Kim Ha Neul and Jang Geun Seok Attend the Japan Press Conference for You’re My Pet
The K-movie adaptation of the manga Kimi wa Petto (You’re My Pet) is officially underway, as lead actors Kim Ha Neul and Jang Geun Seok hit the press conference in Japan to kick off the movie. Currently the movie is in the pre-production phase, but expect filming to commence in the Spring, and the movie to hit the theaters by the end of 2011.
I can’t say I have any interest in this movie (even with Jang Geun Seok onboard), because I don’t like the underlying manga and its premise, and for some reason I’m not getting any chemistry-filled vibes from the Kim Ha Neul-Jang Geun Seok pairing from looking at them together. However, I hope the movie turns out great for all the fans!
I must say that Jang Geun Seok looks so effortlessly charming with his Ivy League preppy outfit. I really want him to change his hairstyle, because I’m probably spoiled by how much I love Moon Geun Young’s newly shorn look, but I think it’s time for Jang Geun Seok to change his image as well.
I also have to say that I’m totally not digging Kim Ha Neul’s one-shouldered poufy print thingamabob of a dress. Very meh and not her best look by a long shot. But she is color-coordinated with her leading man, so I guess it’s alright.
Judging from Jang Geuk Seok’s schedule, You’re My Pet will probably be his only screen project in 2011. His CD drops at the end of the month, and he’s got fan meetings lined up the wazoo. I hope he has scheduled time to rest and hang out with friends.
[Credit: all pictures courtesy of the news agencies as marked]
She’s wearing a tablecloth.
Of course not. It’s a curtain. Joke. =D
You guys are too much…LOL
she’s wearing Stella McCartney (resort 2011)
LOL! I think others can pull it off (wearing that dress) it just didn’t look good on her. Maybe it’s will look good on teener’s or actress that is younger than her.
yea…Jang Geun Suk really does need to change his image…expecially his hair..though I think it may work here…I’m realy looking foreard to this since I loved the Jdorama…hoping for the best here!…I love how they all match here…does anyone know who the third guy is?…will he be playing her workplace senpai that she had a crush on?
read he’s from ft island
I read that Choi Jong Hoon will be playing Sumire’s younger brother?
I love his looks. so adorable and charming indeed :P. i read somewhere he looks like a teacher, but i think he looks like a cute student. so young, like Kim Ha Neul’s child instead of lover
i really want to see this movie only for jgs’ sake. hope it will succeed
Dude. It’s. Time. To. Cut. Your. Hair.
I forgot he was doing this movie.
Totally use to his girlish hair style now. but i kinda wish he went back to his short hair or his YAB hair.
Mmm, he does need to “hang out with friends.” At least, with ONE friend in particular, before we all die of suspense.
Everyone said the actress had to be tall, this woman is shorter than him. nope no sparks for chemistry but I hope she does a good job cause I know he will own the part. Can you imagine how adorable he would look with that suit and shorter hair? He looks good in preppy.
This is weird a You’re My Pet adaption without the female lead being taller and no Matsumoto Jun?….hmm I’m curious how this will turn out…I’m putting my faith on Jang Geun Seuk XD
Actually the Matsujun is taller than Koyuki (Sumire-chan). He’s 173cm and she’s 172. The used film “magic” to make him look so much shorter. I’m actually a big fan of Kimi wa Petto and the manga Tramps like Us. I’m afraid this movie might actually ruin the story for me but the JGS fangirl in me is still super excited!!!
huhu i watched jun version n imagine he will kiss n touchingher. gaah. but he deliver the young student image well.
Is JGS wearing a diamond stud or not?!? Well, anyways, hope this movie will turn out well. JGS, fighting!
and the three leads are wearing rings. Guess this is a current fad in Korea.
i love them both. will be waiting, and watching 🙂
At least they’re color-coordinated!
And btw, after what we’ve seen with the GeunGeun couple, I doubt we’ll ever find any of his new co-star to have a smidgen of…chemistry or of whatever it is they had. *sighs* We’ve been spoiled, chingoo.
Nah, I think JGS *could* have good (not mindblowing) chemistry with future co-stars. It’s just not sparking btw these two in particular.
I think the problem is KHN. I know not a single reel has filmed yet, but KHN is so hit and miss with her co-stars. I LOVED her with Lee Bum Soo in On Air (they had crackling chemistry – the scene at the airport in the last episode had me shivering from the angst KHN was bringing).
I think she needs a older co-star, TBH. She was fine with Kang Ji Hwan (both in 7th Level and in 90 Days), but there was nothing there with Yoon Kye Sang (or So Ji Sub, for the matter) in RN1.
