
Da Mo Yao Chapter 14: Stargazing — 65 Comments

  1. Thank you very much for the translation!
    Thankfully I have you. Been trying to read DMY, but with my limited chinese, I misinterpret things. like during the “I can’t even smile so I whisper “Why won’t I dare? But next time….don’t follow me.” I thought she said instad “but next time, i would want you to come with me” a totally different meaning -______-“”” LY is really something isn’t she? well I guess that’s why YE liked her in the first place. Chinese stories are really good at those conflicted friendship stories.
    anw, I’m on book 2 right now and it’s sooooo good!! and HQB like you said really shows who is the hero, but at the same time, my heart hurts for JY so much. T_T he truly missed an opportunity with such close timing too. and that scene in the carriage with hqb. KYA.

    • Also, when yu er talked about only an idiot would like another idiot. I totally didnt understand the expression she used. lol. I thought it was along the line of like attract like or something but i’m not familiar with chinese expressions. so complicated. that’ll teach me to not read chinese for a couple years. you forget so much. >.<
      anw, I have a question, I know LY is based on a real person but Li Gan as well?

      • All the major characters are based on real historical figures other than Jin Yu and Jiu Ye (and the Shi family folks).

        This chapter had a foreshadowing about Li Gan and Huo Qu Bing, which is just great writing on Tong Hua’s behalf.

      • *waves back* Hi yeisha!! long time no see! 🙂
        I honestly am swamped right now so that’s why I’m not on here much but this dmy thingy is not being forgiving. It’s not letting me leave it. sigh. lol.
        I think I still have you as a friend on soompi no? Do you still keep in contact w/ pkers?

        @Ms. Koala
        Thank you for your explanation. A story can be compelling, fictitious characters or not, but knowing that the characters exist definitely gives more weight to it. I like that Tong Hua did her homework. Of course, it seems that she takes some liberty with the story (at first, I didn’t want to spoil myself for your DMY recaps so I decided to give yunzhongge a go instead… sigh. I should have seen that spoiler coming. ^^”””) but I like it when an author has a solid frame to work with. It happened to me at times when a “historical” novel is so unrealistic that it detracts me completely off but tong hua (and jin yong) seems to like to use history for more than just a pretty setting and that their knowledge of the period they are writing about is substantial enough that they can afford to make liberties to enhance their stories and still give them an impression of reality.
        And like you said, Tong Hua’s foreshadowing is great. A good writer is one who doesn’t need to spell out everything, while still giving out detailed yet subtle hints throughout their story so that when things come to conclusions, the reader doesn’t question how things ended up that way, without the need to take away any excitement from it. 🙂

      • @yeisha
        just read your other reply and i can’t believe you never watched any c-dramas before bbxj. for some reason, i had in my head that you were chinese. lol. anw, there’s about hundreds of compelling c-period dramas (historical, or wuxia) to watch out there. definitely give them a try.
        The good ones are much more substantial than korean sageuk dramas (/gets bricked).

    • I hate Yun Zhong Ge. God, I want to talk about it but can’t until I’m done with Da Mo Yao, because even talking about it would spoil the ending of DMY.

      Honestly, YZG is Tong Hua’s version of fictional hell. It’s like she’s aping 匪我思存 novels in how much she wants to torture the heroine and mind screw all the characters. I spent the entire time wanting to airlift Ling Ge Ge out of there and take care of him. He was the only major character I even remotely like in that novel.

      I could have spent the entire novel hanging out with Yun Ge’s hot hot sexy Third Brother, though. Hhhmmm, yuuuuummmy.

      • LOL. I love how strongly you express your dislike for the book, bold characters and all. I never made the connection with FWSC, but now that you pointed it out, I’m totally seeing it. fwsc has her fans but her stories are a bit of what i would call maybe “makjangism” (for lack of better word).
        I think the problem with YZG is that she was trying to “top” bbxj and dmy in terms of emotions, and raise up the stakes and conflicts or something, and ended up making it what you accurately called “fictional” hell. The novel was depressing, to put it mildly. Everybody’s life was screwed up. POOR POOR ling ge ge. yg gave him such a hard time and the ending. :O dont even get me started on meng jue.
        and haha. San brother was hot. I’ll give it to tong hua, most of her male characters are to die for.
        Off I go.

