
Best Love Episode 1 Recap — 28 Comments

    • It’s the fake name BL gave Kim Nam Gil, since they couldn’t exactly refer to him by his real name. So the actor who played Bidam is some dude name Kim Joon Sang. Very meta-within-meta.

      • good thing you explained that cause I actually googled that name up and there is an actor by that name. LOL, i was confused cause queen seon deok was not listed as a drama he was in.

  1. I’m officially in love with YOU. And I’m very much liking it so far though I watched it raw. Yay!!! Fighting ockoala ^^

    • “He then heads to take our obligatory fan service shower ” They’re using this scene to show us his surgery scar.

  2. I only read the first part of the recap cos i’m a spoilerphoebe but I’m glad and SO relieved to hear it’s as good as we hoped it’d be. Cant’ wait to watch it.

    PS: wait. You didn’t like MGIAG? I thought it was the best romocm of 2010 Though I do agree it had many, maaaaany flaws.

  3. Where’s Belleza when I need her? ALAS! POOR BIDAM! I was so stunned by the sudden appearance of Bidam that I paused it and then when I heard the line about ruining his career I just about keeled over.

    CSW is a riot. The little leg kicks were insanely funny. And a fashionista fight over Alexander McQueen scarves – oh my!

  4. Hong Sisters ROCK! I can already sense that i’ll be addicted to this drama. GHJ is practically ‘calling’ me to watch her.

    Eep…too excited!

  5. That Yoo Inna in the airport scene is straight from My Fair Lady. She is also wearing an outfit which became famous after Yoon Eunhye wore it after Coffee Prince.

    • Oh. Sorry.

      The outfit was worn in My Fair Lady. I think it was the outfit that became famous after shown in episode 1 of MFL. A gun shooting scene. I didn’t watch MFL so I’m not sure. But internet articles had that same sunglasses and same outfit with Yoon Eunhye in MFL episode 1 and it was a hit item. Yoo Inna is wearing the same sunglasses and same outfit. Airport scene is shot from the same scenes as in episode 1 of MFL as well.

      • No… Yoon Eun Hye first wore that outfit for her Hong Kong visit. She later wore the same outfit and sunglasses in My Fair lady. The airport scene is indeed from My Fair Lady as well, but Yoon Eun Hye wore something else for that scene. But yes, the outfit, sunglasses, scarf, and the airport scene are from Yoon Eun Hye.

  6. woo! Koala you’re the best!!!! 🙂
    thanks for the speedy recap! i cant wait to settle into this series – and enjoy the ride (fingers crossed it’ll be enjoyable!)

  7. OH MY GOD…!! Thak you so much for the recap OCKOALA…..!!
    I’ll always be with you… You’re The Best!!
    I’ll always read this drama’s recap! Yaaayyy….!! 😀

  8. CSW does really preen silly, eh? He is so hilarious!
    didn’t expect to see Horan and the leopard print tracksuit to appear but it was a pleasant surprise.
    Park Shi-yeon is going to cameo next, after her who else? hmmm.

    thanks Koala for the speedy recap.

  9. You can’t imagine how happy I am this morning Ockoala, when I open your blog, then.. Voilaaa.. the recap of Best Love episode 1.. I am so surprise to see your recap from one of my Kdrama that I am expecting the most in May 2011. And moreover I am so happy and exciting to read your recap and also how you feel about BL. I mean you laughing hillariously when you watch this drama, it means that you enjoy watching this drama so much.. and I know I will.. I certainly going to watch this drama.. thank you ockoala.. you’re the best!!!

  10. Yayy koala thank you so much for this wonderful recap. i love you very much
    now i have to say this first epi didn’t dissapoint me (wich i was a little afraid given my high expectation) so far it was one of the better first episodes i ever saw. i usually get hooked on dramas by second or third epi. this have me from hello. i really Love it <3333
    it was fun, exciting, has eye candy (thanks so much for the shower scene) it makes me laugh almost all the time. the chemistry between CSW and GHJ was amazing. she was adorable indeed but CSW was freakinly Awesome. Dokko Jin is a perfect mix and CSW play the role just perfect. the battle about the scarf was so fun with sparkles all around and hotness in the middle. and the quiz time in the end OMG i was like jumping on my bed ;). My conclusion: Wonderful first so i will keep my expectations High.
    the only one thing i didn't like is that i don't understand korean (well just a few words)
    well now i must go to sleep and dream about when Dokko Jin's heart watch would start to beep in front of Ae Jung.
    Good Night and Best Love Fighting 😀

  11. Thanks for the recap. I hate to say it but this drama seems to be more realistic than it appears. Maybe there’s some backstory to this drama that we don’t know about and only the people behind the scenes are aware of. *shrugs* or maybe I’m just reading into it too much but it’s a good start. I’ll continue watching it.

    • LOL you are not the only one. The black Van. So familiar. That is like ever star or idol vehicle.
      Cute dancing thing at the beginning. I was screaming “that is SNSD” and the little speech, we will stay together till the end. How many times have we all heard idol proclaiming it.
      OMG the variety show is Win Win. I never knew they were all sorta scripted.

      And Yes, all actors and idols act super nice and shy.

  12. Oh snap! Skimming through the caps I see the awesome secretary from Queen of Reversals is in this one too. Even more reason to watch!

  13. I seldom read recaps,but reading this is so great.
    I’m actually laughing the whole time.
    I enjoyed the recap a lot.

    I knew how this will be indeed a hit!
    I just noticed how the Hong sisters often use the ‘imagination’ stuffs to make their dramas funnier. Well it works!

    Where can I watch this with Eng Subs?
    Please share..thanks!

  14. Lesson for the day: Never judge a book by it’s cover especially if it’s not a book…. 😉 This drama is funny and cute!!!! 😉

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