 went on and on in my head that I thought it was driving me nuts. I had to make this MV basically for my peace of mind. I don’t know, it’s weird. I just uploaded it. It took me forever to download the episodes since I want it in HD and it took me another forever to convert these avi files to wmv but it was all well worth it!

    So for M3 lovers out there, go crazy for 4 minutes with this…


  14. I wanted to tell you that since I discovered this blog, I can’t wait for your next entry. Excited with whats happening with M3. You write quite well. I hope the ratings go up and thank goodness they made Jung In’s character much much better. Even if he does not get the lead this drama, let’s hope for a new drama for KJW, and hopefully he gets the lead… until next week’s episode

  15. I too was laughing my head off when the two men were trying to go down each other’s throats when Mae ri texted and then with the phone call.. JUNG IN YOU ARE JUST FREAKIN FUNNY.. didn’t know you had that side in YOU! I also thought the whole let’s hide in the garbage bin while we wait for daddy to leave was just great..

    And let’s not forget the cross communication with Jung In and Mu Gyul.. I was so waiting for Jung In to say out loud what he was thinking what Mu Gyul was possibly “DOING” with Mae Ri… haha Okay I won’t continue. 😀

    If the next few episodes are going to be as funny as 12.. I can’t wait for whats in store next… but I think I am heading to the Jung In ship after this episode too.. i’ll have to fight him with you… Jung In’s HOT and a TOTAL gentleman. 🙂

  16. Thanx for recap.oh my,this make me curious to watch it.gosh you never failed to makes me love every single scene in m3 except when SJ appear.I like it how top 3 leads develop their character.what I love is when JI&MG compete each other over one text and jealouse cat is killing me with laughter and now jealous cool calm confidence tiger in action.boy must buy extra tummy to make me survive watching episof 12.

  17. I started to read your recaps only to now what is happening for I see episodes first without eng subs. But now I am thanckfull to this. Reading your thoughts it feels like a discusiions betheen me and you. It’s great. I had to choose in my life like this girl and this is very hard thing. I start to like MR and JI together moer – his discreet way to like herq rather my favorite’s MG immature love and careness. My hearth is heavy to give him upbut he actually loves the security she gives hom like a replasment of unrealised mama.I don’t uknow about Koreans but in p;aces of MR I would have deepest, passionate and wild love whit MG but only this is not enaugh and the story of looser dady is a evidens.
    I also think from the mood of JI seeng MR’s mother pic in his daddy wallet he finally realizes why the fight started from the very begining and he have to differ in his feelings whether he likes MR or just fullfils his dad’s desire to MR’s mother.So fighting for is dignity and independence JI will start love MR deep and respectfull like a real man can. I dought MG could do that. But I will comfort him haha

  18. great recap…
    i love reading it 😀
    i couldn’t agree more that jung in was like so interesting in this episode and so as the last one before this..
    he really makes me fall for him *ouch*
    And it’s true that he was like great Baek Seung Jo in PK
    when he was in a bathrobe hehe

  19. My heart sings watching this episode (and now it serenades after reading your recap ^o^) This is what I expected when I first heard the cast and the story. I dig this Jung In much more than the first 10 episodes. Ah, if only he’s this awesome from the start, we would get our heart thumping who-to-love-more earlier… no robot boy in sight, no afraid-of-daddy in this episode… he’s finally his own guy, and THAT I love.

    I’ve always loved the MR-MG moments from the start… their chemistry is just so real. And their scenes together in this episode were so much fun and so hilarious that my puppies were all looking at me in alarm when they heard me laughing like a loon. The nose twitching as they peeked from the trash bin? ROFL… it’s a gem. And my heart was awww-ing too when MuGyul wiped MaeRi’s face with that small gentle smile on his face… ah, this is also my OTP this year.

    But what made this episode so winning for me was the MG-JI competition scene. Aside from the end of ep 3, this is the first time I love them in a scene together. Because OMG, just how CUTE they could possibly be!!! And when JI heard MG’s labored breathing and being told it’s not a good time to call… ROFLLLL… I’ve been re-watching these scenes and cracked a rib every time ^O^ Oh, MG, JI, what did MaeRi do in her previous life to be able to choose between the two of you…

    I hope MG-MR would persevere till the end, because they truly made for each other. MR’s wide smile when she saw him and his evolving because of her really warmed my heart.
    6 more days to see what our headless chicken would do. I can’t wait!! ^.^

  20. oh koala.. thank you very much for the recap… thank you, new writer-shi for giving us this ep – it’s hilarious.. so many funny moments but meaningful as well. my thoughts while watching >

    the dumpster scene – i was like eppppppp.. (and yuckkkkk which is apt considering RL dumpster) luckily it’s just a prop (looks realistic enough). i wonder what will they do next to top this, seriously! where can one hide in MG’s place? unless MR call JI to the rescue again?

    i wonder if anybody can share a cap of MR’s cute morning hair – gaddd it’s so big, reminds me on of those sailormoon characters.. the scene itself was cute – they are so adorable..

    and happy to see that Her Highness is back to being herself again – note that she only has something flurry on her head.

    i hope someone can do something to the manager – she’s annoying. do we really need her?

