
A Gentlemans Dignity Releases Long Trailer Before Weekend Premiere on SBS — 27 Comments

  1. OH. Hmmm … well, that mostly deflates my happier anticipations. General Disappointment looks like he will be heading up this drama, and I hate the General. 🙁 I hope it pulls itself around soon (based on the likely places the trailer looks to march us) or this will be a gigantic waste of talent.

  2. Well at the moment I’m more looking forward to Dr. Jin. The trailer is pretty disappointing but I will watch the first episode, maybe I change my mind!:-)

  3. A question ? could a drama be funnier than this ? seriously ! is it possible ? NO
    I just adore it …how sweet these guys are . I am sure this drama is goona be a hit .like City hall,secret garden and the other super popular dramas of writer Kim Eun Sook and PD Sin Woo Chul…!
    I love your oppa captain but i am definitely in this one .

  4. That scene where KHN’s red dress came undone was a recycled scene..I’ve seen it in Taiwan drama and another Kdrama , just forgot the titles ..not so original 🙁 so far , I feel it’s just so-so …I’ll wait for a few episodes and read some feedbacks before diciding to watch it …

    • honestly I think i’ve seen the whole dress unraveling scene just way too many times to find it funny anymore

    • That Taiwanese drama is Endless Love with Wilber Pan and Sandrine Pinna. In fact the whole story is premised on that red-thread connection. I love that drama (I might be in the minority)!

      I think this one, hopefully, will not hinge on the red-thread connection. I hope it’s more a story on the friendship between the 4 ‘gentlemen’… reliving my Sex And The City love (again, I might be in the minority here).

      • hahaha, yes , it’s Endless Love ! funny how most of us watched the same dramas …so if other dramas come up with the same scenes , it’s not interesting anymore 🙁

  5. Hrmm… It was a tough call for me to which long trailer is good. It was a tied for the bromance of AGD and Dr. Jin. The actress of both is meh so that is tied which is better. AGD is at least was swoon worthy and I did get a laugh. While, Dr. Jin was interesting for me. Hrmm… My final verdict of which is better to see how many HOT Shower Scenes Dr. Jin and AGD have and compare to it. Therefore, overall, I think AGD would be a must watch later on. Then, Dr. Jin. So, AGD vs McHandTowel, McHOTSoldier, and LBS. Let the battle of ratings and HOTNESS, and OTP began.

  6. Perhaps these trailers are akin to TK2H’s. And, we know that show turned out better than the first impressions formed after watching the long trailer.

  7. AGD had the second best long preview of the five released for the upcoming dramas imo….but that really isn’t saying much considering I do I Do’s was mediocre and Jin’s was unintentionally hilarious, Sign’s waa just boring…Gaksital had the only good one

  8. Not interested in Jin beyond Kim Bum Soo’s performance and SSH’s hotness. AGD is up my alley because I feel the point is of the drama is the machismo and sexist attitude of the boys. They are manchildren. I expect to like it and have tons of fun being annoyed but amused by their assumptions and insinuations. FUN!

  9. I like it. 1st ep was pretty funny. I love Jang Dong Gun and Kim Ha Neul. They look even better than before. Their characters are pretty funny. Despite being in his 40’s, he’s pretty immature and a bit petty, and she’s really oblivous and dense. Funny combo. But best of all, I love the bromance.

  10. I love the first episode and it surely won me over. I love the F44 and their interactions. Kim Ha Neul surprises me as I find her hilarious. I looking forward to the next episode!!!

    • I knwo right, for forties man I find their hairstyles a bit……… too young?

      And they all except one have bangs!

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