  2. Your translation is beautiful! Thank you!

    >>She wanted me to swear on the life of the person I love that I will never ever divulge her background. I am angry, but I agree to swear an oath on Jiu Ye’s life that I will never reveal her identity. She points to the sky, that the Gods have heard me.<>He saw that I was back to normal and shook his head with a smile “Now see if you dare come here to find Li Gan?” I can’t even smile so I whisper “Why won’t I dare? But next time….don’t follow me.”<<

    If I recall correctly, Jin Yu said "Why wouldn't I dare? But you'll have to come with me!" or something to that effect. It's actually the opposite of your interpretation here and I thought it was cute that she acknowledged that HQB protected her on this day and wanted him to do the same if there was ever a next time.

    I've finished marathoning through the Chinese novel with the help of the audio book but I still refresh your page many times a day because I simply love your translation more! It's almost like I read the original for the plot but come to your translation to slowly savour the words. Can't wait for you to start on volume 2!

  3. Your translation is beautiful! Thank you!

    == She wanted me to swear on the life of the person I love that I will never ever divulge her background. I am angry, but I agree to swear an oath on Jiu Ye’s life that I will never reveal her identity. She points to the sky, that the Gods have heard me. ==

    Here, Li Yan actually asked JY to repeat her oath using the phrase “the person I love” instead of “Jiu Ye”. I think Li Yan already suspected that JY may love HQB more than she (JY) realised. At the very least, I thought this was a nice clue to readers that Jin Yu’s affections would move to someone else other than Jiu Ye in future 🙂

    == He saw that I was back to normal and shook his head with a smile “Now see if you dare come here to find Li Gan?” I can’t even smile so I whisper “Why won’t I dare? But next time….don’t follow me.” ==

    If I recall correctly, Jin Yu said “Why wouldn’t I dare? But you’ll have to come with me!” or something to that effect. It’s actually the opposite of your interpretation here and I thought it was cute that she acknowledged that HQB protected her on this day and wanted him to do the same if there was ever a next time.

    I’ve finished marathoning through the Chinese novel with the help of the audio book but I still refresh your page many times a day because I simply love your translation more! It’s almost like I read the original for the plot but come to your translation to slowly savour the words. Can’t wait for you to start on volume 2!

    • do you mind sharing the audiobook link? It would help me so much more!
      I haven’t touched chinese characters for years and I’m kind of drowning in them reading the book. ;A;

      • Thank you so so so much!!!
        I caught up on the dmy bandwagon late so all i did was skim through the earlier posts, and not the comments. that’s probably why I missed your comment. 😮 I’m so glad you mentioned the audiobook again. haha.
        I’m worse in oral chinese than written but I’m so rusty with my written chinese anw, the audio will definitely be a tremendous help.
        I’m in the middle of book two right now and I’m SOO caught, hook, line and sinker.

    • The oath itself aside (which I have issues with but agree that it was smart of Li Yan to ask for it), I like the subtlety that Li Yan insists that Jin Yu make the oath on “the life of the person whom I like”, even though Jin Yu starts off by using Jiu Ye, whom she equates with “the person whom I like”.

      One issue that I have with JY and and that I had with RX in BBJX is that Tong Hua writes them as unfailingly nice, good people. Actually, I take more issue with JY than with RX; RX at least attempted to avoid embroiling herself in palace conflict, but here, JY is portrayed as actively intriguing and scheming. Thus, it’s frustrating that Tong Hua doesn’t dare take JY further and make her more of a double-edged sword; in fact, even when other people harm her, JY never attempts to retaliate. She does take steps to defend herself, but as for mounting an offense? Apparently Tong Hua thinks that heroines can’t do anything mildly “bad” lest they no longer qualify as “heroines”. Basically, the Cinderella trope is something that I wish Tong Hua would let fly to the wind and make her heroines more realistic and gritty. Then the reader can find them much more relatable.

      Case in point: despite JY now being well aware that Li Yan happily anticipated that Li Gan would now thoroughly hate JY’s guts and perhaps even attempt to murder her, JY still maintains her loyalty to Li Yan and does what she can to protect Li Yan. I wish JY would’ve just told Li Gan that even if he had met Li Yan first, she still would’ve never chosen him because her ambitions have always been set much, much higher. Sometimes these people just need to be hit over the head with the truth, repeatedly.

