
The Moon that Embraces the Sun Episode 7 Recap — 33 Comments

  1. Thank you so much! I’m so excited for the next episode! He’ll probably recognize her eventually based off of the hairpin he gave her ,right?

    • OMG!!!!!! I’m late….hahaha……

      So Yang-Myung and Wol had their first encounter…..
      (One Point to Prince Yang-Myung)… LOL!!!!!

      Thank You so so so much for the recap….. cant wait for the next ep……

      Ockoala unni you’re the best!!!!!!!!!

  2. thanks so much koala sis! you are fast. 🙂

    I would like to say this again, KSH owns the screen. He monopolizes everything when it’s his turn. He was intense during that time at YW’s house. Han Ga In is quite good but like everyone else, they seem invisible when KSH is around. JIW is also really good. I get to appreciate him more in this episode because in the prev episode, i have problem seeing him is YM. Thankfully, now all I am seeing is YM (but still not a 100%).

    Based on Blue’s book summary, the drama, so far, had incorporated certain changes in the story, e.g., how they meet again. But still, the story is just as good in the drama. I like it how the story’s pacing is fast and seems like there are no unnecessary scenes or appearance. Everything seems to be molded together in one perfect flow.

    fave scenes:
    1. riveting scene when YW offered food and drinks to H and W at her home.
    2. when YM meet with H, ah i was tensed there but when H smiled, i know they are back in each other;s arm for good.
    3. when H is having a meeting with the ministers and is reprimanding them. I just love how he looks and conveys his anger through his face and how he uses his voice to its full advantage. He has this way of talking to them that to me seems to intimidate.
    4. favorite part of all, and i guess, i will forever love it when H talks condescendingly and sarcastically with B. I feel like he gets a little avenged everytime H does that.

    the last scene, i think this is the time the astrologer said when YW will get her memories back. I wonder how H will react on this. Will it again affect the relationship of the brothers? I hope H will not give up on YW with the usual noble idiocy that she is better off without him to protect her and appease YM.

    thanks again! 🙂

    • I’m keen to read the novel too … where to download Blue’s book ? Or what is Ms Koala version of MU ? I enjoyes SKKS novel very much last year …. more juicy than screen version becoz of censorhip i guess..

  3. l seldom watch Korean Drama nowadays. Sometimes feel bored. But this drama really push me in it. Can’t wait for next episode. l’m not Han Ga In’s fan, but l think she is ok, not over react in this drama. Same goes to Kam Soo Hyun for Hwon, just that he looks younger than HGI. But l still couldn’t take Jung Il Woo as Yang Myung. He is a handsome happy go lucky guy who is Flower Boy Ramyun Shop type.

  4. i agree with the fact that the adult characters do feel detached. i’m hoping that the characters beside kim soo hyun, jung il woo, han ga in, and kim min seo develop more depth. the reason why i said “beside” the four main characters, is because i already feel that i can predict how they will grow in this drama, as i’ve seen them before in other dramas, AND this drama hints a lot at how the four peoples’ relationships will turn out.

    that being said, i do love this drama a heck of a lot, but i personally fell in love with the younger cast.. i have been a big fan of kim soo hyun and i always thought han ga in was so beautiful, but right now, i feel extremely detached from the two, whereas i felt closer to the younger cast.

    i agree with what ockoala said about jung il woo. he’s a cutie, but lee min ho always had that hint of sadness behind his smiling eyes, whereas jung il woo portrays yang myung as this joker that occasionally turns depressed when he thinks about yeonwoo…

    i’m excited to see the four main characters grow! i’ve seen these four so many different times, but i’m hoping their characters will bring out something great, just like the younger cast. i know this older cast has a TON of potential. ( and kim soo hyun..i love you. )

  5. Thanks for the great recap once again!^^

    I thought it’s only me who didn’t feel yet the connection between the adult actors except for Kim soo hyun(hwon). Jung il woo(Yang MYung), I think it’s getting there. Hopefully in today’s episode I’ll feel the emotions that I felt when watching the young yang myung. Han Ga In, her looks kinda remind me of the moon(delicate, pale skin, bright eyed), BUT I still can’t seem to feel the yeon woo vibe. Not that she’s bad or what (coz she’s doing fine) and not really bothered about the age thing. I guess I just grew so attached to yoo Jung(young yeon woo) the most, so I’m still processing the difference. But I know it’ll get there, I’ll become emotionally invested with them as I was with the young ones.

    Started the year with an addiction! Good luck with everything else!☆〜(ゝ。∂)

  6. wooww…I really like your recap,..
    I think you are right,
    thank you so much =))
    waiting for your next recap for today ep.8 ASAP

  7. Thank you unni. KSH DAEBAK!!! Jung ill Woo DAEBAK!!! Han Ga In she is great… the only person i soo do not like is that evil guy with her daughter.. They play evil really good…. other than that, it is another great episode….

  8. Ah…I feel the same way. I am way too emotionally attached to the young cast still that its quiet jarring to see them as adults even if I do love Kim So Hyun to pieces and adore Jung Il Woo. I’m also feeling underwhelmed by Han Ga In so far and it doesn’t help that Hwon and Yang Myung keeps reminiscing about young Yeon Woo and I just can’t stop myself from comparing their portrayal and how much more compelling Kim Yoo Jung was. Likewise, I don’t see the effortless chemistry between adult Hwon and Wol yet, which the kiddos had to perfection. I’m really hoping that Kim So Hyun’s intensity will rub itself off to Han Ga In, otherwise I’d hate to spend the rest of this drama wishing it was someone else playing the role of Yeon Woo/Wol.