    • and my heart actually skip fa bit when MG called out MR formally with that kind of gloomy(?) look on his face. for a moment there i thought MG gonna say something devastating becos of the earlier scene with his friendsbut luckily that doesn’t happen (yet) only to realized that he was jealous.

      well, he should be cos JI is awesome.. seriously, JI should get his own drama, playing this version and get the girl. i watched one of his BTS, i think now he looks more like his own self off-camera, im not complaining at all…

      usually by the final 2 weeks i’d be slowly weaning myself from the drama i’m watching. so far, i’m not following the pattern. that’s a good sign.. i think!

      • wow.. thanks ever so much… isn’t she cute? of course she is (i seriously am gushing here)

        to think that she’s the same person in CS *shudder*

  21. i’m excited to see your recap and comments and skimming through all the other comments (oooooohhhh, iri, you bad girl, you!); workin’ right now but will come back; one thing i wanted to say about MG is that i think MG IS a loyal and a stick-to-it kind of guy, who IS reliable and in his own way he’s enabled his band mates to earn money; i think he has the talent and potential to make a lot of money! so money isn’t the problem for MG. maybe MG is a closed-off, but all these characters have corresponding problems in regards to forcing themselves to do things they don’t want to do…it might be that i’m only depending on translations and not getting the real sense of things, but i’m also wondering how the actors are playing this? Especially how the actor playing JI is playing it? From the beginning episodes, especially that one where JI comes in on MR and devil dad flicking checkers off the board, i sensed that JI was not just intrigued by MR, but almost like a kid in school, he wanted to be her friend because she got along with his father, whom he admires and loves. in that scene, you could see a light in his eyes like he was wishing he could play with them too. i always had a sense of him as a really nice guy, but like MG, walled off. bye for now!

  22. Koala, keep thinking and writing as long speeches as you can, pretty please, this was an amazing recap of yours, i enjoy and love every word of it almost as i enjoy and love every second of this epi.
    i must admit i liked ji son much in this epi, he and mg together are wonderful, love every scene with them.
    but i stick to mg, he and mary are so in love and so natural and so meant for each other. and mg is adorable and cute and a pretty pretty thing, if all of you want a ji for yourselves, that’s fine, cause then mg can be only mine 😉
    love the way the drama is developping, too sad I have to wait until monday for my next shot, and sadder it will end in 2 weeks. can’t I hope for an extension, can i? seems to me with this new writter I need more epis
    mary christmas indeed!!!!

    • may i say for the first time i hate mg’s friends. he gave up so many chances because of them, and now they turn their backs to him!!!!

      • I didn’t like them at that moment either. I thought it was funny how they can say that to him, but like some episodes back didn’t they say he should change his appearance

      • i don’t like MG’s friends’ reaction in this Ep too. Come on, an indie band music composer can only make rock music? isn’t a great music composer one who is flexible and able to produce songs in different styles i.e. rock, sentimental etc? why limit oneself to only one style?

        what goes deeper is that, as someone whose life is about making music, his bandmates’ reaction is a big blow to MG, who starts to think about whether he has lost direction in his music, and starts to doubt himself…. i don’t think this should be a big concern… as a composer, it is natural to make different kinds of music at different stages of their life / experience, isn’t that the case?

  23. although we may not care the nitwits loser mom n dad, not even teenie weenie little bit… but there is a possibility that they would hook up together…they would make a suitable couple altogether…both are losers! LOL!

    And I totally agree that the new writer has done pretty well so far to develop the characters further and not beating round the bush plot! Love to sweet and funny moments with the two guys….and if JI is not hooked up to anyone in …then I am all yours JI/KJW oppa!

    Lee Ahn is just another jealous guy seeing that SJ is getting media attention albeit he is a Hallyu star….but I think there might be some feeling creeping him up for liking SJ.. else why is he so fixated to allow the first scandal to happen?

    I am looking for a good assassin to assassinate devil dad? anyone game…and I hope no one here would let this out and hand me to the authorities….LOL!

    I have not seen the raw but just read this recaps ..wonderfully written as it always has…..and it really cracked me up …right smack in my office where I should be doing my work….hahahahahaha…I thoroughly enjoyed this and how here I go again…how am I to survive the next 6 days….*sigh*

