
Bu Bu Jing Xin Scene Recap: A Turning Point in the Nine Prince Battle — 46 Comments

  1. The scene where 4th used his cloath to shield the rain is actually not scripted. He just did it automatically when they were filming the scene, and the director liked it so much that they kept it like that.

    • Really? Awesome adlibbing from Nicky Wu. I was already misty-eyed when I saw 4th in the rain, but when he used his cloak to shield RX? Gah. I swear I felt my heart break into a million pieces. And then my tears fell like rain… BBJX is so poignantly sad, it’s beautiful.

    • Really? Wow! Thanks for sharing that! I really admire Nicky as an actor. May I know where you read this? I’d love to read more behind the scene stuff about BBJX!

    • Wow! Nicky Wu is really good! And Koala sis thanks for another morsel of BBJX… i am just so into this drama, my head kinda hurts this days due to staying up late streaming it. I actually like the 4th-Ruoxi pair than the 8th. 8th is a schemer whereas 4th is calculating.

    • Thanks for that! I love reading BTS tidbits and stories like that. Nicky Wu did a great job. I agree that when he shielded her, it really cemented it for me too. It was so powerful, gentle and romantic. Very in character for him too.

      • This scene is touches me. Thanks for the info. Good for Nicky. This reminds me of the korean drama City Hall where the male lead used his body to shield the female lead from the sun while she sleeps in the car.

  2. I was just about to go to bed when I had the sudden urge to check the playground again just in case you posted something new. Lo and behold, not only did you post something, you posted a BBJX recap! Now I’m not sleepy anymore because I’m tearing up and my chest hurts from sympathizing with RX and 4th prince’s pain… So sad (T.T)

  3. Aha! I knew a recap will soon follow when I saw the awesome 4th-RX banner earlier. Efforts in refreshing AKP page the entire day got paid off. Thank you Ms. Koala for a long recap. I read it while listening BBJX OST, savouring every details writtten. The rain scene was so well executed that I could feel her knee pain, her exhaustion and then the temporary comfort when she rested on 4th’s shoulder. At this point, I still couldn’t believe that the sweet natured 14th actually plotted against his very own brother. Makes me wonder what he’ll do to 4th and 13th IF he has gotten the throne instead. Would there be a happier ending?

    • I don’t think he would have done anything bad to them. Maybe exile? I remember a previous episode when he was asking the 8th prince to send his brother away and not kill him if the 8th prince gets the throne.

      I honestly think that things would have been better if 14th prince got the throne as he is related to both camps and he has become a better person due to Ruo Xi’s influence. He helped LuWu escape from the 9th prince even though before he had a low opinion of her. He also knelt on behalf of the 13th prince and Rou Xi so that LuWu could join 13th prince

      • I agree and disagree. I do think that had 14th won the throne, he would not be as sever with any of his brothers like 4th did. So in that respect, I think that it would be good. However, in terms of the bigger picture as the welfare of the whole country, I don’t think it would be good. Even though 14th finally matured at the end, but he’s too trusting and too soft. Had he become the King, would he have the heart to punish 9th when he’s out of hand? I also think that the person running behind the scene would be 8th and 14th wouldn’t even realized it. 8th is just too ambitous and his pride is just too big to let a brother who used to be his follower running the show.

        4th is different. He may be severe in punishment, but he is fair. He doesn’t make exceptions for anyone doing wrong, whether that it is his follwers or not. Besides, 4th is exceptional at controlling the turmoil whether at home or court, as we all witnessed. He had no problem handing out rewards or harsh punishment when necessary. 14th just doesn’t have this trait in him.

    • The question is really the great unknown. 14th Prince would have definitely let 13th Prince out. But then he would have never adored little orphaned Princess Chenghuan the way 4th Prince did, and made sure the girl got as much of a happy ending as possible after her mom and dad both died.

      But would 14th Prince have allowed RX to marry 4th? Maybe, because I thought he loved her enough that he did not covet her selfishly, and would have likely allowed her to marry 4th Prince if he knew she loved him. Or maybe not, because he was always so at odds with 4th Prince. The epilogue shows that 4th Prince always loved his younger brother, but it was 14th Prince that appeared to have a beef to pick with his older brother for whatever reason.

      I think the question is: who would have been a better Emperor for China. 4th Prince worked himself to death for the sake of his country. 14th Prince was no master tactician, he was a decorated general with a great grasp of war. But between the two brothers, 4th Prince was clearly better suited to run the country. That’s where I cast my vote.