      • I don’t find TH writes Cinderella heroines as all. I find RX and JY as very calculating ladies, with JY especially willing to do what makes herself happy despite potentially having far-reaching consequences.

        The only Cinderella heroine she’s ever written is Yun Ge, but that’s another discussion. Both RX and JY suffer the ramifications of their actions. I’m not sure why JY needs to retaliate at this point. Can you explain why you think TH needs to go there?

        JY can’t tell Li Gan that Li Yan will never choose him. She’s already sworn an oath to Li Yan that she won’t reveal her identity. To tell Li Gan that Li Yan would choose the Emperor would necessitate explaining why, and that would reveal Li Yan’s identity and that she is out for vengeance of some nebulous nature. Li Yan’s did not choose the Emperor because she had high ambitions (i.e. she wanted to be Queen for wealth and power), she chose him because of her hidden agenda. I suppose JY could make up that reason to Li Gan, but why bother. That’s just not her personality to explain everything.

      • Characterizing JY and RX as Cinderellas might be a bit extreme on my part, but I do believe that both characters share aspects of the “suffering without thought of retaliation” characteristic of Cinderella. I don’t necessarily want them to retaliate, but it sort of drives me nuts how they easily accept other people’s betrayals (especially the betrayals of loved ones) without feeling more hurt or incensed by it. Indeed, they then turn around and blame it on other people!

        For example, when RX learned that YT had been a spy for 9th prince all along, not only did she not blame YT one whit (which I can grudgingly accept – YT did treat RX as sincerely as she could, even though they were on opposing sides), she turned around and blamed 4th prince instead. Which I suppose by extension really just means that she was blaming herself.

        Similarly – spoiler ahead! I skipped ahead in the book and browsed some of the future chapters – when JY realizes that it was Mu Da Duo who had sent the assassins after her and not YZX as she had suspected all along, she nevertheless puts all the blame on YZX for MDD’s behavior/actions.

        I just get exasperated by this behavior. Just as RX and JY can exercise their free will and make their own choices (and accept the consequences later), these people have also made their own conscious decisions to betray their bosom friends (i.e., RX and JY). Not only are RX/JY not as hurt by their actions as I would certainly be in their positions, they go and put the blame on not the perpetrators but other people! (Which, again, one could argue is just a manifestation of their own self-guilt.) This kind of thinking is a little too saint-like for my liking/relatability.

        Now, in the cases of Yu Tan and Mu Da Duo, I can understand better the desire to forgive and forget as quickly as possible – RX and YT served together for years and years, and similarly, MDD and JY have a long, shared childhood together. But JY’s generosity towards Li Yan – whom JY is now very well aware wouldn’t hesitate to “borrow someone else’s weapon to kill one’s own enemy” – positively confounds me. JY jokingly calls LY her “bosom friend”, but in my opinion, JY just meant that she had met her intellectual equal in LY, not that she actually deeply cared for LY as a super-close friend. In fact, it seems to me that JY has always kept LY at somewhat of an arm’s length – and in LY’s words, “treated [her] as a chess piece”. So why be so forgiving for LY’s sake when Li Gan almost murders her? I’m not asking for JY to betray all of LY’s secrets right then and there (because she still wants to use LY to further Jiu Ye’s cause), but given what just happened, JY (in my opinion) is being overly charitable where LY is concerned. Or maybe JY just doesn’t care that much for self-preservation.

        As for Li Gan, I doubt anything JY could say would decrease LG’s ardent passion for LY, so that’s not what I’m after. Rather, my issue is that because JY doesn’t try to defend herself, LG is left with the impression that JY bypassed LG and plotted to get LY into the palace solely for JY’s profit and greed (which is true but only as a very minor point, as LY was still the primary driver in wanting to enter the palace). By leaving that misunderstanding to fester and grow, JY has got to know that LG could be a very, very dangerous person to her in the future. So why she doesn’t attempt to “cut off the weed at its source” just baffles me. Again, where did her instinct for self-preservation just flee to?