  24. Heart warming!Really meant for a cold December skies… As I have stated in this episode preview, this is so far my most favorite part, like a psycho that I am laughing out loud alone in the deep of the night into that upsurge of male egos trying to upstage one another., ha ha.
    TRUE to your every word ockoala, it’s a welcome change for the new scriptwriter, who did stirred the story a lot closer to the manhwa, in the sense that Mary is adored by both male leads. One cannot do without the other as they bring out the best of one another in terms of “who will be chosen by Mary?” Mu Gyul of course is already in the lead but Jung In proves to be a worthy opponent.
    I see another looming probability that Jung In would stir a conflict with his father when he seems to be suspicious of that certain affinity his father had for Mary’s mother as to why he kept her picture in his wallet after all this years and he’s not her wedded husband at all. Why would he fulfill something that his father was not able to accomplish? (he divorced his beloved mom right?) In the end what would be more rewarding than Mary’s affection (which is full blown towards Mu Gyul though she might consider Jung In from time to time) than his father’s sincere love and approval for his son, Jung In was dying to attain. That would be a happy ending for him.
    (I’m convincing myself somehow coz my heart wants to award Mary to Jung In but I would never want to hurt Mu Gyul, and I don’t want Jung In to end up with Seo Jun either, her character is too pretentious that you’ll hate her guts)

  25. Oh In case you might wonder why into the deep of the night would I be watching this and suffer some lack of sleep (Mondays and Tuesdays) it’s because of our different time zone it’s already the 15th of December here!!
    More power to all M3 lovers 3<

  26. You’ve got me worried now. Are we going to have to chain you to the right ship? You’re practically the president of Team Holiday Couple!! YOU CANNOT WAVER!!

    Lovely recap. 😛

  27. thanks for da recap..if u ever noticed my comment b4..I would always read ur recap f1st b4 watching da raw vids x)
    Totally agree with u.. Maeri cn have Mugyul all by herself.. I want Jung In!!After ep11..I was so blown away with his changed of attitude and stuff. His character used to be so gloomy and hardly smile..But now,the new writer made his character more interesting.
    Can’t wait for da last 4 eps of M3…and of course as usual, I’ll check out ur recap f1st.
    Thank you so much ^^

  28. thank u koala for your recap!
    because without u i can´t barely understand a thing !!!!!!!
    ooooo im loving it !!!!!
    MSOAN is sooooo cool right now!!
    back to basics!!!!!!!!!!
    thats what we need….
    simplicity makes everything and im really loving the way Jung In is acting right noW!!!
    oooo what a choise if i was mary!! i was sooooo mad because i want them both !!!!
    i cannot pick one!!!

  29. This ep just re-confirmed that Kim Jae Wook can more than hold his own again the two Geuns. 🙂 How awesome is he and how well he nuances his own character. He is more than just a detached businessman who treats this as a deal to go through and he more than sees it – he caught sight of Maeri’s mom photo in his dad’s wallet (OK – SERIOUSLY CREEPY for maeri is a clone of her mom!!!).

    Why does Maeri like Mu Gyul? Sure, he stirs feelings in her. And its her First Love. But what else Maeri? I can see how her face lights up when MG is around, but maybe, a bit more than just first love crushy mush would hem this in for me. 😛

    As for JI – you wear awesome like its your skin… under the half-open bathrobe.. tempting 😛

  30. A real love relationship involves intimacy, passion and commitment…I am sure that MG and MR’s relationship is heading towards this direction…

    MG and MR, for me, is the best K-drama couple of the year (even if the writer would decide to ship MR with JI)…

    Thanks again, Ockoala for a great recap…I love your writing style…Mary Christmas to you!!!

  31. gaah!! your recaps are simply DELIGHTFUL! 😀 i havent even watched ep10 yet, and recap of ep12 is already up!! hurraaahhh!! THANKYOU!!!!!

    it does seem like there is a lot of scurrying with regards to jumping ship – i’m a MG-MR supporter through and through, but i have to admit that even just reading your recap, i’m not surprised ppl are jumping ship! This new JI is totally adorable – and *shock-horror* is actually capable of different emotions other than stoic acqueiscence!! it’s a shame we’re only seeing the other dimensions to JI now – it would have been nicer to have him come out of this robotic shell sooner and show us more of his adorable dorkiness (and ultimately provide a realistic catalyst for MR to really decide which guy is for her — well at least in the earlier episodes). in any case, i suppose some things are better late than never!!

    thanks again Koala for your recaps and sundry posts on M3 — definitely makes my watching experience all the more fun. (i wish i found your site whilst i was watching PK – i’m sure i would have enjoyed it all the more, seeing as i’m having a BLAST with watching M3 in tandem with your recaps/posts!)

    keep it up & cant wait to see what other M3 goodies you’ve got in store for us! (YAY!)

    • Oh man, you really missed out. AKP was an insane, happy, boating-frenzy, robot boy loving playground during the Playful Kiss days, which lasted almost 3 months since I recapped even the Youtube episodes. Some of the recaps have comments in the hundreds, mostly by three or four happy PK-ers (we all know who you are and, I love you cutie pies lots).

      TBH, the level of readership of my M3 posts are higher than my PK posts, but PK appears to have a much more fervent following, hence the comments are exponentially greater.

      Sad you missed out on PK with us. It was an amazing experience. And made me hate monkeys.