      I don’t think anyone getting the throne would necessarily allow a happier ending. I think this story makes it clear that the politics was always going to dog these brothers til the end of their days.

      • “Or maybe not, because he was always so at odds with 4th Prince. The epilogue shows that 4th Prince always loved his younger brother, but it was 14th Prince that appeared to have a beef to pick with his older brother for whatever reason.”

        This really hit me when i read what you wrote sis I was up to episode 27 until last night and I know things would get worse in the episodes to come. What really baffled me is why 14th is so die-hard loyal to 8th when there is his true-blooded brother the 4th prince he can support. I really like the 14th prince here but that is the biggest flaw i see of him.

        On another note, I hate how their mother showed favoritism between two brothers. Gah! You only have two sons and still manage to alienate yourself from one of them. I actually felt for the 4th prince in this matter, especially when their mother asked whose bracelet gift she will wear. What a question to ask in front of both your sons.

        As of the one most fitting for the throne, I believe it is still the 4th, even if he had gotten it in a devious way. He is calculating, detached and has a very good judgement. If it was the 14th, he would never be able to see the shortcomings of his brothers-in-alliance.

        Anyway, sis koala, thanks again for another wonderful drama you got me into after DTLY. I had never watched a C-drama before. 🙂

      • I agree with you about the topic of the princes to become Emperor. I feel that 14th would not have been the best Emperor because like you say, good on the battle field does not mean good at court and country. 4th was severe but he worked tirelessly for the country and kept things in check. I don’t know if 14th could have done for the country what his brother did. I think 14th is too “sweet” (and I love him for it) to have been the Emperor.

        I do think that however, if RX told 14th she loved 4th and wanted to be with him, 14th as Emperor would have granted it because he loved her selflessly.


        As for the fact 4th loved 13th more than his own full blood brother, I blame this on their horrible mother. Even if 4th “stole” the throne, she didn’t have to reject him as her son in the process. It was clear she played favourites and pushed 14th to be like the Emperor. I agree with him that this was probably the reason 4th is so cautious and hard to read. He clearly did not have a loving childhood with his mother. 13th’s mother died young as well and unremembered too so the two of them grew up in court almost orphan-like (I know the Kangxi Emperor is there but he’s not the best Dad). 4th was not close to his brother due to his mother’s (and father’s) favouritism and shared more with 13th. 14th followed 8th who is pretty much everyone’s brother!

  4. Intricate is an understatement. Loving this drama even while I wait for the subs to be done. I’m suffering here. Thanks for introducing me to this drama again. I’m hooked and deliriously happy. 🙂

  5. Wait for this scene caps for a long time, this is the best scene and best episode of the first half of BBJX. still, I think the scene that 14th begged KangXi for RuoXi and 13th should be included cuz that’d trigger many important scene that happened later.

    • I thought it was one of the most powerful scenes as theses people who helped set him up were pleading on his behalf. I also think it deserves a mention.

  6. Wow, that was unscripted??!?! I loved the cloak part too…. it’s obvious that Nicky was very into his role and so was LSS… sigh~~~ such a good drama.

  7. I love all your BBJX recaps! Even though I’ve watched these scenes countless times already, I check your site daily to see if you’ve posted anything new about this drama. I seriously can’t get enough of it. Thanks for your hardwork!

  8. I have not watched this drama but I am keeping up with your recaps. Despite having no real sense of the background and history in this drama, this scene stands out so much through your descriptions. Thank you for sharing!

  9. I was just wondering if 14th had schemed together with 8th to frame the 4th, then why did he speak up for the 4th? Was it to make it seem as though he was supporting his blood brother or to make it seem as though this was not intentionally planned by the 8th and his gang?

    • Neither. 13th Prince taking the blame for 4th Prince was unexpected. When 13th Prince told the Emperor to question the two officials to confirm his story, and the two officials starting sputtering, 14th Prince could see those two might fold and tell the truth (it was 8th Prince all along) under intense questioning from the Emperor. So he stepped it, because getting rid of 4th Prince’s right hand man 13th Prince is better than nothing, and won’t risk their scheme unraveling right then and there. All the princes are quite calculating.

  10. This has been my favorite episode so far. I’m only on 22 or 23? I try avoiding any posts about BBJX as I don’t want see spoilers, but I had to comment. This was one of those episodes where I screencapped everything and in the end couldn’t narrow it down to just 2 screen caps. I went with six. The whole episode was so beautiful and I’m so addicted after this episode.