        At least if JY told LG that LY was the one who wanted to enter the palace and that JY only helped (and let LG believe that it was for riches and power, since ever other woman in the palace is there for that reason), it might decrease the hatred that LG feels for JY and make him a less dangerous opponent.

        Mostly, I just expect JY to have thought of these things beforehand, because she makes such a point of priding herself on having read strategy books and being so smart at scheming. At least if you’re going to brag about yourself, live up to the claim.

        Anyway, that was one long-winded dissertation! Hurray for book discussions! 😀

      • I think you combined two elements of RX’s reaction to YT being a spy. She didn’t blame 4th Prince because YT was a spy. She blamed 4th Prince for killing YT as a warning to 9th Prince and all future spy activity. He sacrificed YT, who was just a pawn. RX blamed 9th Prince for turning YT into a spy. These are two different reactions on RX’s part.

        As for MDD, I totally back JY’s reaction. Everything that happened to her was directly correlated to YZX stealing the throne from Yu Dan. Sure, she can fault MDD for trying to kill her, and she does in her own way by deciding then and there that whatever friendship between them is over. But she correctly throws the blame where it ultimately resides, on YZX’s shoulder for setting everything in motion. It really is all YZX’s fault on another level, for trying to find traces of JY in MDD and making that girl totally in love with him and then insecure that she’s just a replacement for JY, which she is.

        In a political game, JY and RX allot the blame on the chess players, not on the chess pieces, which to me highlights their understanding that those with power control the direction and everyone else is just reacting to situations beyond their control.

        I don’t find RX or JY blaming those in power is a saintly or Cinderella reaction. I just don’t see the correlation there. It’s purely a value judgment on their part. They see the weak being manipulated by the poor, and the weak in this case are women (YT, MDD) who love men (9th Prince, YZX) and then betraying their friends for love.

      • While the chess players do deserve blame for setting things in motion, their chess pieces are also not automatons; the people that they manipulate also have many choices of their own, and free will to choose. YZX’s infatuation with JY does indeed make MDD feel very insecure – but certainly no one held a dagger to MDD and forced her to send assassins after JY. At least with RX, I do feel that she has more of a “right” to not blame YT because YT was at least sincerely torn between RX and 9th prince and was reluctant to betray RX. MDD, on the other hand, actively chose to completely fling aside any feelings of friendship towards JY. So she definitely shares culpability with YZX.

        What I consider “saintly” behavior (can’t think of a better word at the moment – it’s Friday, and my brain is fried for the week) is that RX and JY don’t appear to feel the least bit hurt by their friends’ betrayals or at least they get over it very quickly and immediately pass the blame to others. And if they’re so rational as to blame the chess players rather than the chess pieces, well, why blame anyone at all? 4th prince killed YT because YT was poisoning the relationship between him and his son and had also been ordered to poison the relationship between 4th prince and RX, among other things. Seems like a very rational thing to do, to kill off your enemy’s spy and also send a warning to your enemy.

        I also think that it’s rather simplistic to characterize chess players as not being themselves also manipulated by events out of their control, and even by their own subordinates/chess pieces. Definitely, they hold more power than most, but it’s certainly not total, absolute power, and again, all of us have free will and we all have a choice to act the way we do.

    • Ok, as much as I loved the ear biting/kissing JY received from HQB, I have to call out JY on accepting such intimate gestures from someone she categorizes as a friend without putting up a fuss. To me it’s right up there with kissing on the lips if not more. Or is it a wolf thing to accept ear biting from casual friends?

  4. almost there koala unnie! almost there to volume2!

    i love all her scenes with HQB! always with memorable quips and at once filled with mirth and yet so achingly honest with an underlying tenderness… jiu ye is so so repressed in his emotions.. and reminds me so much of 8th and maybe a tinge of 4th in BBJX… and while it’s a lovely drama, i got irritated with the wishy-washiness of the romance eventually… was totally in love with 14th and 13th prince… and while 13th with RX was impossible in the romantic sense of the word.. i loved 14th’s antagonism with RX…which probably explains why i love DMY so much in contrast.. cos HQB gets the girl in the end… what can i say, i like the man who acts on his feelings.. ^^

    • In my first post about DMY, I described Jiu Ye as a cross btw 4th and 8th, while HQB is a mix of 13th and 14th. Glad I’m not just seeing things.