“”She was fine with Kang Ji Hwan (both in 7th Level and in 90 Days), but there was nothing there with Yoon Kye Sang (or So Ji Sub, for the matter) in RN1.””
Yes, couldn’t see much chemistry btwn her and the 2 guys in RN1 esp. with super hot SJS. It just didn’t chime, I wonder why when she’s supposedly to be quite good actress..
I was going to watch RN1 and then, after reading the reviews it got, I skipped it. I was sad because I was looking forward to a drama with YKS and SJS.
I liked her with KJW, but then I think that had to do more with KJW than her. Heh
“”I think that had to do more with KJW than her”” Yes, ditto.
KJH is quite a charmer in his own right. that man has got a killer smile. Loved HGD ‘cos there was KJH and of course, that over-the-top adorable pretty boy, JGS.
@ockoala: yeh, you’re right . I was so looking forward to see Miss Kim H N with Yoon KS
in that movie because I love both of them . I was disappointed and even fast forward many scenes, they did not have good chemistry. Miss Kim HN needs a much older co-star or a co star with a tough image like Jang Hyuk . She and Jang Hyuk had very good chemistry back in the 2001 .
Yeah, I agree that the plot is really @_@. But it’s an actor’s paradise of a role, because based on acting ability the actor can make this role potentially loveable–just the way Matsumoto Jun did with the Japanese live drama version.
If I remember right, JKS grew his hair long specifically for this movie. And it was only because they didn’t film it last spring that he still had it for M3.
JGS’s smile is more beautiful than KHN’s. 😀 He has to be the most charming person in the world. I know he had this hairstyle for too long but I kind of love the romantic feeling it brings to me.
I am looking forward to watching this movie.
JGS’s smile is more beautiful than KHN’s.”” 100% agree.
the only actress’ smile that is as pleasant az his smile was park shin hye..I know most of you here are in geungeun Team but it’s fact and honestly I’v never been in PSH &JKS love team (Coz in my opinion pSH is a bit little young for him : i prefer shinwoo/minam ) anyway hopfuly You’r my pet would be hit!(but I have doubt)
park shin hye’ smile is as good his smile but it’s obviouse she looks young for him esp for jks new image…
hold on! is that guy in the last picture (on the right) from F.T. Island?!
Yeah he is FTisland’ Leader!
I for one love JGS with the long hair. And folks, he’s keeping the hair because it was grown for this very project in the first place. Just happened to work out well for MMM.
KHN looks like she ate Ramen last night and it doesn’t help her when she stands next to JGS. He is prettier than 95% of all women.
Umm… i hope it doesn’t ruin the manga….
Momo is supposed to be shorter than Sumire and has a bit of muscle since he lifts ballerinas… JGS better start pumping iron since there’s nothing he can do about his height… and Sumire is like the Sandra Bullock character in The Proposal… All the best to KHN… hard character to portray… Hard on the outside but super jelly soft on the inside….
Love the manga to bits… so I’m not gonna watch the movie until I read good reviews about it.
In the Jdorama adaptation, Momo never danced with ballerinas – they built it in as part of his reasoning for doing modern dance (i.e., him being to short for ballet). So, JGS body image (as far as that goes) doesn’t worry me – I heard he had started training in dance a few months ago so hopefully he has the basic movements and fluidity down.
I think the height (and beauty) difference is more an issue – it is one of the central social problems that Sumire faces and has to deal with in her professional and personal life. Momo is supposed to represent everything that she is not, and that she “shouldn’t” want.
They are difficult characters to portray – without other issues to contend with. I agree with Koala that there seem to be a lack of chemistry; and, it doesn’t help that he’s prettier than her (something I’m hoping they’ll fix with makeup).
I wish they would show the other male lead though. He’s integral to the story and character development of the two leads.
She’s not pretty. What’s the fun in watching if through out the movie you feel sorry for him.
i thought it was just me and my perspective. i thought KHN is not beautiful … a bit plain really, and looks different from other pics i’ve seen where she looks quite glam. what went wrong where??
I totally agree with you LAST SENTENCE .. he need it, especially ‘hang out’ with his mong-mong :p
I love that look of suits him very well and i like how he styled his hair like that, so cool! Uh and that killer smile of his..dang! Abt his LL, saw her movie before with the cutie KDW, they look good together. But them in this movie..not feeling it, sorry.
will okoala do the recaps for You’re My Pet, just like MMM?? heeeee ^^
I love okoala!!!