
Man of Honor Episode 18 Baby Recap — 23 Comments

  1. Well…is the bright side of this the fact that the plot is moving forward? Okay, maybe not exactly forward, more like zigzagging madly from side to side…but at least it’s moving…right? I’m trying desperately to find something positive here, but all I can come up with is that it’s almost over. Can it get any crazier? Maybe if secretly-rich-shoe-shining grandpa suddenly morphs into fairy-homeless-guy grandfather. Where did fairy-homeless-guy godfather go anyway? And why hasn’t he come back? More importantly, where did all the whimsical charm of the first few episodes go?

  2. I am just glad to be reading two baby recaps for this week’s episodes! Thank you, ockoala!!

    I am not sure if the revelations of the plot developments can be considered good or bad? Or maybe it can be both, hahaha~! I have to say that I am getting a chopped plot developments and I am losing my passion for this drama!! Why are they doing it to the great cast that we get?! It’s a bit disappointing and frustrating! ~~*.*~~

    After reading your baby recaps, I am not sure if I should spend time on this two episodes since I didn’t get the chance to download and watch them yet.

  3. Thanks for the baby recap Ms Koala!
    Agree that the show is madness as compared to M2F which seems to have more heart at the moment…
    But still hope that you’ll enjoy watching the drama as much as we enjoy reading your 2 cents worth!
    Cheers 🙂

  4. OMG!
    There is no way that actually watching this: one major scene involved Jae In’s barely recovered formerly comatose mom stabbing Woo’s dad arm while looking like a rabid beaver could make me laugh louder than your description!

    Thanks for recapping and sorry you have to so I don’t!

    I usually like when things go off the rails, too. Maybe I’ll marathon one week end when I have nothing else to watch which will be… never.

    • That is also my guess…because I remember during the scene when Young Gwang has fixed his tent…they sat inside it and he was remembering his dead son…something like that… : D

  5. I actually pleased to see what happen in this episode, everything is revealed.. I think before Jae in and her mother can take revenge, In woo dad’s will be dead because of his illnes (chest pain = heart attack). I do love PIE in this drama more than he was in Cinderela Sister, so from the bottom of my heart I love this drama to pieces, Thanks for the baby recap Ockoala, I hope you still recaping this drama.
    I am sorry but I have to say this, the OTP here in MOH is more real than in ‘Me too, Flower’ drama, as much as you love yoon si yoon and Lee ji ah in their character, but still when I look at them together, sighhhh… I don’t know, seems like I see a boy with his sister or his mom,and there is incest going on there.. hehehe… sorry gals.. it makes me hard to ship them..

    • Agreed!!! – about the Cinderella Sister reference! He was seriously abused in CS!!! At least here – well up to the last 2 episodes – there were character developments and the OTP moved along quite well.

      In CS – what frustrated was the “stuck in a rut/going around in circles which started around Episode 6 and lasted throughout save the last episode!!! Really – a face palm/head desk drama that one!!

      • Yeah you tell me about it, in CS first PIE love MGY and approaching her while she refuse him over and over, then he flew away somewhere and back again with I dont know “the mission” ?! if you can call it, but the truth is there is no mission at all!!! he just need to dissapear for one or 2 episodes, LOL… then she finally give in, then he bertrayed her bla bla, and its her time to dissapear and finally re unite again… hahaha… its the most ridicilous love story I ever heard, well aside from Athena of course.. LOL…

