
Suzy and Kim Soo Hyun Reunite in New Zealand for High Cut Magazine — 17 Comments

  1. Too bad they didnt come a little further to the left of NZ as they would have been in my country. Oh well maybe next time, one can only hope.

  2. this is jus my opinion.. n i knw i am goin to be bashed .. nevertheless.. i have seen him do collaberated ads with eunjung aswell.. and as far as the chemistry is concerned …the spark between them is sooo downright obvious .. in the drama the OTP were quite good but if i had want another drama/movie being done with kim soo hyun .. i wud defo vote eunjung to be his love interest… anytime!!
    PS: i dont knw y?? but i jus cant cum to like Suzy!! SURRI!!T__T

  3. When I saw Dream High,I wanted so much for them to end up together and luckily,they did.
    I’m too am not so into Suzy but I adore Kim Soo Hyun a lot,lot. Am going to dream about him tonight!

  4. SamMi!!! They are so adorable. I was recently thinking when I can see them together in a project again. ha. Thanks Bean Pole (& to you too Koala)!

  5. Maybe because the drama established them as good friends first, that is what I see between them. Two people who really enjoy being with the other person. Plus a sunbae/hoobae dynamic.

    I would love to see this blossom into romance up the road a piece.
    She is so darn cute and smart.

  6. wah in my my hometown. so cuteee thank you. Btw, i’ve been refreshing ur page hoping to see ur first impression of arang or even better a recap. Sorry for demanding too much, is just that watching drama along with ur recap is a heaven goodness heheh. And I also like reading ur first impression thought and perspective because it is usually very thoughtful and interesting.

  7. I never knew you are a hyunzy shipper and despite our differing opinions in MoonSun we are both agreeing on the perfect couple that they are… it’s refreshing to see them together after a long while and the chemistry I have seen in Dream High is still there and much much more… I’m waiting for the other Beanpole photos to be released this September

  8. Kim Soo Hyun has openly admitted he likes Kaya Scodelario (skins). He claims she is his ideal type, and they just modeled together for J.ESTINA–I’ve never seen him act so adorably! He’s blushing so bad, you can tell he REALLY likes her.

    You can find a video of their shoot on youtube.

  9. after i saw and read this, i just had to go and re-watch (for the gazillionth (?) time Dream High). *sigh* *swoon* *aawwww~ (hands over heart)

  10. They look really in goodness HyunZy you kill me with your Perfect Chemistry together, I cannot wait to see both of you again in a drama together as a loving and a matured couple than Dream High (who both of you played an innocent couple together, young, cute & so sweet). Eventhough Soo Hyun is 7 yrs. older than Suzy, age doesn’t matter anyway, I am maybe one of the happiest person on Earth if this two will end up for REAL…

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