
Lie to Me Episode 4 Recap — 45 Comments

  1. I completely agree with you about this drama. Disappointing but my love for Yoon Eun Hye will keep me fighting to stay awake.

  2. Seems like everyone will continue watching just for the leads sake….I’m disappointing with the story..,very wasting the leads talents…should we forgive her because she the new writer?? hhhmmm…bytheway thanks for the recap n opinion!!

  3. In all honest truth, I enjoyed the last 10 or so minutes of this drama which is really the only screen time KJH and YEH had together. I also felt that there were less side characters this episode and that this is KJH’s episode because of all the different layers they showed.

    Hopefully, things really pick up next week.. The preview looks promising…

  4. ow God >< i really love how you explain the drama… with a lot of comment ^^
    (coz sometime i do the same) i'm new read your recap and fallin in love with it… so i'll continue read your recap while i downloading the video ^^
    thanks so much koalaaa..

  5. oh, I think I love you! thanks so much for the recaps, I was watching with subtitles and the only thing I understood was that english part… =]

  6. I dont know..maybe we’ll look back later on through the season and realize “Maybe, just maybe, it was a good thing that it took a whoping 4 episodes to reach the fake marriage. Getting married (even for a fake one) to someone you’ve just met, preparing the wedding yada yada….all in one episode?” Now, isn’t that too “realistic”?
    This drama is slow but I would choose to give it a chance.

    • Erh, no, I have to disagree.

      A contract marriage or pretend marriage as a plot device is patently ridiculous and stretches even the edges of dramatic reality. It’s a red herring, because no one ever cares WHY the couple did it, it only matters to the viewer what happens during the marriage, watching the couple interact and actually fall in love despite the utter absurdity of the situation.

      To take 4 episodes to set it up reeks of only one thing – sloppy scriptwriting. Made all the worse when the first 4 episodes were not spent on quality KJ-AJ moments, but instead flailing all over the place with pointless side detours left and right to parents and evil friends. The drama may be redeemed by the next 12 episodes, and I’m all for that to happen. But it may be too late.

      Take Best Love, for example, another drama high on the zany hijinks and top-star meets reviled d-list actress craziness. The drama started at lower ratings than LTM (BL around 8.4%, LTm around 9.3%, I recollect). But BL’s ratings have gone up steadily, episode by episode, hitting 13.7% by episode 4. LTM went up teeny bit in episode two, then back down to 9.2% and now to 8.6%.

      I worry all the viewers will have fled LTM and won’t return in time for the drama to potentially uptick in quality. As much as I want to love this drama, it’s being dragged down by the horrible writing, and the viewers in Korea are bailing. The critiques at Baidu and DC Gall are not pretty, to say the least.

      • “….. but instead flailing all over the place with pointless side detours left and right to parents and evil friends.”

        Ah, you do have a point. Now that I think about it, it’s probably just this attachment I have towards leading actors. I do hope it goes up from here.

      • I LOVE the leading actors, too. *sobs* This is so depressing to see happen to two of my fave actors, but at least they have each other. And fingers-crossed the story really picks up from now on.

      • Don’t be so disheartening about the writing ockoala (now I write your name right). I’m also disappointed but I still give it a chance (because of the main leads).
        I just remember when you recap 49 days, you’re also so disappointed by the plot that you almost dropping it. But thank god the writer made a huge changing on the half of the series so much that the drama now enjoying it’s popularity. The rating increase too.
        I think LTM need to take that route. Hoping the writer & PD are listening to the viewer critique.
        So more power for you, cheer up 🙂

  7. wow! so quick!!
    thanks for this – am still enjoying this despite the slow pace. hopefully it’ll get better now, and we can see more interaction from the two leads!!

  8. I’ll be watching this drama until the end for Yoon Eun Hye!

    The end of episode 4 was starting to get a lot more interesting and looking from the preview for episode 5, hopefully it’ll be daebak 😀

    Thank you for your recap!