  5. Thanks Koala unni,
    i am really infatuated with this story. Till now i was like, this story was OK …. but Today Episode was very calculative … amazing, political. For me too, Do Ma Yao is 100% more interesting, integrating, suspenseful , romantic, engaging, passionate, than BBLX … characters are so straightforward, interesting, beautiful, sexy, powerful, and also suspenseful. You never know what will happen next time …. Thank you for your Time and hard work.

  6. You are on a roll, Koala! Thank you. Its wonderful to wake up to this today. 🙂

    Just have a question, not related to this chapter but if anyone can answer, I’d really appreciate it. BBJX is the first C-drama that I watched so I haven’t seen Hu Ge in anything. I know they’ve acted together before, how was the chemistry between Shi Shi and Hu Ge? From the photos posted here, it seems like they are very well matched physically, both slender and elegant looking. Just curious because I’ve been burned by one OTP too many and don’t want to raise my expectations too high.

    • they’ve acted together several times before.. but never as a couple.. yet apparently they have a palpable chemistry onscreen that has yet to be harnessed properly as the OTP… but they DO look gorgeous together eh? I’m a HongShi shipper cos their interactions off-screen are just adorbs and who can resist the flirty cad that is YuanHong anw…
      but i think HG and LSS look good together too.. ^^

      • Thanks! And yeah, YH is definitely a force to reckon with. And I’ve only seen him as 13th prince so far. He’s just beautiful (hot), in that unconventionally magnetic way. 😉

    • Yeah, it’s weird, but there is a sizeable ShiGe shipping contingent even though they have never been an OTP in drama (yet) despite doing 4 together.

      TBH, I can’t say for certain because they were younger then and both have definitely improved as actors in the last few years, so I think they can pull off the chemistry even if it isn’t as naturally sizzling as HongShi.

      I’m stoked about the casting regardless, I think it’ll be a win.

      • i dunno about the sizzling part when they’re together- that we’ll have to wait and see ><
        but i know for sure that they're looking mighty sizzling individually for their new drama Scar of Heaven.. Goodness.. I thought HG was good looking before and totally loved his boyishness in roles in CP and LOCH… but in SoH.. *fans self* when did he grow up so hot… every bit the man now… as for LSS.. stills and BTS have her looking so sultry.. it's the eyes i tell yeh, the eyes… (rumour on the street credits this change to YH.. hoho)
        if i was a bit iffy about imagining them as beloved HQB and Yu-er before… the stills for this other drama just about upped the stakes. and my anticipation for DMY and their renditions of the characters just shot through the roof…

      • Ah, I see. So they haven’t acted as lovers before. That should be something to look forward to then. And they do look beautiful together, maybe that’s why people are shipping them.

        I guess I’m just cautious because I’m falling deeper and deeper in love with this novel and don’t want to crash and burn when the drama adaptation comes. But I know that won’t be the case because ShiShi had chemistry with all her BBJX men. 😉

  7. I’ve been too busy to catch up with this until now, but I love love love LOVE it! You are great at translating.

    Also, it’s sad how I can place every picture from which scene in which drama it was 🙂

    • Haha, I knew you’d recognize all the pictures. 🙂

      I find DMY very sweeping and emotionally expansive, whereas BBJX went for the deep emotional angst. Volume 2 is where all the good stuff begins, so I’m just chafing to get there.

      • I can sense the difference you mention – it seems fitting as Qing strikes me as a long more structured (especially since BBJX is pretty much 100% set inside the palace) than the Han, especially when a stpry involves battles and ‘wild’ tribes.

        (btw, I am literally in awe of your translation skills. Whenever I try to translate from Russian to English, it’s hard, and the two languages have more in common than English and Chinese).

      • I’m on volume 2 and I so cannot wait for your translations of volume 2. I’m just ready to blush while reading your recaps.