      • yeah i figured as much re AKP being a fun place during PK days. i might just have to re-live it and watch the entire show again, and read your re-caps (and hopefully catch a glimpse of all the fun in AKP from that time! hehehe)… actually now that i think about it, i dont think i’ve had the chance to finish all the Youtube specials (as i got caught up with M3).. hmm, looks like i’ve got some digging to do in your archive of posts! yay! hehehe…!

        ps. monkeys??? why hate monkeys?

  32. I think to this point, I’ve really been able to see how much Mu-gyul needs Mae-ri, but it’s been harder to see how Mae-ri needs Mu-gyul. Especially since Ms. New Writer has stepped up the game with respect to Jung In. (I mean, first a whole library, then turning it into her bedroom, and then leaving her personalized notes in all the books? Be still my heart. I would have run out the door and jumped his bones right there, that is so hot. Yes, I’m a book nerd, and proud.) But I sat and thought about it for awhile, and I just don’t get the “potential lover” vibe from Jung In, and I have to say it’s because I don’t think Jung In knows who he is yet, and by that I mean the him that isn’t defined by his father. I think he needs to find that out before he can really fall in love and have what Mae-ri and Mu-gyul have. Neither one of them strikes me as being particularly unsure of themselves or their identities.

    After being inspired by our lovely MM couple, I had to sit down and write a post about my favorite kdrama couples. This is what I said about MM: “These two need to be together, for reasons beyond story constraints. Not only can they understand and commiserate with each other because of their shared history of crappy parents, having to not only raise themselves but also their respective parents, needing to grow up too quickly starved for affection and consistency; not only can they understand each other because of that, but they can heal each other. Mu-gyul needs someone to commit to him 100%, to love him unconditionally and wholly, to think about him and look after him, and to be a consistent well of warmth and care; Mae-ri needs someone she can rely on, someone who will shoulder responsibility and work hard, someone she can share her dreams with who will encourage her and help her to fulfill them, someone she can be herself around. They both need someone who is loyal and trustworthy. And that’s what they are for each other. I am 100% onboard with this pairing; you couldn’t make a case to me that anyone else in the universe would be as good with these people as they are with each other. Honestly, I love their relationship so much, I might even love it more than the characters themselves.”

    • May I add that MR needs to be needed. In JI’s home, she is not needed. She’s more like a fixture. She is happiest when she is giving and doing. MG needs her and he appreciates and gets excited about what she does for him, like the knitting and cooking. She loves that he loves it.

      • yeah yeah….in JI’s house MR do nothing and she not comfortable with that and in MG’s house she very needed and she happy doing it, back when she cooking for him after she saw MG kissed by SJ..come one, where in this planet that A girl willing to cook for her bf after she saw that? if its me I will barge in and say something but no!MR still cooking as she promise although she a bit sad to see that…so there more reason why MR should be with MG, MG you better not gave her up just because you think you’re not deserved her

  33. ockoala, I’m so grateful to have your recaps to tie my over until the English subs of MSOAN comes out, it’s a true delight to read your recaps and squeeing through all the details in them 🙂

  34. u know.. ur recap really made my day! hehehe! i really love dis drama..
    dis new writer does made a change in M3.. i like how dorky JI is..! i like how this story will go.. be4 dis i think dat i can survive the week without watching M3 but now i know that i cant!! your recap n this drama are getting better n better n 16 episode are just too short! i want moreeeee!!!! help!!

  35. I can see you are enjoying doing the recap, just as much as we like reading them…I hope you feel the appreciation to continue all the hard work… you are awesome!

    Btw, what does OTP stand for? Thanks again.

  36. Thank you ockoala!! I really love the way you narrate the story.. It’s as good as watching it (but I think the cloud 9 feeling is different when you watch the drama..heheh). I’m really excited to watch the episodes with english subs. I hope the new writer is the writer from the start,watcha think? but anyway, M3 was really great.. love it so much!!

  37. Thank you for your awesome recaps.
    Finally, the drama’s back where it should be. I like comical kind of funny scenes since the show adapted from rom-com manwha, it wpuldn’t hurt to got some.

    I’m absolutely in team MG. I like his character. He may not seem like husband material (yet), but he got potential. He’s just 24(in Korean, so 23 in western) and got to know MR for about couple months. If it’s not about marriage contract, even not a free-spirit guys won’t consider about marriage yet. MG and MR need time to develop their relationship. If he got the right girl(like MR), he’ll be very loyalty to her. You can see how he showed loyalty to his mom and his bandmates.

    Since I’m team MG, it doesn’t mean I hate JI. I start to like him after he came to his sense with the new screenwriter. with the old one, JI’s character confused me. whether he’s calm, reserved, and emotionless or hot-temper, low self-esteem guy. for example, he threw his fist to MG, fought with him, but let his dad controled him, slapped him in the face(and in public). his role was just a jealous inducer to MG’s love for MR in the past. Now, he’s shine on his own and makes us swoon for him.

    • I’m liking that we have a better understanding about JI that he is helping MR with MG. What makes it funny is that MR and JI know, but no one has told MG.

