
Miss Rose Episode 2 Recap — 17 Comments

  1. *giggles*
    Thank you for the recap.I loved it.Even the screencap made me smile.Loved the 2 guys jn OG and totally loving them together again.Dear Ms Koala you’ve somehow converted me into a J and T drama fan as I am watching RMPW because of you. Now with Love Actually starting today I don’t even have time for the new KDramas.

  2. Ooh, I wanna watch this so badly, but there are only 2 episodes out… I hate having to wait an entire week for just one episode :/

  3. Roy is just so loveable, I love his tough exterior with a mussy interior characters. Saw a small clip on youtube of the OG being tested on using a calculator adding/subtracting whole numbers and everyone got the right answer except for Roy who ended up with a decimal lol!

  4. ive been searching for this drama on the net, anyone knows where i can watch this w/subs?….thanks for the recaps!!!

  5. So happy that you’re recapping this! I loved your OG recaps, and I’m pretty sure it’ll be the same way for Miss Rose. This was a terrific episode, and I can definitely see MR enjoying the same success as OG does if it continues this way.

    Love your commentary about the dinner scene, btw, when Shengjun and Siyi were chatting, while Chengkuan was just looking dryly at both of them. It’s amazing how Roy can steal the scene without even saying anything. I’m also enjoying the Roy/Paul interactions — the scene where they barged into the general manager’s office, what with the same movements and facial expressions, had me rewinding just to watch it over and over again.

    Looking forward to future recaps! Thanks for your hard work on them. 🙂

  6. Roy Qiu is so cute, and I loved him in OG, but it was tooooo long. Too much filler. City Hall is one of my personal favorites so might give this a try.

  7. Thanks for the recap, Koala! I haven’t been into Cdramas for quite a few years, but I think I may have to check this one out!

    Just wondering, since you seem to know a lot about Cdramas, Kdramas, as well as Jdoramas. Maybe you answered this somewhere but I missed it – I’m curious to know, what language do you primarily speak/understand? Or do you know all three?

  8. Dear Mrs Koala,

    How much I wish that the Starship Enterprise would beam me up then down to your place so we could watch this drama together. Then we could squeal, scream, swoon, laugh, with me bugging you to translate the dialogues… and we would chat on and on about this and that… Cuz right now this is all I wish I could do after watching bits of ep 1 and 2!

    Alas, due to technicalities because the said starship seems to have disappeared light-years away in another galaxy, I will just have to sit back and relax on this part of the globe, waiting for the raw videos to be available. The temptation will be tough, honestly, not to read your recaps before hand so as not to spoil my viewing.

    As I tend to watch only one drama at a time, I have picked Miss Rose to be my next “crack” hopefully in the upcoming weeks. All thanks to you, lol. Hopefully the PD and writer will keep up with the good work and such an excellent cast.

    Looking forward to experiencing the same but different emotions as in our “Inju City” era. 😉

  9. Hi Mrs Koala,
    I am a big fan of Roy Chiu from Vietnam. There’s no word to say about my happiness when I read you post. May you tell me about disco song on the scene you mentioned below:
    “Si Yi looks around and sees a cute guy sitting to the side sipping a drink (model-actor Edwin Gerard in a cameo). They make eye contact and Si Yi looks away shyly. The guy stands up and struts towards her, and next thing you know, the two of them are grinding away on the dance floor. Of course this turns out to be Si Yi’s overactive imagination at work, and in truth the guy never even notices her.”
    So glad to know you and waiting for your reply^^

  10. Thanks for the recap.
    Love the title of the ep: The Screw and the Patch

    I liked the CH element of how good her coffee is.
    Loved when her pulled close her by the nametag – RRWWARR.

    The second Sheng Jun offers to take Cheng Kuan to a nightclub to see sexy models, I was like: “YES! Another embarrassing encounter for him!” That one was perfect in execution, too. He didn’t have to give her the Heimlech, but his decency is starting to show.

    Megan Lai has the perfect looks for this role. She is NOT beautiful. She’s tall and gangly and almost boyish despite her long hair. But she is attractive and despite CK being so incredibly good looking and younger in appearence, I really really like them side by side. It is a sort of chemistry, I guess, but it’s deeper than that.

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