
Nicky Wu Plays a Freedom-fighting Bandit in Upcoming C-drama Into the Fire — 13 Comments

  1. Oh ! This looks original ! I must confess i’m a total newbie about C dramas, but i remember the previous post with guylinered Nicky Wu. See, my memory is very selective… I wonder what will be the approach of the story : Pure truthful history, action, romance ? That said, i’m all for an avenger’s character. Just hope a happy end.

    • That would be cool, eh, if Nicky is in DMY! But alas, he might be considered too old for the role (but he can really be a cute 18 y.o. too!).

      Anyway. NOT digging the pineapple hair, but happy to have Nicky with the guns again. His gun fighting in Sanctuary was really cool, and I actually dig his ‘official look’ as Liu Muoyan in that series better. Looks so 20s classy.

      I hope his character lives this time, cos anything he played around the Japanese era usually ended up with his character dead.

    • Not sure what the Bridal mask is about… But as a frequent watcher of cdramas- I can assure you this plot is a very common reaccuring storyline in many Chinese dramas. not all that original symphosis wise- with the exception of having a hottie like Nicky in the drama that is.

  2. sorry, random …. WHY of WHY unnieeeee…. did you post PK photos? Now … I feel like watching them again! sighhhhhhhh……. you know, many critics didn’t like PK but I really really like it, it’s sooo sweet.
    I didn’t know ‘you’ back then so not sure if you like it, but for you to post it – you must like it huh? I didn’t expect anything and I adore them …
    enough say .. Nicky Wu? the hair was a bit ..hmmm….well, guess it probably apts for that era, but he’s yummy … macho … ^_^ thks unnie ….

  3. I like Nicky a lot, but I don’t usually seek out c-dramas about this era. I will probably get to see it though since my Dad seems to like these dramas.

    Thanks for the heads up as always, koala.

  4. first what is DMY?
    and someone more familiar with c-dramas could help me with this? …is there a ranking system like japan or korea? how you choose a new drama to watch?

    I like to watch sanctuary but has not been subbed yet. storyline seems interesting.
    why people are slow in subbing c-dramas?

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