    • lol. it’s not sad it’s awesome. 🙂 I’m a hu ge completist, and also a lss fan and watched nearly all her period dramas aired after her appearance in the yang warriors so I also happened to be able to spot the pictures. To be honest, I wouldn’t want to miss any of those dramas so it’s definitely a good thing in my book. 😀

      • Yay! I am not alone! The pic for this chapter reminded me of how I wanted Hu Ge and LSS to get together in CP3 even though they were playing brother and sister! I kept hoping one of them was adopted or something 🙂 Nothing against Yang Mi, whom I do love, but I was wrongshipping that drama until the bitter end

        (Though since the ‘newer’ version of Hu Ge was a reincarnation of LSS’ brother, does that count as siblings? Reincarnation makes my head hurt :P)

      • haha. hi-5!
        Sigh. I was also shipping LSS and HG a bit secretly. I love Yang Mi too (ever since her condo heroes appearance) but I think CP is doomed for non-OTP shipping. I mean the story makes us want to ship the otps but the chemistry hu ge had with ady and lss was so potent. (let’s not talk about lyf. XP)
        Haha. Chinese stories and their reincarnation. I guess biologically, t wouldn’t be her brother, but spiritually, it would. the stairs scene. it definitely DID NOT feel like brother-sister.
        (btw, it’s SO cool you can speak russian. my father speaks/writes russian but i never learned it. All i know, is vaguely how to say hello. something like strasbutie or smth. and what’s your name, karhk varh sa vut or smth. and dasvidanie? ^^” anw. SO COOL.)

  8. By the way, this is off topic but I wondered if Tong Hua ever mentioned lian nichang (aka yu luo cha) from liang yusheng’s bai fa mo nu zhuan? I’m just curious if the fact that yu er was raised with wolves was a coincidence, or was inspired from LYS’s work. Even their names had jade “yu” in it. I really find the fact that they were feral children compelling. It makes it even more special how they learned the human language and culture so well. It’s not easy to be able to acquire language after a certain age.

  9. HQB is letting JY know in no uncertain terms his feelings while she continues to ignore her feelings/reactions for him. It’s great to see a leading man make up his mind (about the girl) and continually pursue her. HQB is not waffling on his choice or running hot and cold like the wishy-washy Jiu Ye. So awesome!

    Thanks for the latest chapter & for hosting this discussion of DMY. Looking forward to more!

  10. Urgh, I feel like this chapter is setting everyone up to be really unhappy later on…Noooo, please not! Why am I already feeling sad? And urgh, Li Yan, wanting to kill Jin Yu? That makes me seriously dislike her. Well, and Li Gan, just blaming it all on Jin Yu. I wish she’d just run off with HQB, never look back and just live a happy, secluded life somwhere far, far away, never to think of political intrigue, lying, or any of that, ever again!

    Thank you so much for you wonderful translations! ^^

  11. Thanks for the superb translations once again. I must admit I was tempted to read Yun Zhong Ge after completing Da Mo Yao but is now kinda aprehensive after seeing the comments about it above. Nonetheless I probably take it up after we have finished dissecting DMY (there still lots of time to kill till the drama airs next year). Regardless, I think DMY is still going to be my fav out of all of Tong Hua novels. It seems to be the most light-hearted & cheerful one too!
    Rumours are swirling that the delay in official announcement of the casting news is due to the fact that nobody is keen to take up the role of Jiu Ye (similarly BBJX had the same issue with the 4th prince being the unpopular role to play). I personally find it sad coz I do prefer Jiu Ye & understand why Jin Yu likes him so much. He was the one that sought her out when she was in need & gave her comfort. He was also meticulous & attentive to her when she felt unwell. I do adore HQB but one must understand that given the age of the characters, it’s understandble that he’s more carefree (and by carefree I mean “daring”) & libertine in his actions. I mean come on we’ve all done crazy things when we were 19/20s! Hence, I’ll take a gentle & caring soul like Jiu Ye anytime & my heart bleeds for hime esp. in bk 2!

  12. “Huo Qu Bing answered “I missed the flowers blooming last year because I was in Xi Yu. But at least they are considerate, allowing the first flower to bloom for me.””

    Can he be anymore adorable? This is as far as I got and had to stop. He’s ripping my heart out….

  13. Ouch! Talking about JY’s handkerchief action/decision coming back to bite her! And I can totally see the beginning of a rift between Li Gan and HQB… pity that since he seems to be a friend that HQB can be at ease with.

    Anyway, thanks for the chapter! ^^

    • It’s sad to know how their friendship will move downwards because of women! Hopefully Li Gan can see Li Yan’s nature and understand it’s not entirely YJ’s fault.