  9. Thanks for this. I’m actually enjoying reading your recaps especially epi 4. I still hope it will get better and better from here on.

  10. i agree with you. same as i think, the story of this drama is too slow. ah jung and ki joon being married just in ep 4. how it can be so slow like this…..
    i am not too be attractive anymore to waiting for the next episode.

  11. I fast-forward everything to the OTP scene. With all the good stuff we receive from the other drama this month, I guess my patience is running thin, I even haven’t seen epi 4. Thank you Ockoala, that was such detail recap and screencap.

  12. Thanks for the recap ockoala! Oh my, really, this is so sad. About the writing I mean. Like you, I also love the actors here, so I’m like (still is) “fighting”!

  13. Thank Koala for another great recap, at this point I’m only reading recaps cause to be honest after watching episode 1, I didn’t get that butterfly feeling that I would stick to this drama. The plot is Kdrama 101 for dummies, and the actors are basically trying to keep this story from going down under. The writer if I’m not mistaken, and if I am please let me know, is from “Heading to the Ground” and we all know how that went. I think this drama has not direction, hence they are stalling by dragging the whole “fake marriage issue” longer than they need to. I don’t know, I just don’t get where are we going with this, I hope the writer turns this around and really surprise us, with some cool twist to the “fake marriage”. Thanks again!! 😀 😀

  14. I just don’t understand why the screenwriter doesn’t take more advantage of our lovely OTP who are great rom-com actors in their own right. Everyone wants to see what happens to them and how they interact and how they fall in love… so why waste all this time?? I’m just trying to get into the thought process of the writers, the producer, director, etc etc. That’s what I kinda like about DTLY cause there is soo much focus on the OTP that the momentarily distractions of other characters are totally tolerable. But here, there are soo few scenes with AJ and KJ thusfar in comparison to the total number of scenes. I knew that Best Love would be good cause of the Hong sisters and great actors… so I wasn’t expecting this storyline to be better, but I was hoping so something at least better and more focus on the OTP then what we’ve seen so far. I think YEH and KJH have the ability to move me even with a crappy script – but it could have, should have been so much more.

    • dont really recommend since they dont come out fast .. hope i helped 😀

  15. its getting good. haters just minimize ur not so fine comments. will support YEHand KJW to the end. no matter what negative comments LTM is getting, we dont give a damn. LTM fighting!!!!!!!

  16. Okay, completely unrelated, but I was scrolling through the recap and just landed on the picture with the Thor cut-out. That juxtaposition is hilariously ridiculous, mostly because that movie is all about chewing on the scenery ’til there’s nothing left on which to gnaw. Seriously, watching Anthony Hopkins (plus Badass Beard, natch) dress Thor down (haha) was possibly the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.

    Also, Chris Hemsworth is foine. I was totally crushing on George Kirk ever since the first five minutes of Star Trek IX, but this newly muscular and spectacularly blond incarnation of him can hit me with that hammer any day.

  17. I totally agree with your sentiments about this drama! And is it me? Or does anyone else find Yoon Eun Hye absolutely annoying? There is no charm in her character at all, and when she is clumsy and awkward, it’s just frustrating to watch.

    I’m giving this drama another 2 episodes to warrant my viewing. Thereafter, I’ll be investing my time in the 3 superior dramas airing on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

  18. this drama was the best so far since it actually made me laugh and cry at the same time. It’s such a relief we’re heading to something more bright! I love it!

  19. I have a question? for anyone who can answer.. 🙂 i’m just curious, is the house use by ki joon is the one in prosecutor princess Maeri’s house???

  20. After M3, ridiculous script or not, I am in for the long haul ‘cos of YEH/KJH.. FULLSTOP. am shallow but happy… yay!!!

  21. en lo personal ami me gusta mucho lie to me
    y la pareja me encanta y como se desevuelve cada uno
    en su papel. tu puedes yoon eun hye no hagas casos
    a comentarios negativos.

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