
Office Girls Episode 9 Recap — 17 Comments

  1. Yesyesyes, it’s the cadence and the delivery and how tete a tete Alice and Roy are, they just bounce off each other so well. It’s more than how ‘perfect’ the OTP r written, it’s really the waltz of the actors in sync putting on a great show.

    And the littliest details are so squeeworthy. How ZQ can’t keep his hands off that little cactus plant. How he throws in little compliments (the SNSD ‘jab’) almost unbeknownst to him even in bickering. How he just HAD to take the rose as well. And now I can only see broccoli as heartshaped! <333
    I can't help it but relived how delightful ISWAK was for me with that toy house.

  2. hey okaola, are you going to be recapping the taiwan golden bell awards from yesterday?
    i wanna know if joseph chang won

  3. thanks ockoala for the recap.

    took me overnight to finish 8 episode and excruciation week wait for episode 9 and now can’t wait for tomorrow to watch it raw. that’s how interesting OG is.

    anyways, the flip the table scene is awesomely hilarious, could not stop my laughing. and well the kai er deepest secret — moved to other scene i’d rather watch zi qi and xing ren in their silence 🙂

  4. “Oh bitch, please just shut up. And go away.”
    ^ LOOOL, this made me laugh so much.

    Thanks so much for the recap! I always enjoy reading your thoughts, and I missed reading your Material Queen ones (although I don’t blame you for not recapping it anymore… at this point, I’m not even sure if I’ll bother finishing it -_-).

  5. Your recaps are such a treat. I am so glad you’re recapping OG. I can’t wait to read your next one with your lively commentary. Yay!

  6. Yay!!! Thanks so much for recapping this series! I wasn’t initially interested in this drama since I haven’t really watched any of Alice Ke or Roy Qiu’s previous dramas and the story didn’t seem that original, but as soon as I saw your first impressions post I knew I would have to watch it. Now I absolutely love the whole series to the point of obsession, so when I saw that you would start recapping it it totally made my day! Thanks!

  7. I’ve just viewed ep 10 raw and gone bonkers for I REALLY can’t wait to read your recap, Mrs Koala. *pleading with the infamous Puss-in-boots eyes* 😀

  8. gaaaah been refreshing your site for a while now to see if you’ve posted a recap for the next episode.. i’m just sooooooooooo excited. OG has really got me addicted!

  9. I started watching this drama because of your recommendation.

    I think it’s just another cute and fun tw-drama, actually sometimes a no-brainer drama but it’s entertaining for me. Although it don’t stick that deep into my mind, it’s still a fun and upbeat drama which can make me spend some time while waiting for ITWL, haha.

    I like the chemistry of the two leads. This is my first time watching Alice Ke in action, i’ve only seen her in Khalil Fong’s MV which i really thought she was Gui Lun Mei!! Hahaha, but definitely different now i see her in action. She’s a very natural actress although still a bit green in terms of dialogue-delivering part but she’s just so comfortable for me to watch.

    I think In Time With Love is the drama that got stuck in my heart, Director Winnie’s drama have been a miss most of the time for me (great directing, great songs, mediocre or boring story) so i didn’t had any expectations with ITWL, it came out great, realistic and endearing. My heart aches when i see both leads especially LDR… so poor thing yet i can understand them. Friendship always last longer than love. Once friendship turn into love, it will have to face the risk of losing a friend/person completely when the relationship turn bad. Sigh..

  10. Thank you for the recap! Love reliving episode 9 in recap form with your commentaries. I just love how refreshing this drama is and how no one is acting all cutesy. I love how everyone here is an adult, even though they display childish tendencies. This is different from those dramas that feel like everyone is barely out of adolescence and just happen to display a sprinkling of maturity.

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