
Da Mo Yao Chapter 9: Heart Song (Part 1) — 46 Comments

  1. woot! woot! new chapter out! ♥♥♥
    yep, I’m shamelessly stalking and totally checking this site every hour…lol
    (goes back up to read) XD

  2. Koala dear I have been a lurker here for over a year, so don’t spoil us so much. Because I will read this and be satisfied for the night but I don’t think i will be able to survive tomorrow. But your a god’s gift so now go and have a lovely valentine with mr koala and thank you.

  3. Lol. This is getting so good I think I’ll go read the books by on my own.
    I was resisting it so much and just contenting myself with the english translations but I’ve finally given in.
    Ms. Koala. You won. I’ve been beaten and conquered. Haha.
    I’m blaming you if I die from headaches in my struggling battle against these fearful chinese words. ;A;
    Just kidding. That was my way of saying how awesome you are.
    Sigh. Here I go. Chinese characters, you watch out.

    • kkk. Nevermind. Turned out all I needed to do was to read just a few sentences after the end of your chapter 9 translation to know who blew the fire off. 🙂 In a way, it’s relieving I didnt have to start chapter 10. Lol. I didn’t even finish chapter 9. I’m lazy like that. I just stopped at the end of the scene. I think I’ll wait for you translation now that I’m satisfied. Plus reading the title of chapter 10 scared me. ^^””” I’m a scaredy cat.

      Anyway. Made the double comment just to say Happy Valentiines! And Safe Trip! 🙂

  4. Next to my husband’s homemade valentine’s day card, your two posts two days is just so sweet! Thank you! May you receive many hugs and kisses from your loved ones. Happy Valentine’s Day.

  5. I cannot believe you’re taking time when you’re travelling to write this, and How you do it, but I’m SO gratefull !!! 😉
    Really love this story, but as you said before, I’m also a little disappointed about her description of the wolf pack, which lacks a lot of realism. I wish she had put a little more magical stuff in this part, since it’s impossible and since wolf pack don’t work at all as she described, I wished she would have made it completly different, maybe surnatural. My english is bad, especially today so I don’t know if you will see what I mean -_-‘

  6. LOL! You’re posting this right before getting on the plane? XD Have a safe trip! I’m betting that the one who threw the cloak on her to extinguish the fire is HQB 😛 After all he’s always there when she needs him~

    • Of course it’s HQB that comes to the rescue (I think)! Or…it could be YZX!

      And from Mu Da Duo’s description, I think YZX still loves Jin Yu and believes she’s still alive, so he keeps Mu Da Duo close in case she comes back…

      And HQB is so cute in the beginning: “Did you read it?” Hehehe

  7. Also, and sorry for posting twice, I agree with Koalalover, you’re spoiling us. I cannot resist to read your post, (I’m used to check your website every time I open firefoxe 😉 ) but if I was prepared of you posting less and less, my only fear now is that you created an addiction, giving us plenty chapters, but then you will stop… please don”t!! 🙂
    Thank you for your work, I always like your thought about drama (and books this time)! ♥

  8. Ms. Koala your so nice! I was looking at drama liu shi shi would be in when I came across da mo yao and hu ge and liu shi shi is going to be lovers for once! I been like checking every hour! I’m so addicted now. Enjoy your valentine day! Safe trip!

  9. Like Jin Yu, my heart is breaking, and tears are falling out of my eyes… which is quite silly as I’m in the school library… reading as a break from studying. Xiao Jiu, oh, Xiao Jiu!!!! Such coldness is too painful. I know he means well, but gosh… 🙁
    *sighs* I just love LOVE this novel. At such a small sad scene like this, my tears are already falling… I wouldn’t doubt that I’d have fallen a bucket of tears by the end of this novel.
    If the person who threw that large cloak to extinguish the fire was HQB, I’m gonna start falling for him instead. Hmph! Lol.
    But really, on a more serious note, I am a bit confused on YZX. At first, I had so much respect–and even a crush– towards him, but after the death of YuJin’s father and seeing Yu Jin’s reaction to him, I can’t help but feel suspicious. I could understand why he’d make a better leader, but all those deaths were unnecessary. I guess I just really want to know what happened. I kinda want Mu Da Duo to spoil the secret, just to see the reunion between YZX and Jin Yu…. and to see the two male leads’ reaction to that.
    On the bright side, I love how TongHua have such attractive male characters, whether it is YZX, HQB, Jiu Ye, and even Yu Dan (who, sadly, died). I love how Yu Dan protected her by not revealing anything, even up to his death.
    Okay, enough of my ranting. Thank you so much for the quick releases. Do take a rest so that you will have the energy to keep translating this wonderful novel for me and for everyone! Happy Valentines Day to you!

