
Roy Qiu, Alice Ke, and Chris Wang Visit Hong Kong for SETTV Dramas — 10 Comments

  1. I’m first !! Yay!! I don’t follow TW drama dat much so I don’t know whc is Chris Wang – but – oh – dear – he is yummy !!!! I plan to watch OG when it finishes – don’t like sad ending – I’m pretty much sure this one has happy ending but … I can wait till weekend … Thks for sharing captain K!

  2. I dun dig Alice’s shoes much although they do match her necklace, but overall she is so gorgeous in that blue dress and with that hairstyle/make-up. *__*

    And together with Roy, they are just eye candy for all of us, OG shippers. Can’t wait for the finale and the preview is very promising, although not on the “skinship” part. Btw the short rooftop scene with Mama Shen and her soon-to-be-son-in-law had me die of laughter. lol

    Thank you, Mrs Koala. 😀

  3. koala unni! do check out the newest blog post in the official OG blog!! 😛 it’s a short Valentine wish clip! They are too cute beyond description!! 😀

  4. My My! Alice and Roy are just good looking! Alice’s blue dress is so pretty with Roy in her arm.. she looks like a princess walking with her prince! Chris is not bad too but he doesn’t have annie with him. haha. 🙂

  5. hola seben super lindos ROY QIU Y ALICE KE juntos pero quiero saber que son ellos dos en la vida real me encantaria saber que son por que son uno para el otro se ben divinos juntos y gracias por ver este mensaje

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