      So now we see JI having fun pushing MG’s buttons, and visa versa, but I think that part of JI’s reaction is that he, like a brother, doesn’t trust MG that he won’t corrupt sweet, innocent MR… especially like in the heavy breathing scene. It seems that he is also becoming more attached to MR, if not in a love sense, definitely in a protective sense.

  38. “That means all the parents will end up in the bottom of the ocean, where even the fishes won’t nibble on them because they are so very toxic.”

    – LOL, couldn’t agree more! i really, really don’t want to see these parents ever again. hope they’ll get out of their kids’ life, esp MG’s mother who really ups my blood pressure!

  39. lol.. more than looking for a place to hide.. i think they’re also trying to figure out how to hide all of mae ri’s stuff, evidence of the fact that she’s moved in there…

    thanks very much for the recap! 🙂

  40. Thanks for the recap, this is the first time for me to tailing tight a drama, normaly I might aware about a drama once it’s no longer broadcasted and since I am not a native korean, your recap help me a lot to understand the plot before the eng sub released.

    Back to business, is it possible to fall in love with 2 person in the same time ? At first I really fall for MG, now JI changes a lot and hardly not to jumping to Jung In-MR’s ship. Being loyal is hard to do, the temptation is too massive.
    Whenever Jung In smirks, my heart pound faster and whenever MG show his sweetness and jealously ..just steal my heart over and over again (blaaahh soo cheesy but so dang true)

    Starting from episode 11 till 12, i start to feel any winner will be suit for MR, but still, both heroes need to change, either more mature (MG) or more brave to speak up to devil and loser dad (JI). It’s really interesting, all of them can uniquely complete each other. Really hard to decide between JI and MG, Mae Ri …pick one and i’d love to take the rest

  41. Thank you for the great recaps. It really made my wonderful day!!!! very enjoy when read recaps & comment.
    I think all of 4 leaders (MG, MR, GI, SG)have parent’ s problem too. So they want someone sharing to care and love them by sincerity. At first MR. is the only one that can heal the others . Now JI, MG can too. May be 4 of them will be very very the best friends and working the “wonderful day!” very very successful. Finally both MG and GI are good enough for MR to choose (or not) one for marriage. And happy ending.
    The new writers made me fun and happy by creation new looks of them.
    Thanks again, Ockoala …I love your recaps…Mary Christmas to you!!!

  42. This is one of the best part! I love how the story became so clear. Because I got really confused with the story from the last few episodes. And now it’s back on track. Especially how Jung In shows more reaction. And damn he’s freaking so adorable. I just can’t wait for the next episodes. Love your recaps by the way. ^__^ And well done for the new writer for adding more spice to this drama.

  43. Thank you so much for the recap!!! What a great way to start the day lol I’m downloading episode 12 as I type…

    What can I say the show really became alive, too bad it’s this late but heh like they say: better late than never! I’m really enjoying this drama, I’m kinda sad for MG, I feel that he’s starting to realize that love isn’t enough and that JI can provide everything he can’t for his dear MR… *sigh* but I enjoyed these last episode immensely! Can’t add anything you haven’t said and I enjoye your thoughts as much as the recap itself!

    OooO this? “That means all the parents will end up in the bottom of the ocean, where even the fishes won’t nibble on them because they are so very toxic.” Lol and I hope loser daddy and “slut hoe bag” mommy will get together and put each other through H-E-L-L!!

    Have a good day!

    • I noticed that the second time around… When MG is talking to MR

      and she is telling she has a surprise and stays up all night knitting. He asks if he likes it and she seems to. He gets angry and tells her if she likes it that much she can just stay there forever.

      It’s when he hangs up, that he looks around his apartment. The first time I thought it was him being alone. Then I realized that it was his realization that he had nothing to give MR. It was at that point he sat down to compose and work.
      Good MG… becoming a man.

  44. Dear Ockoala,
    Your intro of this recap make me happy because could accept for JI&MI as a OTP.
    I really want to read this recap epi 12, because u said if was fun to watch…
    But I was so busy at work today we got Chirstmas Party today and things to prepare ect….. I am so tired and sleepy now….
    I will read that on Friday…. I promise…..
    I know I am too late ….. but very busy these days….
    Thanks so much for your speedy recaps, goodies and preview….
    I love it…..

  45. ……. after re thinking….. in eps 4, MG conversation with his mom about which is more important : love, faith and hope. He said: loyalty. And Mary said to MG: a family lives for loyalty.

    In eps 11, she said to JI…. what she felt to him is loyalty . So? Family = Jung In? Love = MG. She love MG but because the important thing in family in loyalty, then choose JI?

    (yeah… it’sso obvious that I’m JI shipper *big grin…. don’t kill me, please)

    • I’m with you reverie hehe….maybe the new nice writer who obviously loves Jung In too will give us Jung In shippers a Xmas present and path the way in the next four eps to a totally unexpected ending….Mae Ri chooses Jung In in the end…won’t that be an awesome twist? LOLOL

    • Noooooo, you can be loyal to many but you can truly love one person, and that’s mu gyul. don’t make me suffer like this
      i’m 500% team mu gyul!!!!

    • NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! that doesn’t mean MR will choose JI…our merry Christmas must be with our new year…I love JI but MG&MR is the OTP

      • he..he..he.. well…. a girl can dream can they? at least before the end of this series….. ^__^ *dreaming that Jung In have a homey honeymoon with Mary cooking for him….. (high five @maysengger)

    • Hey Reverie, your thought was really good….
      We don’t know how will drama going to end but who knows …….
      I won’t kill u…… hahahah….
      I had already said that before in this playground, I don’t mind M3 end up with 2 OTP….. either pair….. OHHHHHH dear, I cannot wait till final epi16…….

  46. Loved this episode! OMG…I cracked up so hard at the car scene with JI & MG as well! They were hilarious, but especially JI…he was so funny! And of course, loved all the cute, adorable, & sweet moments between Mary & MG. They’re so cute and fluffy, I just wanna pinch them! LOL

    Kim Jae Wook needs his own drama…dammit! It’s loooooong overdue! Can’t wait till Monday!

  47. The story goes like this…MG was the illegitimate son of JI dad. So MG is the real son whereas JI is the adopted son. Mary is also the illegitimate son of JI dad with Mary mom. So MG and Mary are brother and sisters and obviously Mary will marry JI. As MG has become a rich man son, SG family accepted him and they get back together. Story ends.

    • LOL! How about MG is the illegitimate son of JS, and JI gets JS to agree that when his son marries MR, he will stop threatening to discontinue funding and the dads agree to leave MG alone and treat him well.

      Fast forward to the wedding and the groom is MG with all the appropriate proof. Dads are tricked because JI didn’t state who the son was. They just assume and have to accept HAHA! How ’bout that for an ending?

      • lol, i read a situation like this in a book before…
        where one turns out to be the real prince and the other one was the half-brother… when the girl found out, she made them both stand at the altar and had the ceremony started… and said she’d choose when the officiant starts with her vows.

    • Wow!!! If story turns the way you described, that will be huuuuuuge twist!
      It is possible though that MR is JI’s dad illegitimate daughter because of the very odd insistence of JI’s dad to have JI mary MR. But it will be a huuuuuuuuge let down if MG is ends up with SG.

      Still I appreciate your proposed story line. Cheers!

  48. Or it could be an ending where there’s no ending LOL…she entwines her arms with BOTH guys and they walk off laughing maerily together….like in My Love Patzzi (spelling??) that annoying Korean drama where I was rooting for the rich guy throughout and she chose the poor guy and in the last scene, she can’t make up her mind who to choose so she chose BOTH! Silliest ending ever!

    • oh, gahd… i’m a MR/MG shipper, but i’d rather she choose JI (or some random nobody she hits with a bike later in life) than nobody… closure is important!!! XD

    • second to this!!! my love patzzy ending!!!
      better than worst Korean ending where it turns out three of them are sibling? (eh how?) . to bad this is not Japanese drama where (sometimes) you can see the ending from the opening/poster. Becozzzz…. in one of the promo picture, it shows clearly that SJ link her arm with MG aaaand our Mary with JI. *gyaaah… how many days it is till Monday?

  49. Surprisingly, with all the awesomeness happening in ep 11 and ep 12, I don’t really know how I want this drama to end. With previous episodes, I’m all for OTP all the way, but yet, with the potential of strong friendship bonds forming between JI/MR and even JI/MG (their moments together are not only just LOL, but also fees like best buds fighting for the same girl, yet at the end of the day, remaining as best buds despite the outcome). At this rate, I might be even happier with an ending that doesn’t really focus much on the story of OTP, but rather an ending that focuses on how each of them are finally able to break free from the bondages / burdens of their parents, and finally choose to live their lives in their own terms

    • Oops, realised my mistake in my phrasing of words after I posted, what I meant was, at the rate of the potential blossoming of the relationships and friendships in this love triangle, I might rather see an ending that focuses on how each of them are finally able to break free from the bondages / burdens of their parents, and finally choose to live their lives in their own terms instead of an ending that focuses on the OTP.

      • I totally agree with that, I don’t want happy MG/MR if JI doesn’t tell his dad to stick it, just as I don’t want MR/JI if poor MG is left with no resolution regarding his mother, his music, his ex (move on!!!!) and his (not so loyal) bandmates!

  50. somewhere in the earlier episode, Mary teased MG that he might be a billionaire son. I believe the story will turn out this way. MG is the son of JI’s dad. JI’s dad also carry Mary mom photo in his wallet and so determined to make Mary his daughter-in-law, so Mary could oso be his daughter because he knows Mary mom before Mary dad marries her. Anyway whichever the ending, it is just the 4 of them. you just have to pair them up. Will JI go with SG? Very unlikely.