  6. Thanks ockoala unnie! Oh dear, really couldn’t go on with this if not with your recap. Really not excited as before…

    By the way, nice header. This is an off-topic again and since I saw this cute header, may I ask, about Black and White, which I finished this morning at past 3am (Gosh. Then went off to the uni at 7), what do you think is the ending (the romantic side)? I really do think that these two in your header ended up together, but it wasn’t clear on ep24 but it was, I reckon, on ep23 when Xi Ying was about to get the chip info from the computer whiz and when Pi Zi said that he only cares for the present now and then they embraced telling themselves that “we’ll be fine” (not to mention when Zai Tian said in the hospital, after Xi Ying was nearly killed, that he won’t allow another person that he cares to die). But I do think that Ying Xiong would really end up with Chen Lin (but Chen Lin likes Pi Zi although I don’t really think it’s ever reciprocated). This is kind of frustrating because that bit wasn’t clear (or maybe it was just implied but really didt see it. Wonder if I got lost in translation). This is the best Taiwanese series I’ve ever watched (after Mars, which is very interesting as everybody has a psychiatric problem – with a hot Chen Ling). Black and White has unexpected twists and turns that I am always blown away (with acting, with yet another revelation, or with the immense darkness of it all, or with just pure hotness of the actors). It just has so many surprises that I really felt that I was being hurled back and forth (I’m only a spectator, what more with the characters, so I empathise with the two, and yup the best bromance ever!!!). Thanks for your recommendation! First time to watch Mark Chao and he’s awesome! His acting was awesomely superb!!! Xiao Ming is also hot in here even Cheng Nuo heh…

  7. thanks koala for the great baby recaps..i’m just watching MOH for a few past episodes..i think till episode 8 only ..but the rest i’m just waiting for your recaps..:-)..

    can’t wait to see Jae In and Young Gwang happily together even the plot is not moving much…actually this is my 1st comment here after being silent reader for a few years and i’m very appreciate for all the recaps.

    good job koala…thumbs up..:-)..btw..i’m wondering if you are korean or not?? even my life is very busy with a lot of assignments,test and my final year project but i feel like missing something if i’m not open your site for 1 day..haha..keep on doing good job koala…:-)

    Amrina..Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia..

  8. i love Park Min Young so much that i don’t even care about the story..and now i started to like CJM and LJW and all the casts of MOH..all i can say is wow!! they are all good actors..sometimes boring but no matterwhat i will still continue supporting and loving this drama…thank you Koala for the recaps

    • I’m with you on this one, PMY is my girl and I happen to grow the love for CJM, LJW as well.

      But it’s so frustated seeing the talents have been wasted in such a drama. It begins with the baseball scenario that Young Kwang who was so eagerly fighting of getting back to his very best again. Isn’t that was his dream isn;’t that what his beloved father who traded his own dignity & pride for money to have the noodle shop to support his family and pushed for his son to pursue the dream (why started with something so good but then harshly dropped it down dead!!!).

      Or even with Jae In, a lively young and rather enthusiastic nurse wannabe , she even adding this to one of her 3 wishes but…when and how is she going to adhesive that, now the drama is in it’s 18th ep!?

      It was okay to get her to help In Woo with his illness……then I’m still confused is that In Woo’s going to get better because of Jae In’s nursing ability or love or whether he’d even get better at all?

      I’m not a writer, but in my only viewer opinion who has such high hope for this drama. I think there was so many directions that the story could have gone to, like when Jae In was looking for a part time job, instead of having her working in a cafe, why not in the hospital where her mum was in….then somehow linking that for her to work up to be a better nurse & gets closer to her mum, etc.

      By this 18th episode, I’ve forgotten how Young Kwang was a baseball player and Jae In was a nurse wanna be (sigh)!!!

      The whole job interviewing thing, I can understand the purpose of that but it’s just been dragging on way too long and has eaten up the quality of the storyline, I think!

      I’m scratching my head watching as the drama goes on and moan a lot but I’m still a die hard fan, just like Koala this is my baby. I’ve been here since its beginning so will definitely stay with it till the end (sigh).

      Big thanks to Koala for the recap :). x

  9. When you watch K-drama, don’t take it seriously…just relax and enjoy it, sometimes it doesn’t make sense at all, just go along , as long as you like the OTP……….

  10. The good news is the rating of AGB and TNS is
    up to about 14-15 points.

    IIt is not so dragging as that before!
    and more story is told in the episode.

    Thanks to Ockola’s baby recap.
    It is now a concise summary.

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