      • Sad considering that Li Gan is probably the other man I have read HBQ talking easily with so far in the book! Sigh… poor men. They are quite similar in how extreme they love their women though.

        But seeing how infatuated Li Gan is, I don’t think he is going to make things easy for HBQ/JY or HBQ/LG’s friendship.

  14. Love how something like the acacia can make JY think about HQB. Also loved how he defends and protects her everytime, but specially from Li Gan… not necessarily when he steps in front of her, but when he makes a threat at him.

    I really like Li Yan as a character. She is not 100% good nor 100% bad… and she’s smart. I’m amazed how the intrigue is invisible but still recognizable. JY never saw Li Yan do anything against her, but by Li Gan’s actions and her own knowledge of his feelings, she can guess what Li Yan’s up to.

    Thanks for translating another amazing chapter!

  15. HBQ FTW!! I am glad to see how much HBQ has started to affect her and her being more aware of him (her guilt re acacia flower and realising that he wasn’t happy thinking she was close to Li Gan) and also starting respond (reaching for him for comfort). Sigh, JY, grab this guy while you can… he obviously loves you and cares for you. Otherwise, with all the shenanigans you come up with, you will be in big trouble!

  16. So I was initially apprehensive about HG playing the part of HQB because I think, like some here, I found him looking too boyish/fresh…..BUT…..*ahem*…..have folks seen these pics yet?

    …….I’m going to happily eat my words and say I can *totally* see it now. Can you just imagine the crackling chemistry that he and LSS are going to cook up? When is this drama going to to start airing? *starts counting down the days*

  17. thanks again ms. koala!!

    this just keeps getting better & better. though, as another commenter mentioned, it does seem that JY herself, is giving mixed messages to HQB by allowing him to be so close to her person without being upset by their interaction. maybe she thinks this is normal behavior between friends? i dunno…

    • True but I think JY is also starting to be more aware and considerate with HBQ’s feeling, starting with feeling guilty at the start of the chapter and feeling pain seeing him upset about LG and explaining that she does not know LG well… A few chapters ago, I don’t think JY would have thought of explaining.

  18. Though I like Jiu Ye as a partner for YJ, I think personality-wise HQB is more suitable for her in the long run. With Yiu Je, she’s trying to adapt herself to become someone she “thinks” he would like. With HQB, she doesn’t have to be other than her real self — carefree, risk-taking and straightforward, saying what she likes and doing what she likes. She has no need to make herself appear more learned or more “civilized”, shall we say? It’s better for YJ to be with HQB as he apparently accepts her at her face value and also never hesitates to show his interest and feelings for her; whereas, Jiu Ye, for some reason, is blowing hot and cold, and making her confused and uncertain. In fact, she seems to lose her self-confidence when she’s with her protector, With HQB, she’s cocky and saucy and naughty, and I prefer her to be that way. Sadly, with YZX too, she never needs to be anything than herself — wild, tomboyish and charming in her utter innocence at the same time. Too ba YZX has to marry for political reasons before she even grows up. By the way, how come YZX is able to be in Chang An? Or is there a lull in the ongoing military conflict between the Hans and the Xi Yu?

    Millions of thanks for the daily feasts we’ve been given by Ms. K. I’m looking so forward to your translation of Vol. 2, which promises to be hotter, and maybe more tragic.

    I wonder how much Jin Yu will be damaged as a consequence of her role in helping Li Yan into the palace as Consort Li seems to be quite ruthless in getting what she wants and she may not think her “friendship” with Jin Yu as sacrosanct when she wants to do away with her friend if occasion arises. Right now, our heroine has earned the enmity with Li Gan, and poor HQB is the loser in the spat between two strongwilled women.

  19. This is totally a random find on YouTube when I was looking for old LSS and Hu Ge vids as I’m new to C-ent and never seen them together before. Thought I should share this here because they look…sooo HAWT.

    If HQB looks like this…whoaaaa! *fans self*

  20. :gush!: HXB is to die for! Gah, how in the hades world the JY hold out so long? I would have been a puddle of goo in a millesecond. I’m not liking Li Yan…girl’s a fox through and through. Thanks, Ms Koala.

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