    As for the others, I have no idea what happened to Yeom and Woon but its like all the life and energy was sucked out of them. Same is true for Seul, who was quiet determined and fearless as a child and now seems too timid and subdued. C’mon writers, you can do better than that. I really hope they can flesh out their characters more instead of merely being sidekicks to the leads.

  9. ohh.. it was not a good thing i am reading blue’s book club.. i like how they met (Wol and Hwon) and i love their conversation from the book far better.. and how the king gets sick and all.. seems to me the drama and the book are two different stories olredi, but I would have like it better if they did not go so far from the book, especially with those mystical scenes between wol and hwon.. but I still do enjoy the drama so far..and as miss koala said, I too can only seem to see two character connections in the drama, that of adult hwon and minhwa..

  10. Thanks so much for the recap! ^^ I totally like the storyline, but me as well have to link the adult cast with the young cast, but I’m loving the drama.

    I like HGI Wol/YW I really think the Korean viewers comments about her acting are rather harsh and to soon to evaluate her acting well, XD either way I love all the actors acting, except for Nam Bora!

  11. thx for ur recap..i feel the same, except for Kim Soo Hyun..the others seem so lost..can i wish they replace them in the middle of the shoot? 😛

  12. “I think the adults are doing just fine all around, but except for Kim Soo Hyun as Hwon and Nam Bora as Princess Minhwa, I’m still vaguely bothered by this feeling of disconnect between performances that don’t quite jibe for all the other adults.”

    I thought I was the only one feeling that. Despite my semi-unconditional love for everything Kim Soo Hyun, I do feel this is not his best acting. There’s a visible gap between Yeo Jin Goo and Kim Soo Hyun’s portrayal of Hwon. Although Kim Soo Hyun can do emotional/broken heart/crying scenes so perfectly (that’s what’s he’s famous for) but rest of the acting .. especially as him being the king fell short. But knowing its Kim Soo Hyun I am putting my faith blindly that he will improve as the drama goes on.

    Princess Minhwa was my favorite character to watch during the childhood days. Unfortunately it felt short with Nam Bora’s acting. So far she’s looking too weak and voulnerable almost poor peasant like. Not really fit for a princess. The cheery attitute seems so forced. I understand that Minhwa might be feeling guilty for what happened in the past but this is not the way to portray it.

    As for the rest of the cast.. They did an OK job. The child actors set the bar too high for everyone so it might take a while to catch up. However, IMO Han Ga In did better job than I expected. I admit I set my expectation way too low after watching Bad Guy but so far it is better than I expected. As for Jung Il Woo. I know he’s constantly improving so I’m sure he will be amazing by the time the drama ends.

  13. Maybe I am the only one but I tend to like the adult portrayals of the leads (Hwon/Wol/Yeon Woo) better than the younger ones. By portrayal I mean the character not the actors. Sorry but during the first six episodes I had hard time buying these children acting all perfect perfect and “madly in love” like extremly mature people (Yeon Woo/Hwon) or all around bad persons who know what they do (Bok Kyung). For example unlike people there I didn’t really feel attached to child Yeon Woo because she just didn’t feel “real”. The actress did a good job but They tried too hard to make her flawless (about Hwon it was less glaring since he had some “childish” moments) that she appeared to me like a robot. HGI may not be a better actress but her character feels more “human” but she keeps her “sex appeal” because girl is really pretty. Nevertheless YJG and KYJ has better chemistry than KSH and HGI so far.
    The only one I miss is Lee Min Ho (in SKKS as the thief) because my fav scene out of all children episodes is when he told his real feelings to Hwon. I love this scene because it’s unfair Hwon has it “all” while his brother has to give up things and his love for him. Sorry but all I could say was “well done Yang Mung !”.
    About Seol she has always been shy and subduded and she is still what she has always been : YW’s shadow.

  14. Koala,

    I’m quite aware that JIW’s performance could have been better and I’m still hoping for some progress in his acting because his smiles in this drama are constantly reminding me of Cha chi soo and this is ruining MY’s character. In spite of that I still think it’s unfair to compare him to his friend Lee Min Ho, they have different acting skills and I don’t understand why people (specially the media) always bring this up, they are constantly comparing them. Lee Min Ho never did a saeguk. I don’t think Lee Min Ho is such a great actor, on the contrary, I think his acting skills are as close as to a pocker player, but his has a lot of hits in his filmography, that’s why he is popular. All in all, I don’t think he would be a better choice for MY’s part.

    • LOL I think you are confused here Lucy, Koala and the others aren’t talking about the actor Lee Min Ho from City Hunter – JIW’s friend, they are talking about other LMH, the teen actor who did the child parts in Moon that embraced the sun… He did such a good job. I think you got confused by the names…

      Have so many Lee Min Ho’s. Do you know the guy who did Joong in princess’ man also has the same name, LMH?

      • Thanks Lizzie for clarifying that, I really thought that she was talking about his friend and I didn’t understand why she was comparing them. I didn’t know the name of the teenage actor, he is new to me, but after you said that, I have to agree that the teenage actor did a really superb job, better than JIW!!!!

        Sorry, Koala…a slight misunderstanding. 🙂

  15. I totally disagree with you regarding Kim Soo Hyun and Han ga In. Kim Soo Hyun just doesnt connect all the way there for me.He seems off in some scene. Han ga In is a little more consistent, but she does have her flaws. And im not feeling the chemistry between these two.

  16. What happened to the crazy chemistry between the leads? I really miss the kids right now, they really set the standard very high.
    I like that Han Ga In is consistent here (so far), and I hope she improves as the story goes on. But I see no sparks between her and Kim Soo Hyun, which is really frustrating. I feel bad saying this, but I keep putting imagining another actress in her place. I can’t help it T.T

    • agree with you… perhaps the age gap as Han Ga In is older and she is married… hard to have chemistry with someone’s wife … even if it is acting …

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