
Drunken to Love You Episode 8 Recap — 35 Comments

  1. When will be the next episode???huhuhu…sooo excited already!I’m pretty sure Xiao Ru is Pregnant…YIPEEEE
    thanx for the recap! stalking paid off..hahahah

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you… I know that you’re completely into LTM – I read your recaps and love them- but when you recap DTLY, you make my week complete!!!!… Thank you again Unnie!!!!!….

  3. Ladies!! May I direct your attention to the BTS of this episode – a MUST-WATCH scene of Joseph taking off his pants (YES only underwear inside) so that Rainie can “lick” on his leg. I got my jaw dropped for like a minute and LMAO.

    Please, go ahead to forward to about 10:00 for the SCENE:

    (okay, since there’s no sub, here’s a very brief explanation – I think Joseph and Rainie made a bet; if Joseph dares to take off his pants then Rainie will have to [pretend] to lick his leg.)

    Last but no least, thanks Koala for the recap~

    JX totally wins my heart. He’s the man.

  4. I agree… low angst, however, all the JX and XR moments were just SUPER adorable. My DD hear the part where XR said “put me down” in the supermarket and she wanted me to repeat the scene over and over (and over and over again).

    JX is just so funny – I really love his character too. 🙂 It was great seeing ep 8 after all the LTM craze. I almost forgot to watch it since I was so busy over the weekend. It was a pleasant surprise just how cute ep 8 was. I can’t wait for his mom to come back.

  5. I’m so waiting for this so much and each week the recap update getting later and later but still grateful.I love this because they now just focus on the only left for JX to come and clean with avril for good since XR already did it.must wait another week for new episode.fuih.

  6. thanks for the recap!

    waahh, i’m behind this drama for four episodes already! i just watch this from viki and it just takes too long to stream those links, huhuhu. i wonder if there are raws and subs that can be downloaded somewhere?

  7. Thank you for recapping this series. I enjoy it very much, your recapping.

    For once, I would like Kingone and Rainine play the lead couple since they have so much chemistry and he lost her 3 times already. It would be interesting to see them together.

  8. I love them! My crush on Jie Xiu, I’m afraid, will never go away.

    I’m so glad Xiao Ru had the closure she deserves and may I say that I cheered out loud and pumped my fist in the air when she told Yi Xian that he made a choice and he should man up and take responsability for it? Such mature words from her. I did not agree with her statement that Peggy’s love for him was/is stronger than Xiao Ru’s mostly because Xiao Ru had been with him for 4 years and Peggy only for a few months. Also? When she wanted to have an abortion just because she couldn’t have Yi Xian? WTH? But it’s all in teh past.

    The thing about the OTP is that they act and talk like adults when it really matters. However, I admit that I do like the fluffy ones when they (well, only Jie Xiu actually) act a bit immaturely. The scene when JX was stealing Meng Jun’s food and viceversa had me in stitches.

  9. DTLY OTP rawks. Even the ratings peaked at 4.89!

    Can’t wait to see Joseph Chang jump into the ocean! HAHA.

  10. i usually thought that taiwanese dramas are childish and over reacted. But DLY prove me wrong. Love the chemistry between the main actor. Thanks Unnie for the recap.

  11. I, too, have really enjoyed this series, and am interested to how it will develop. One minor point in the recap is worth noting. In the dream sequence, when Avril becomes vicious and threatens to eat Jie Xiu’s liver, I don’t believe she was supposed to be a demon woman, rather, a nine-tailed fox. Usually nine-tailed foxes are in Korean stories – including films -, but they have been found – a long time ago – in Chinese, and even Japanese stories. Of course, I suppose that a nine-tailed fox could be considered a demon woman.

    • In My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, there was a legend that the Gumihos – nine-tails-foxes, can take human form, transforming them, in to insanely beautiful woman, who eat man’s liver to live, but at the same story, it shows that it was created by village women, and become an “urban legend”! Of course I’m not saying that is an history fact, but the nine-tail-fox-lady, is true, at least in Asian legendary creatures and folklore, btw, here is a link that I found in All credits, own by their respective owners!

  12. Okay, okay:

    I’m totally drunk (Drunken to Love You), bouncing, (Rebound) accepting a few lies (Lie To Me), insanely in love, (Best Love) all that by getting hunt (City Hunter) by a hot, korean guy, who is totally awesome!! Just joking, I just lurve these dramas!!!

    Miss Koala Unni, you are insanely, fearlessly, truly, madly, deeply AWESOME!!! Unni Fighting!!

  13. I have to say I was really skeptical about watching another Taiwanese drama cuz in my opinion, they’re always super slow and reeeeeeeeeeeeally long to get through but this show is absolutely awesome! The whole cast is just great and I can’t even help liking the second-leads cuz they’re all pretty much adorable. I can’t wait for the next episode. Also a note, when Xiao Ru was mocking Jie Xiu’s criticisms, I believe he said “I wonder why people hate me so much, cuz I think it’s kinda cute.” Where can I get my own Song Jie Xiu?