  11. was rewatching episode 28/35 while reading the recap. thanks so much ockoala!!! now i fully understand the conversation between 13th and rouxi.

    the drama/novel is really intricate that one would want to know more of the characters, feel and fell in love with them. they are all shown in a light more than history but the actions and consequences of one’s status and values in life.

    the actors really nailed it. nicky’s 4th when he clenches his hand, all the emotions being captured into that one act. when lss’ rouxi grabs his robe, its like the whole mess up grab the throne does not matter, but the love and understanding of both who only have their hearts for each other.

    i so love 13th and 14th prince for their strength and flaws and for their heart too. i knew then that no matter the allegiance of 14th with 8th he would still have that understanding if not care for his blood brother 4th and friend 13th. and 13th sacrifice for the 4th was utterly selfless. in the 4th is a victor because he had reigned well his intentions for the throne. it was only after this turn of events that he started to be the emperor kangxi i believed have tutored him to become. fact that kangxi even made an opportunity to use that dead bird to punish 8th. so kangxi indeed paved the way for 4th to be the next emperor.

    sowee…such a long note. so much really of this drama lives in the heart.

  12. It’s proving so hard to recover from BBJX…so my day just brightens when Koala posts recaps like these! It’s such a pivotal moment in the drama, where everything starts going from bad to worse…and then some. The beauty of this episode for me is that it really shows the relationships between RX and the princes…particularly the rain scene between RX and the princes who “loved” her.

    4 shows up and throws away his umbrella so that he can bear the suffering and pain with her, while trying to shield some of the rain with his cloak…no words are needed. It’s impractical but poignant, and totally breaks my heart to see him hurting that he can’t do anything to help the ones he loves.

    8 shows up with an umbrella, and tries to convince RX to stop, if only for the sake of her sister…I really felt that their entire relationship was built around the unrequited love between 8 and RL…like he was trying to right the wrongs by treating RX well. Despite everything that went wrong between them, he still cares enough to try to talk sense into her.

    14 is probably the most practical. Knowing that RX must continue, he brings her food and offers her his umbrella so that she has the energy to make it through the pain…but he still doesn’t quite understand that she would go to such lengths for all the princes she cares for.

    After this, no one will ever be the same again…each giving up a piece of themselves in the battle for the throne. *cries* Prepare for heartbreak.

  13. Your bbjx post always made my day..thank you 🙂
    I really like nicky’s acting here..its very subtle yet strong. Knowing how stoic 4th is, every scene where he cry was just heartbreaking. And that rain scene…its the moment where rx decided to love 4th right?

  14. Awww, thank you. More treats. I loved those scenes too. Epic. I love how Roxi grabs hold of him….I think she has been doing that all along through her actions of favoring him wrapped up in “I’m doing this because he’ll be the emperor one day” self-analysis.

    Truly, if looks could kill, millions of ppl would be dead about now I’m sure. Sighs, I watched ep 25 during lunch and #4 is in revenge mode. He needs to think about the ppl and his father’s last words which made me think I was cockeyed because…the throne was to go to sweety #14 and #4, love you I do, stole it in this universe called BBJX. His heart is needs help. Medic!

    Pray for me as I’m about to watch 26-27….

    • It’ll be okay, hugs.

      One quibble I have with the drama is making it explicit that 4 stole the throne from 14. The novel did not say that AT ALL. And history has debunked that urban legend. The novel didn’t make it clear who the Emperor passed the throne to. I dislike the drama making that change. Even if 4 was ultimately the best choice for Emperor and had every reason in the world to seek it.

      As for 4 being in revenge mode, he is and he isn’t. He does seek revenge against those who hurt the people he loves. But with respect to his brothers, he doesn’t do anything other than ask them to submit to him as Emperor, and it’s because they refuse to do so willingly that more stuff happens. Sigh.

      • I just finished 26 where #4 told R he’ll take fear if not respect or sth like that…The actor plays it like his father gave the thone to him legitimately. I wish they had not put that mark on him too.

        Thanks for the hugs and words of encouragement….I’m afraid for our dear princes.

      • I haven’t read the novel so that point is really something. It made a mark on the 4th’s reign that the stole the throne from 4th. Even his mother is adamant about. Do you know sis that this drama made me google about Qing Dynasty? What i was able to read there about the 4th’s assumption to the throne is there was really a cloud of doubt cast upon it. It said that he put on some stroke on the decree to make 14th into 4th tho those are only speculations. Eventually whatever rumors about the 4th he had redeemed himself by being a good emperor.

