
Material Queen Episode 8 Recap — 12 Comments

  1. Yay! The recap is up! I’m still kind of suspicious of Yen Kai Ming’s behaviour, like he’s not being really sincere. I’m still afraid every time he comes on screen, that he will reveal his true plans. BUT I love his sharky, eagle eyed presence…he’s so intense!

    Also, the reveal of Sasha’s mom as CM’s mom…was…heart breaking! I wonder if it will turn out to be a Cinderella sister type of thing, where the mom actually loves CM and cannot actually love Sasha truly but fakes her way to gain favour with her dad? OR she’s just actually a terrible mother to CM. Although I didn’t expect her mom to play a big role in this drama, I would love to see more of the back story revealed. And hopefully, this reveal will be longer and more epic than Xi Li Ge’s back story, which was disappointing for me for its lack of breadth.

  2. I cant wait to start reading this. As soon as Drunken to love you ends I will get to Material Queen- don’t have the time to watch but your recaps are so enjoyable 🙂 and by next week,, and 9 of them in a row, i can pretend Im reading a short novel. Thank you sooooo much for these recaps!!!!

  3. This might be a weird question, but are CM and her new boyfriend having sex? This series has been great about showing CM as a real, flawed human being actively pursuing a lifestyle of being supported by rich men. Are they now pretending that sex is not a part of the deal in this lifestyle? Cause I’d be disappointed in a way if they were “cheating” like that.

    • I don’t think the drama pulls any punches on the sex part. It’s clear Chu Man slept with Chairman Wang when they dated, and while the drama doesn’t show any intimate scenes between Chu Man and Yen Kai Ming, I just think it’s not necessary to show it but is rather assumed to be the case. I don’t think sleeping or not sleeping with a man makes what Chu Man is choosing better or worse. With Yen Kai Ming, at least he’s not just using her for sex, but actually wants her for who she is, beauty, brains, and personality. It just so happens he’s filthy rich and seems to think money can replace his affection and attention.

      • I don’t know. I’m partly of the opinion the reason we’ve never seen any implications of them having sex (yet) is because… YKM is never around! He’s always at a business meeting or off to the mainland or whatever. They certainly don’t kiss like two people who’ve been truly intimate.

        Maybe I’m supposed to assume they’re intimate, but a part of me thinks that if they’re not — if they’re working towards it, but just haven’t had enough time together — that this speaks for YKM, in a way. It means he’s not expecting immediate payment (if you know what I mean) but is truly in it for the long run. He might be, but man, he’s awfully scary about it…

  4. “He just needs to look at Chu Man’s backside and he can tell if she’s happy or upset.” – I like it how your commentaries make me laugh when I least expect it.

  5. Still loving this show…Yen Kai Ming scares the crap out of me. I’d avoid him like the plague– I don’t like money that much. I normally wouldn’t like a character like Chu man, but despite being so materialistic, she’s very kind and I appreciate that. I love that Jia hao is not a dummy. He’s a very brave and intelligent character who is open about who he is and what he feels.

  6. can someone recommend as to where can I download the torrent file with english subs for this episode. I cant find any for this episode & episode 9.

    Thanks so much! I cant wait to watch this episode

  7. I LOVED this episode.
    Lah-uved it.

    It felt like I was watching a gorgeous 50’s film — all atmospheric and bare with unhumanly beautiful creatures wearing stunning clothes and jewelry.

    The sadness and pain coming from JH in his “I like you” scene got me. I was sooo proud that he tried to keep her. I think VNW was actually good there. The most restrained he is, the better he comes across.
    Then, the sadness and pain coming from CM when she was with the President talking about the bracelet and “the violinist.” Oy!
    Then, the shock, sadness and repressed anger CM felt after seeing the “person that abandoned” her. Good lack of the word “mom” there.

    My favorite episodes usually are the ones that hurt the most, and this one will prolly be it for this series. No matter what happens next.

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