Categories: Drama Previews

Written and Video Preview for Episode 13 of Man of Honor

It’s no secret that the recent episodes of Man of Honor left me underwhelmed, but perhaps my excitement over unexpectedly loving this drama so much rendered my expectations too high. I’ll take a wait-and-see approach and hope the story revs up this week and starts moving some substantive headway in some plot threads, if not all. I know the writer probably mapped out the entire story trajectory in advance (I sure hope so), and is filling in the blanks with each episode, but I feel the story has so much potential beyond Jae In’s birth secret, getting into Geodae, and figuring out fauxcest feelings that are really pointless at this juncture. Please MoH, bring back the cute and awesome, will ya?

Written preview for episode 13:

Young Kwang receives his late father’s watch left for him inside his locker, accepting the test problem left by his father. He looks at the code written on the paper and looks confused and worried. Jae In, having received a hearthelt confession from In Woo, is filled with anxiety. On the other hand, Young Kwang’s mom begins to sense that Young Kwang has more than brotherly affections towards Jae In….

Preview for episode 13:


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  • she thinks her late husband commit crime purposely to Ji 'n family, too guilty to tell...don't anyone get it?

  • thank you for the preview ockoala... I wonder what in woo confessed to Jae in that makes her so anxious.. did In woo told her that he likes her? Or he told her the truth about who is really is.. hmmm.. can't wait to watch this episode..

  • I hope Jae In mom don't die just to make Jae In's secret be delayed/kept. I mean I'm with you Koala.

    I'll forever be upset if YK's mom don't tell the truth and Jae In's mom dies before seeing her daughter alive. If I was Jae In I wouldn't ever forgive her for not telling me and made me not see my mom again.

  • hmmm...preview looks good...hope the storyline gets better on tom's episode...piggyback stillshot looks awesome!! :-)

  • Thank you for the preview. Is that scene new? I can't recall seeing it before. Korean writers loooooove the "man carries the woman on his back" scene. Lol why is that?

  • I am so bored about this drama, too much moms / dad moments, tests, and the role of Young Kwan is also boring. I hope that she remains with In woo, the actor is so good in acting (my thoughts)

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Tags: Man of Honor

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