
Fashion King Releases Long Teaser and Premieres on Monday — 22 Comments

  1. I think we can take the bad acting from the trifecta- Yoo Ah In, and Lee Je Hoon at least, but I am worried about the writing and directing. The plot doesn’t sound very compelling, and I cant not watch a Yoo Ah In project. But surely Yoo Ah In who chooses his projects very carefully would choose a project with solid characters and good writing.

  2. …I don’t think I’ll be watching this. There’s nothing in the plot that impresses me and I feel that most people who watch this will be for the combo of shin se kyung, yuri, and yoo ah in, and not for the drama itself. I’ll maybe catch a few episodes because I’m curious about yuri’s acting skills. From the trailer though, it seems like she has trouble emoting. I know her character is supposed to be the cold, city girl but I see nothing in her eyes…especially in that scene with lee je joon… and she seems too hyper aware of how she looks. This is her first acting gig so hopefully she’ll improve throughout the drama.

  3. I’m both excited and not for this drama. Excitement is for Yoo Ah In’s return to drama land weeeeeeee! but at the same time, WOW, Yuri’s scenes were so awkward. Big fan of SNSD here, but even in commercials and other promotions they do, Yuri is the weakest link when it comes to acting. I love Yuri as a member of SNSD but I hope she won’t ruin the drama for me.

  4. When I watched the trailer I was wondering who this girl is who is acting woodenly. So it is Yuri of SNSD. They’re far to many to remember their faces. I was impressed with Lee Je Hoon’s acting in the film On The Frontline and with Yoo Ah In and Shin Se kyung I hope this will be good.

  5. how i wish sooyoung get to act in this..she the best in fashion and acting yet soo underrated….
    just watch ‘time machine’ mv…..

    • me too. watching for Lee Je Hoon, and I’m sooo hoping that his character is compelling, or at least has depth.
      in all honesty, the trailer wasn’t that bad…maybe there’s hope yet.

  6. yoo ah in looks like a mini so jisub, & lee je hoon looks like a younger uhm tae woong… but unfortunately, both female leads seem uninteresting, even though they look pretty… as far as yuri is concerned, think she’s bit green in acting, should’ve taken up a lively character which resembles her real life character & would’ve been easier 2 emote (think: unstoppable marriage sitcom)… and shin sekyung has the same deer-caught-in-the-stoplight look throughout the trailer… the male leads are charismatic, even the trailer by itself has a early 2000s, love to kill kinda feel to it but in a makjangy dull way…

  7. yoo ah in looks like a mini so jisub, & lee je hoon looks like a younger uhm tae woong… but unfortunately, both female leads seem uninteresting, even though they look pretty… as far as yuri is concerned, think she’s bit green in acting, should’ve taken up a lively character which resembles her real life character & would’ve been easier 2 emote (think: unstoppable marriage sitcom)… and shin sekyung has the same deer-caught-in-the-stoplight look throughout the trailer… the male leads are charismatic, even though the trailer by itself has a early 2000s, love to kill kinda feel to it but in a makjangy dull way…

  8. This really does give off a Midas feel for me too. And that isn’t a good thing. I hope this drama succeeds for all the actors’ sakes -especially Yoo Ah In, who must be really tired of being idolized as Moon Jae Shin and just wants to move on.

  9. Definitly glossy. I don’t find the plot compelling but check it out because of Yoo Ah In. The question is , what do I have to put up with just for him?

  10. I’ll be waiting to see what you write about it, Koala. I watched S-Scandal and I loved Yoo Ah In in it so I’m really glad he is in a lead for something, but the plot doesn’t interest me so unless the writing is very good, I doubt I can watch it just for YAI at this point. We shall see.

  11. Looks like a good DRAMA to watch just viewing the preview. Not to judge easily but I do observe its a different kind of story, acting quite good. Look forward to it. Good luck to all!!!!!!!!!

  12. Since I barely have time for one kdrama in the upcoming months (science is owning my life), I will not be watching this. Usually if I like a teaser I will check it out but so far the drama looks really contrived with bad acting all around. Obviously you can’t say much about a drama solely based on a trailer but when you have an actor like Yoo Ah In who is a master of subtlety coming off as highly overacting and a plot line that has the potential to be not that interesting in doesn’t fare well for the drama. At this point, I think I will stick to rooftop prince.

  13. I looked up the director. Lee Myung-woo.
    He did Warrior Baek Dong Soo – which means it’ll be pretty and was the AD for Bali – so it’ll be gritty.
    I am interested in knowing what his role WAS in WBDS, meaning:
    I don’t think it was HIS fault there was so much ginseng in the plot.
    He may have been his fault that Choi Min-su showed us a lot of his saliva.
    It wasn’t his fault that they cast a wooden person as the love interest for our boys.
    Can we give him credit for making the real ending (not what happens AFTER the ending) the most memorable ever? I think so.
    We can blame the writers for adding on the stupid epilog that still makes me want to kill people.

    With that highly skilled and thorough analysis, I am actually excited with how he is going to present the boys, and a little concerned about the girls.

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