  51. Koala, you are so adorable! I love the way you wrote your recap for this episode. Been waiting for this like “forever” lol. Well, it seemed like it’s been “forever” but no hehe. Was just getting crazy watching the raw video of M3 and couldn’t understand a thing 🙁 you’re my life-saver koala! Thanks so much!!!! Luv u for being so nice to us who are drama crazy fanatics and for being so truly adorable today 🙂 did I told you that I loved your recaps? 🙂 always did and always will 😉

  52. Your recaps are excellent! I feel like I’m talking about the show with a friend over sbux when I read them. I don’t have any friends near who like dramas, so I only get to squeee with you and the other repliers.

    Even though I can now watch the drama (and I do, in Korean and then with subtitles – don’t judge), I still read your recaps. haha Great Job! Can’t wait to “watch” some more shows with you!

  53. for some strange reason after reading this line “Jung In wants to hear the new tempo of the song right now” made me think of shipping Jung In w/Mu Gyul LOL.

  54. I want in this drama there’s an ep that they’ll get a real marrige, wonder how they manage with full of cuteness to handle it or maybe they get a adorable child to end happy ending…love it…

    • yeah yeah…me too….I want that to happen..its so rarely in drama where the main OTP get married and they show it, and how their live after marriage although just a glimpse with their kids…

  55. Thanks ockoala for the very entertaining recap of ep 12! I laughed so hard just reading your descriptions. Then I laughed again when I watched the raw episode!
    JI’s diving into his bed after hanging up the phone with MG was sooooo funny!
    I too am now anxiously wanting to know how MR and MG going to escape from being discovered by MR’s dad. Or if they are discovered, what will happen? Aaaghhh!!!
    Will MR be shipped to a far away place? Will MG be put in jail? How will JI come to the rescue? Any theories?

    Just curious, has the ratings for M3 improved for episode 12?

    BTW, love the new banners! Keep up the excellent work! 🙂

    • Hey guys, how about this ending? MG gets thrown into jail, Jung In and Mae Ri come to rescue him, Jung In arrives first (cos Mae Ri RAN all the way to jail) in his posh sedan, strolls coolly to MG’s cell where MG is gnashing his teeth in fury, Jung In stares at MG silently, MG stares back sullenly, they stare at each other for a good twenty seconds, romantic background music swells to a crescendo, Jung In slowlyyyy reaches out his hand, MG stares at the hand, stares into Jung In’s eyes, then stretches out his own hand and clasps Jung In’s hand tightly like he’s never going to let it go…..Mae Ri dashes in breathlessly (she’s been running non-stop for 1 hour) at that very moment, but the two guys are oblivious to her presence, she stares at their clasped hands, looks from one to the other, understanding slowly dawns on her face, she gasps, a tear rolls down her cheek, she turns away dejected, and walks slowly away….MG’s deep voice saying over and over, “Jung In ah Jung In…..”, Jung In smiles slowlyyyyy and strokes MG’s cheek tenderly…LOL

      • LOL! But that is one ridiculous proposed ending! 🙂 LOL again
        Ok, I know there are shippers for MG-JI who might support your proposed ending…Thanks for making me laugh.


      • it is really LOL,
        now u remind me PK moments……
        good on u mayssenger, my niece next to me, now she is laughing with me together….. LOL LOL LOL
        I hope u can make all of us more LOL LOL LOL, as much as u like.
        I don’t mind at all.

    • Rating ep.12 just 5 Source: TNS Media Korea
      Episode ratings for the KBS2 drama Mary Stayed Out All Night
      Date Episode Nationwide Seoul
      2010-11-08 01 6.7 (<7.7)
      2010-11-09 02 7.0 7.3 (20th)
      2010-11-15 03 8.7 (15th) 8.8 (13th)
      2010-11-16 04 7.0 7.1 (20th)
      2010-11-22 05 7.1 (19th) 7.2 (18th)
      2010-11-29 06 6.6 (<8.1)
      2010-11-30 07 7.1 7.4 (19th)
      2010-12-06 08 5.6 (<7.5)
      2010-12-07 09 5.1 (<7.3)
      2010-12-13 10-11 5.6 (<7.8)
      2010-12-14 12 5.0 (<8.1)
      2010-12-20 13
      2010-12-21 14
      2010-12-27 15
      2010-12-28 16

      • it’s getting lower and lower rank but I don’t care, I enjoy and love this drama above all…I wish they give ranks based on international viewer??that would make MSOAN have good ranked..

  56. hi koala,
    thank you for the nice recap you wrote on episodes 10, 11 and 12. I just love it.
    the drama is getting more interesting. gosh! jung in is a perfect guy, but i would very much like maeri to end up with MG. i hope the next episodes will lead the drama in the direction where MG will take his career as a singer and composer seriously, opening great opportunities for him to improve financially. it would be no fun if he marries maeri in his current financial state.
    i am hoping that in the next episodes, maeri will turn out to be a good drama writer and MG a great composer/singer and jung in a successful director. i also would not dream of Jung In ending up with Seo Jin in this drama. Jung In deserves a better girl, yay!

