
Written Preview for Episode 8 of My Princess — 10 Comments

  1. Thanks very very much Ockoala for the preview!!

    I have just watched this weekend the first 6 episodes and I am already a devoted fan!!!! And the OST have me jumping higher every episode!! 🙂 So naturally I came here just in case and alas! I have already read all the post on MP 😀 Once again thank you very very much for all your hard work.

    I am with you about the characters being consistently developed this time around, which is a relief as in other series, one feels like being constantly in a roller coaster due to the changes 😛

    The only inconsistency I found was the relationship between Hae Young and Yoon Joo. I can’t make heads or tails out of their story. Once in a while he or she says that they are going to marry but they don’t seem to be even a tiny little bit affectionate towards each other. Not that I am complaining, as you have said, she can be eaten by aligators for all I care but….it does seem pretty odd.

    Anyway, as I’ve said, I am absolutely LOVING it!!!

  2. aww i saw ep8 preview and heard that Hae Young agreed to marry Yoon Yoo and he say it in front of Seol. :((( Oh my poor congchunim.
    But the kiss is so sweet. I’m really in love with this cute couple .

    • Agree. Park Hae Young and Oh Yoon Joo didn’t even kiss once from the very beginning yet they are engaged. Funny that Hae Young thought he was in love with Yoon Joo. Maybe being around the Princess is finally making him see the difference.

  3. Thanx for the ep8 will be a roller coster.I got the feeling that it is the change will happen as Seol taking step on her own even though the one she ask for help,the staffs,is not trustworthy.poor girl.I hope she will know who had two face hid between them..she only have Prof J and her chef and chairman.

  4. I just watched ep 7 and I absolutely loathe Yoon Joo. That woman is asking to be slapped. Right. Left. With a purse. Filled with coins. I still get why Hae-young doesn’t want Seol to be a princess but it’s getting harder and harder with each episode. I feel so sorry for Seol. Good thing she has the professor on her side, Gun, and the younger lady-in-waiting.

  5. Thanks for epi 8 preview, Ockoala.
    The story of MP is getting deeper and deeper.
    I am wondering now, how is HY true feeling toward YJ? He agrees with his grandpa that he will marry YJ in fornt of LS and Prof J. Epi 8 will be quiet interesting.
    Why HY only in press confr without LS?
    Oh………. I can’t wait to know all about it.

  6. Really? Hae Young is such a jerk. How can he act nice to her then suddenly “back-stab” her? I understand that his inheritance is on the line, but still. I hope Seol will be able to stand on her on two feet soon. She knows she can’t trust Hae Young and Yoon Joo.

  7. i don’t think he’s “backstabbing” her by doing the press conference in her place. in a sense, i think he’s protecting her. i just hope she doesn’t misunderstand his intentions. i cannot wait to see more LS & HY interactions! i’m excited to see how their love will develop. haha, it seems like HY is still in denial.. he needs to realize that he likes LS and not YJ

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