      • I’m glad this point was skirted in the novel because they made it so 4th stole it from 14th in the drama. I quibble with this too because it was… i wouldn’t say out of character, but it felt extreme and all of a sudden to the 4th they were developing. I would have been much happier if they left it open and also if I didn’t have to watch 4th’s mother berate him for it several times in the show. That broke me too because he was still her son in the end and she rejected him in every way.

      • The first time I watched this through I actually missed the bit where he was remembering the emperor telling him the throne was going to 14th (don’t ask me how I missed it). Given what I know about history’s account of 4th’s rise to the throne, I was quite happy that it was left open and debated… The second time I went through the series I did finally manage to see the aforementioned bit and was rather disappointed. I knew 4th wanted the throne…but to actually steal it from his blood-brother is another thing entirely. I also thought it strange that RX would have no qualms about this..though I suppose you could argue that she didn’t know? (or have I missed something again…I think I should watch the series properly without interruptions from pesky things such as uni) XD

        Anyways, just my 2 cents

  15. I think this is such a great drama that you can watch it over and over and listen to the OST on repeat and still listen to it without ever getting sick of it.. The drama ended last month but I haven’t been sick of it YET.. I wonder if its going to take me till the end of the year to actually get over it.. I’ll see how long it lasts (probably more than I possibly would think, I’ll surprise myself)

    Anyway, great recaps and keep them coming! 🙂

  16. Thanks for another riveting recap of BBJX. Reading the recap to me is like tasting my favourite wine, in leisure and in small doses as I savour slowly the taste and feel of this drama so that it will last as long as possible.

    This is another of my favourite episodes as it contains so many of the pivotal and my favourite scenes. Ruoxi drinking with 13th, 4th suffering seeing his brother take the fall in place of himself, ruoxi’s tumoultous emotional changes throughout the episode, the scene in the rain with 4th and ruoxi, 14th feeding ruoxi the smuggled cakes…endless.

    I always feel so sad when i see 13th from point of view of ruoxi, knowing that he will have to face 10 years of house arrest especially given his longing for freedom; admiring the beautiful
    camaraderie between 13th and ruoxi;

    Like you commented, the plot has been weaven so delicately and intricately that whenever i come back to it, i always discover a new detail or a deeper level that i missed before. I must really applaud Tong Hua for creating such a wonderful and rich story. I did laugh though when i first knew that such a beautiful and rich story was created firstly out of a simple need to ‘do something’ as Tong Hua had time on her hands (when she first moved to US for her masters), which then turned into a serious pursuit instead.

  17. This is my fave episode… Wait a minute, or is it the episode where both were in the small boat in the pond covered with lotus or is it the other episode where… Sigh… who am I kidding. I love all episodes in BBJX. Can’t leave any out as they each tell an important part of the story.

    Thank you Koala for the detailed recap. It must have been most difficult to do so for this episode… to relive the pain of watching these characters suffer. I am feeling rather melancholy after reading this recap… My poor, poor 4th and 13th prince. *wail*…

  18. Thanks Captain K for these beautiful recaps. This is the 3rd Chinese drama that I am watching due to your recaps – Sunny Happiness and Drunken to Love You being 1st and 2nd. I must say that this story is absolutely captivating.

    I understand that Yuan Hong and Shi Shi have starred in 2 previous dramas together? I can see their chemistry – especially their “brotherhood” as played out in BBJX – very natural and close. Are they electrifying in those dramas where they are a couple?

    4th Prince and Ruoxi are heart stopping here and electrifying!!!!

    I have been scratching my head at who Yuan Hong reminds me of and finally this morning – Park Chan Ho!!! Is there not a resemblance? Either that or I am suffering pre-traumatic stress syndrome at the thought that 1N2D is ending soon and at KHD’s exit!!!
    S I G H!!!

  19. In my country i’ve only got to buy korean drama.Thru ur blog i got to know bout jap,tai,chi drama n thanks 2 u i like wot i’m readin.This drama i’m lovin the most n i tried to watch thru net but here net sucks!!!Can i find this novel in english? Is Name of the novel is Bu bu jing xin in english or has another name? Please help me.

  20. Mrs. Koala, I love you to pieces. I savor every single word you’ve written here. It’s like the world best dessert ever. Thank you so much for all the BBJX related articles. They are treasured.

    • Thanks for the recommendation! I checked out the preview…. looks good and I am so willing to overlook the quality of the CGIs from 11 years ago haha….

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