  10. Dear Mrs. Koala,
    I have been a silent reader of your blog for more than a year now. I am very grateful for all your hard work and the time you spent on this blog. I really love your posts whether it is a recap of a soap series or news about series and celebrities but I particularly love your translation of Da Mo Yao. That is why I am breaking my silence and leaving a comment this time so that you know that your hard work is very much appreciated. I am not familiar with Chinese literature but the character of Huo Qu Bing reminds me of Rhett Butler from Gone with the wind. That book is my favourite of all time. He is strong, capable, direct, daring and passionate. Someone who you can depend on and will be there for you whenever you need him no question asked but at the same time a little bit mischievous and hard to handle.
    I wish you a safe and happy journey.
    Happy valentine

  11. You are feeding my addiction… It’s bad for my health, but thanks lot!
    Thanks for taking your own time in doing this…I’m loving this story.

  12. thank you so much for another chapter ms. koala! ahhh, it gets more and more exciting each chapter. I wonder who helped her extinguish the fire with their large cloak? ^__^

  13. now THAT’S a cliffhanger. I so want to find out who put out the flame… Erg, the anticipation is killing me! And I really wanted YZX to discover her in Chang An, but I guess that isn’t happening just yet… Gosh, this book is getting so good! Thanks, Ms. Koala! If it wasn’t for you, many of your other viewers and I would have never had the chance to enjoy such a good novel!

  14. Thank you!

    Who is it??.. HQB or Jiu Ye or Yi Zhi Xie….I really want it to be Huo Qu Bing…. but then wouldn’t mind seeing what happens if she comes face to face with Yi Zhi Xie….

  15. Have I ever told you that you are simply too awesome for words? Gosh, two chapters beautifully translated in a row. There has to be a reason as to why Jiu Ye rejects JY’s advances, although I actually think it’s a good thing because at least it’ll give our Xiao Huo some time to catch up. He’s so adorable, always around to uplift our heroine. And the special part about it is that his attentiveness is exclusive only to JY. How can a girl ever resist? I’m literally salivating to know who rescued JY from pyrotechnic misfortune. Thanks, Ms. Koala.

  16. You really are great — providing two chapters a day again. Now that YZX is making an appearance again, and apparently still doting on our heroine, this is not a case of a triangle love story, but a square. How wonderful for Jin Yu to have three wonderful men with three different personalities but united in their love for her. She was too young to understand what love was when she was with YZX in the desert, and she still doesn’t seem to have developed any deep feelings for HQB as yet; but she definitely is falling, or may have already fallen, for Jiu Ye. Is Jiu Ye deliberately ignoring JY’s budding love for him because he’s sort of a handicapped person? We still don’t know what’s wrong with him when we were first introduced to him in a wheelchair. Is he just weak from birth? Or is there something seriously wrong with him that forces him to reject JY’s feelings? He clearly cares a lot for her as he does everything in his power to discover her once he knows she’s in Chang-an after the blue silk robe he gifted her had appeared in the market. I wonder how long will we have to wait to learn more about Jiu Ye’s background and his health. Still, YJ is faced with such delicious choices — all three men seem to really love her though of course YZX is already married even though he’s the first male to notice her sparkling eyes in spite of her ragged appearance in general. It’s amusing a warrior like YZX in his late teens being smitten by a 12-year-old tomboy! HQB is, of course, facing a girl who doesn’t seem to care about his position, nor greatly affected by his good looks for the first time in his life. I wonder how he’s going to woo JY, when she’s clearly falling for Jiu Ye, her first love. I guess. I’m tremendously fascinated by this novel; I just hope the drama version will be as good as the written story.. Thanks a million, Ms. K, for going the extra mile in satisfying our appetite for our daily fixes. May a thousand blessings be bestowed on you and yours.

  17. I love reading every bit of this story. Thank you so much for your translation. I am having an anxiety now. I’m dying to know the ending. HQB died at the age of 24… will it be a sad ending for our heroine YJ?

