
Sunshine Angel with Wu Zun and Rainie Yang Scheduled to Air in China in July — 36 Comments

  1. YEAH!1
    even though wu chun is already married.
    and i haven’t even watched it yet.
    lol. sry. i’m in class now, and all my friends are staring at me because im yelling and waving my hands around in the air like i’m retarded. all your fault, ockoala ;D

    • and i’m first comment too 😀 <3
      i really hope you will recap this 😀
      even if it sucks. hehehehe. because i will watch it just for the chun/rainie screen time, even if the plot stinks.
      i can't watch the youtube video now though, but i know that i will at once as i get back home.

      • HE IS NOT MARRIED!!!! his manager already told the media that the girl mentioned to be his wife was his sister-in-law and the baby’s clothes hanging in their house were from his nephew or niece… Taiwan media will really cause harm to other people… hahaha!!

      • i actually do think he is married, and has a daughter XD
        i think her name is Li Li Ying
        i know that it could possible be false and that his manager might be telling the truth, but all the people living in Brunei near Wu Zun all said that he is married…
        so i think the manager is the one lying.
        ockoala posted it here:

        anyways, i think we should be happy for him instead of judging him harshly, because it’s his life and he should be able to marry whoever he wants to marry.

      • OMG stop fighting about this….the truth will reveal itself, if you dig Zun single or not just dig him….anyway is Hugh Jackman married???? Hmmm I wonder….well Green Lantern just got divorce with Scarlet J…. Saaad!!!!! Channing Tatum is married Saad!!!!!

  2. its exactly like the korean drama wath a taiwanese touch to it (not that is bad or good) don’t know if i’ll be hated for saying this but i hated the korean version. I was so hard to finish it that i skipped some episodes and it got so annoying that by the end of it I didn’t really care about the characters and wanted it to end.
    Well anyways back to this, I do like rainy yang but i wonder if this would make me like or hate the story more? i guess im just gonna have to decide when i check it out (depending on my mood :P)

    • No, the third drama in the Happy series is Happy Three Stars (first is Happy and Love Forever, second is Sunny Happiness).

  3. I’ve been waiting for long for this drama, I don’t care how bad it may be I have to watch it! I also haven’t seen the original which helps I strongly believe.

  4. i just made a comment about SA the other day didn’t I on when it’ll premiere…next thing you know here it is!!!
    they looked such a cute couple…what can i say…WZ is very handsome…
    rainie really did get a tan here didn’t she?
    i love her in long hair…

  5. Sorry, I don’t follow Wu Zun news very often, but why would this likely be his last drama? Is it because of the marriage scandal?

      • Yup I’m trying to get this guy out of my head….anyway I truly adore your pic and yes I’m hoping to experience a car window kiss while hopping out of the freeway….ahahaha joke no I mean out the huge parking lot of target 😉

  6. Actually, everyone I know from Brunei speaks like that. 🙂 So it’s not so much badly-accented but rather geographically-influenced Mandarin. Like how most Taiwanese accents are dubbed in Mainland dramas anyway, I suppose they all sound “bad”.

  7. Wow wow it is such a long wait and at last. I think I will be able to watch too. Which day it is will be airing?
    Actually Hana Kimi also use his own voice it is not dub. Tokyo Juliet his very first drama was dubbed. I prefer his own voice.
    14 Blades cantonese version also use his own voice but the chinese version was dubbed (I think so I watched both version sorry I can’t remember which is which). hahaha I am a die hard fan of Wu Chun.
    So excited can’t wait to see him in action again. Looking forward for Kingdom too.

  8. Oh yeah O C Koala, never fail to love your banner, Hwanhye all the way. lol.
    This is one of best scene in ep 16. Has been staring for quite sometime, making me giddy and smiling to myself. My staff thought I have gone nuts.

  9. I think Wu Zun hasn’t been dubbed in Romantic Princess. I have to agree that his horrible Chinese accent is adorable, though 🙂

  10. the parachute!!!i remember jang nra and jang was so hilarious the first tym i saw bright reaction was..what the??hahah…i never knew that almost all taiwanese drama are dubbed to enhance the diction..eheheh..pretty lost

  11. I totally miss seeing Chun in dramas!!! this is the greatest opporCHUNity for me to see him back in dramas coz this might be his last drama… Regarding with the storyline, I don’t care if it sucks (like what other say) because I will watch all Chun’s dramas and movies… the preview is quite nice for me and I love Chun’s forehead!!! hahah, HOPE HIS TANDEM WITH RAINIE WILL WORK IN CHINA!!!…

    Also, HE IS NOT MARRIED!!!! his manager already told the media that the girl mentioned to be his wife was his sister-in-law and the baby’s clothes hanging in their house were from his nephew or niece… Taiwan media will really cause harm to other people… hahaha!!

    • JOANA OMG you might get a stroke honey, Stars have to settle down one of these day yah know, I LOVE CHANNING TATUM and yes how unlucky he is to not to meet me first cause never a dull moment if he married me we’d get jiggy all night in hot hip hop music ahaha….I guess My Bumble Bee Autobot will come around one of this days so truly I need to get back in shape….. 😉

  12. I’m pretty sure he hasn’t been dubbed in any of his dramas (movies perhaps). His horrible mandarin has been notorious since his debut in Tokyo Juliet. Adorable tho.

  13. Hmm it seems the remake bright girl,is there any confirmatiom bout it.wu zun seems abit more ok on his acting than his previews but will judge it later when its air.yeay for rainie’s drama in a row,love her

  14. They are adorable. I never like dubbing cuz it erases all the unique flavor/spices of the actor’s personality. His “accent” is very cute.

    • actually, I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure that was his own voice–awkwardly accented but quite endearing. lol

  15. Aw, Rainie’s so cute ^^ The original’s story somehow progressed slowly for me…I couldn’t finish it, but might someday.

  16. WTF! wu chun voice is not dubbed in every single drama !chun acting is awesome i am die hard fan of your hope to see this drama soon ! i really miss chun in idol drama too.., i like the preview !
    wu is so handsome , you are my idol ,
    Chun is the best !

  17. yes i agree ! chun voice was not dubbed the only time his voice was dubbed was in his first drama when he just came to Taiwan! neway like wu chun ! he so shuai! i totally miss chun i think this is going to be his last dol drama jia yo
    wu chun hope to see in movies!

  18. Waa I like Wu Zun and raine , cute + handsome Wu ji ZUn is so adorable
    zun acting is awesome his movie is coming as well can’t wait . we will support you zun you are my idol .

  19. So it’s confirmed that he won’t be acting dramas?! Sigh, and is he married, or not?? >< oh btw, by any chance is he going back to Fahrenheit in years to come? I heard he'll not be making some albums wif FRH in the near future, but after that is he gonna come back?… I do hope he does!

  20. He was not dubbed in Hana Kimi either. He was only dubbed in Tokyo Juliet because it was during his earlier days starting out as an artiste. There are many rumours as to why he pulled out of Fahrenheit. It is not because he wants to exclusively pursue his acting career. He clarified in his blog that he feels guilty because he didn’t spend more time with his family especially his aging father. He wants to concentrate and have more time with his family. He himself admitted he still isn’t comfortable and good at acting – in front of cameras and all. He knows his acting isn’t up to par and I totally forgive for his mistakes. Hey, at least he’s honest right?!

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