
Yoo Seung Ho to Make Special Appearance in Arang and the Magistrate with Lee Jun Ki — 11 Comments

  1. me likey! I had some doubts about what the tone of this drama is going to be like but I think this news has confirmed by suspicions that its goign to be spooky mixed with fun and romance….I love the cast and like the PD….now all we need is a good script and we could be set for a fun summer flick

  2. wow… cool…^^ However, it will be great to see him as a villian in his next next project.. He was great in Warrior Baek Dong Soo even though I did watch it halfway..

    In another note, Koala unni. I watched episode 10 of Fondant Garden.. I do not like HX was really like evil and AL. I admire her saying sorry and all but she is still doing it selfish as she is only thinking about herself as she like HX. As for HH, he was cute at the beginning but he need to do some really mucho romantic for ME to fell in love with him. ME is still in love with HX and I wonder when is she began to realize that HH is there for her already. It was like totally WTF with the father with the coma with a poisonous plant. Is periwinkle that poisonous for a just a lil pick on the finger… O_0 Well, next episode should be interesting as from the preview we see a lil bit of swooning of HX/ME and HH/ME. However, the only thing I keep headdesking is the lies… OMG… Everybody is lying to each other… I soo want all the lies come out now. So, at least, everybody knows the truth and deal with it instead of dealing it later on when the truth comes out. *sigh* But, I know it does not go that in drama world. =P

    • Strangely enough, periwinkle really is poisonous. And they were right with the symptoms, normally the sap will just make your hands numb or tingly. If you get it in your bloodstream, as Daddy Chen did, then it can easily make you pass out. And then of course he hit his head, which was the real issue.

      Anyway – Arang….boy am I looking forward to this!

  3. Good for him…
    He should be happy to tag with this cast…
    Really hoping that they gonna pull all…mystery, spooky, funny, romantic… ×my brain spin.
    If they do, It’s gonna be to good…but if they fail…I’ll still watch it because of LJK.

    • his role is a special appearance which means a famous actor taking on an not very heavy role ina drama. So he is not the second lead – guess he only appears like several mins each episode.

  4. Thanks for the wonderful news, Ms Koala. I love this cast and hope that the drama is funny-romantic-spooky rather than scary-vengeful-spooky!

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