  57. Question: the blood sucking thingie – i know some would call it “unhygenic” but that’s a normal reaction, right? if it’s just a prick (i do embroidery so i had my share of it) the most common reaction is to put pierced finger in mounth and wipe the blood out like that? i do not find it weird at all.

    unless of course if it’s a gash on the forhead – the skin break of course you’d need plaster.

    ah well, i think i’m gonna stay here for a while..

    • yep….I think its natural instinct we all do…and its cute when MR do that to MG..good for you..stick here more, we can be crazy together for this drama..

      • yes, i think it’s best to stay here with M3 lovers.

        i’m all for MG/MR but i still want the best for MR. first love is great but is it THE only one worth having & fighting for?

      • It will be worthed if MG shows that he’s worthed to be fight over.not giving up easily,drop easily skinship with any girl and can answer MR’s question until when MG will only like her and wont see another girl with ‘forever’ and I can see he’s heading to that little by little..after all he never learn how to love,show affection,be loyal,commitment and fight for your love until he met mary.

  58. I give the new writer props for trying to undo the old writer’s nonsense. She’s doing the rest with what she got handed. The change was definitely good. I can’t wait for them to move on from the same plot lines. But dude, I was a bit bored in episode 1o. I hated seeing mae ri mope around for the whole episode. Loser daddy is not as annoying in the past 2 episodes, but that may be because he’s not featured as much. I wish Jung In was written this way before, not 1D.

    Again, Tx koala for the recap! You and everyone else makes being addicted to this drama so much more fun

  59. After enjoying another witty and very funny and well-written recap, I just want to thank you very much and tell you that I wait for the new episode of M3 (I am completely in love with the drama) as much as for your recap. Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts, they always make me laugh. In today’s recap I especially like the prospect of sending all the parents to the ocean bottom 🙂 I am there with you.

    Thank you again…

  60. Our ultimate OTP MR and MG simply have to be together blissfully right up to the end and happily ever after. NO other alternative conclusion to M3 would even be remotely acceptable!

  61. hello.. i’m already found your recap. oh, i love it. thank you. it’s so meaningful since the video on youtube has been blocked. so, thank you thank you thank you so much..
    PS: i’m not good at writing in english, so i’m sorry if i make lot of mistake.

  62. great recap as usual, OC! I definitely agree that M3 seems more about My-gyul’s growth than anything else. And i’m totally with you on needing Mary to progress from puppy love to real love. If not, i won’t buy it when they get together in the end. I think they all need to make sacrifices and big decisions and big changes – Seo Jun and Jung-In included. I just wish Seo-Jun’s hang ups didn’t revolve around Mu-Gyul though – there’s so much more in her life that needs work on, so it kills me to see her so clingy when even if they got back together, she wouldn’t be better off for it.

    I am seriously tempted to take the M3 sub files, construct an English script of the drama and edit it to my own liking, because there are a lot of potential conflicts and plot points that i felt were pushed aside for more trivial ones. that being said, the new writer seems to be picking up on this, so I anticipate only good things as we get to the end. even though i have no idea what the heck is going to happen, lol.

    P.S. I like new Jung-In. Ballsy and taking initiative and smart, just like i thought he would be. And emotional and dorky to boot! Shoot, I want him now – I wouldn’t even hate if Mary warmed up a little more to him in coming episodes – the kind of amazing husband he could be is really coming to the fore. It will be interesting to see how their relationship resolves itself. I feel like it would seem weird if he just bowed out gracefully at this point. He needs to make peace with it and not just disappear because he lost. Or maybe I just want Kim Jae-wook to give us more good scenes – his skills have finally come through in these last two episodes now he has more to work with. Jang Geun-Seok has the best material of everyone right now, and he’s owning it – I’d love to see KJW shine too.

  63. Thanks as always, for your amazing re-caps! I really love to read your thoughts on the story and the characters. It’s become part of my M3 viewing to watch the episode and then go check out your review and analysis.

    What a great episode this was. Something I don’t think you commented on, but which made a big impact on me was the scene where Jung-In notices the picture of Mae-Ri’s mother in his father’s wallet, and seemingly starts putting two and two together. His father didn’t get the girl, so his son will get the girl’s daughter, period. I feel like the knowledge of just why his father is pushing him so hard to be with this certain girl is a big key for him to be able to process not only his own feelings about things but to really understand just how manipulative his father is and just how little he actually cares about Jung-In’s feelings. I’m getting more and more indignant at Jung-In’s father as I type this, actually. At least Mae-Ri’s dad cares about his daughter, however misguided he may be. Jung-In’s father cares neither about his own son’s feelings, or the feelings of the daughter of the woman he professes to have loved so much. He only cares about himself.

    Also, and unrelatedly, Jung-In was so attractive in this episode. Moo-Kyul is more my type, with the long hair and the rocker clothes, but I love confident and capable Jung-In!

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