  18. OMG….its probably Yi Zhi Xie who saved Yu Er. (or so i hope!) I was wondering when or whether they’ll meet again. I understand Yu Er’s inability to forgive or understand Yi Zhi Xie’s actions coz after alls said and done, his actions did result in the death of Yu Er’s father and her being a ‘fugitive’. But in the short time that we were introduced to him, YZX really made a strong impression on me and i kinda like him more than Huo Qu Bing and Jiu Ye. i guess, hoping Yu Er might forgive and go back to YZX is kinda out of the question. XD

    And Jiu Ye, he’s probably ignoring Yu Er’s attempt at establishing a romantic relationship with him coz he thinks he’s not fit for her. In those days, a man who is unable to walk is at a disadvantage and he might feel its better if Yu Er’s not saddled with a cripple. Which is kinda sad coz he’s the perfect White Knight back in demeanor, conduct and personality.

    I like that Qu Bing is such a scallywag and scoundrel. Its quite inappropriate for men and women to be touchy feely in those days so i can see why Yu Er is annoyed when he does it. XD But his sharp perception, intelligence and faithfulness (to not be swayed by a pretty face) coupled with his admiration of Yu Er’s spunkiness and intelligence makes him extremely likable in my books. ^^

    Thank you so much for all your translation of DMY, Koala~chan! I really enjoyed ’em and am looking forward to part 2. Oh….the cliffhanger. You are such a tease. XD Enjoy your trip.

  19. koala unnie! thank you so much for doing this! i can’t imagine how much of a labour of love this is, and committing to translating the entire novel with two volumes at that… how much DMY must have meant to you.. to slip in pockets of time like this to translate and write, especially with TH’s lyrical style, it mustnt have been easy.. so thank you! and really, even if there isnt an update tonight, i would understand.. happy V-day! now go out for a hot date with mr-koala!

    HQB is really getting under her skin now ehh… he’s like this irritating little boy who teases the girl he likes.. but unlike the usual irritating little boy who does it just to annoy the girl and get her attention.. HQB is much more than that- he’s so much more aware and his version of annoying and teasing, actually has his own reasoning… Yu-er ah Yu-er…. please notice that annoying man-child in front of you for what he is.. sighhhH. is it ridiculous that i’m spending Valentine’s Day this year thinking of a fictional character? Everyone needs a HQB in their life…

  20. ahhhh!!! love you so much!!!

    what a cliffhanger that is! And I want it to be YZX ! I want to see the confrontation!!

    I was also hoping the YD will be reunited with her again!

    Happy V-day! enjoy your traveling!

  21. Again thank you for all your efforts. 🙂
    Wanted to share with u too that after your recommendation of Da Mo Yao, I went on a ‘Tong Hua’ marathon and finished her books. Would like to recommend ‘Yu Zhong Ge’ which was also quite well written and is somewhat a ‘sequel’ to ‘Da Mo Yao’ but is more of the next generation… There was a number of scenes that I thought was especially heart rendering.

    • i just finished YZG and my eyes are hurting from reading and crying, i totally did not expect it to be such a tragedy. Thought it will be happy like DMY, ahh my Meng Jue. I’m so hurt for him, I will always cry when I think of him.

  22. Thank you, especially to take the time as you travel.

    I truly like both and love how Jiu Ye and Huo are posed to be appeal to opposite sides: jiu ye being comfortable and paternal and nostalgic in that way and the other being playful and exciting… Choices choices… I hope Jiu Ye doesn’t turn into one of those unnecessary martyrs thinking she’s better off without him, because it’s clear he cares for her.

  23. I want it to be yzx too! But it’s more likely huo. It would be double whammy for her if it’s yzx after she’s been rejected. Ahhhh I’m over thinking this! I’ll just wait for part 2.

  24. whoa, what a cliffhanger! I was not expecting that and now I’m on tenterhooks, obsessively refreshing your website to find out who helped her 🙂 and hoping that your innate kindness and goodness will motivate you to upload the next part quickly 🙂

    But Koala, I really appreciate the amount of effort and work you put in to translate this great novel and at such a fast rate too 😀 it’s really a labour of love. thanks for introducing such a great novel for me to adore 🙂

  25. Okay, I’m really pissed off at Jiu Ye. So what if you’re in a wheelchair? Just because you can’t love yourself doesn’t mean you shouldn’t let someone else love you! X_X’ If that is really his reason for rejecting her, then…urgh D:

    I’m guessing the fire thing is HQB. He’s always there, physically, when she’s in trouble, so as to establish him as her “white knight” kind of saviour figure, I guess? But I don’t know.

  26. Excellent! Who extinguished the flames–friend or foe?

    Why is Jui Ye rejecting this girl? He clearly loves her.

    Thanks for another installment!

  27. It still hurts even though I’m not rooting for him..that’s just so mean..I can’t figure it out too if he’s into her and was just pretending he’s not (maybe he has his reasons) or it was just nothing..but that’s impossible. hmmm..

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