  14. I love the mature and rational discussions that went on such as Xiao Ru & Yi Xian’s. I thought it was lovely that Xiao Ru bluntly but gently told Yi Xian to man up and love Peggy since he had chosen her. I also like that Yi Xian tried to at least explain himself even though everything is in the past even if nothing change (ie they are totally not getting back together).

    I also love love love Jie Xiu..he is the guy every girl wishes they had. Smart, sweet, charming, caring and funny to boot! OMG his eating fight with Meng Jun had me ROFL.

    Jie Xiu & Xiao Ru = perfect OTP

  15. Man… after looking over everyone else’s comments I guess I’m the only one falling out of love with DTLY. I dunno… for me, the show’s been going slow, angsty down-hill for a while but episode 8 really took a nosedive. I still love our OTP, like the first 10 minutes when they were being supportive to each other. But everything else was meh. The contrived crazy boss who was coincedentally a client of JX was a random time-waster, though that did give us a flashback to the coffee spill scene=) I was also expecting more of YX, Kingone is so underused. Don’t care for much of Peggy, still annoying. But my biggest displeasure comes in the form of JX’s clueless moment at the closing. The guy has the button mystery solved, and before he already had an inkling of spending the night with XR, and then he overhears the friends’ conversations yet still draws a blank…. what happened to our smart, assertive hero?

    • Agree with you, Kingone is so underutilised… however, it’s not really his story. Hope he gets a leading role soon. Why do they typecast people as 2nd leads?

      • @mud, well I can tell that you don’t like this TDrama, its obvious that you are looking only the lack of DTLY. If you really love the drama you wont be bother you just love it and wants to keep watching it, like me.. I love DTLY, And I don’t think JX is that clueless, he just wonder whats going on with Meng jun and Xiao Ru conversation about the baby and not sure about it, and he definetely not thinking about spending the night with XR after he finds out about the button I believe he’s thinking what happen between him and XR that night. So for me JX is still so adorable and cute, and all boys will be boys.. no matter how old he is, there is sometimes when they shows us their immature side, which make us smile or even laugh because of it. I love DTLY.. and I also Rainie Yang big fans.. ;P

      • @ mud

        I don’t think the show is slow, is showing us the daily life’s of OTP, how they interact together, living as a couple, how they overcome obstacles, get to know each other and give comfort and support in the moments of needs. Beside the drama is based on their daily lives, and how they interact together, after the marriage contract.

        When Xiao Ru was crying after, she was fired, Jie Xiu call her, and the first thing he ask is, “are you crying”?, letting us know that he is starting to know her, how she reacts to anything. When Xiao Ru, went to talk to Yi Xian, Jie Xiu get worried, wandering if she would be belittle or mistreated, so he runs by her side, to protect her, and show her that HE IS by her side.

        When Jie Xiu, gets out of the meeting with his boss and Tony, he was furious, making a fist, what his sweet wifey do? She gave him a can of soda!

        Every time they are about to kiss, something weird happens, when he is talking to her about architecture, they look at each other, awkward! When she cleans his mouth, after the pizza bite, the old landlord,(grrrr I wanted to kill him, thank God, he fell, he deserve it damn it!!! And when she was checking his “poisonous tongue”, he was so sweet and childish, waiting for her kiss, he even close his eyes!!! AWWWWWW!!! LOL But then Ming Ju get on his way, of course he was angry with her, beside she was stealing his food!!! Damn you, woman!!! LOL

        The whole Yi Xian + Peggy situation, was for giving us closure, in this chapter, so they can move on, as our OTP is moving on as well.

        I’m really waiting, that one of the episodes, the friction, the sexual tension, get so high, that they enter the house, knocking over everything they encounter, taking their clothes of, and bow shaka waka pow pow!!!! LOL o.O

  16. I don’t think she’s pregnant. I think that’s one part of the plot – Jie Xiu thinking Xiao Ru is pregnant when she really isn’t. Anyway, I loved this episode. It’s nice to sit back and just see them being a couple. There should always be an episode like this in a drama when everything stops then the storm resumes again. Thanks for the recap Koala! 🙂

  17. She’s not pregnant.They were probably discussing Peggy’s condition n XR’s reservations about preparing a wedding banquet for her ex’s pregnant bride.
    Pregnant or not,this is still gonna be my fav TW drama of the yr..I’m positively intoxicated with the JX-XR romance and relationship.Hey,now that his relationship with AW is over,will there still be a need to continue the contract marriage?Its thrilling to see how JX is falling for XR fast..notice how his desktop is their photo taken at the registrar?And how protective n possessive he is of XR?I’m in a drunken stupor after epi 8 and am deliriously happy to hear the rating peaked with this epi!!Just hoping ratings will continue to soar with future epis and fingers crossed that it will be more than 11 epis.
    Meanwhile,thanks koala for taking time off ur fixation with LTM to nurse our craving for the DTLY recap n review.Hicc…hicc..guez I’ll sober up in time for epi 9…hicc..

    • Awwww!! Desktop photo!!! It melted me away!!!!

      They are so into each other, but they don’t want the other to know yet, I think they are afraid, that the other don’t feel the same way. The marriage, maybe started with a lie, after a night of alcohol, but their love story is so real, so passionate, so childish, it is unique, quirky, funny and beautiful!!

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