
Recess: Fall in Love with You Again — 132 Comments

  1. Coffee Prince. It never gets old for me, and there are some parts I’ve seen almost a hundred times. Also, Oh! My Lady. Objectively, not that great of a drama but from some reason I love it fiercely and have rewatched it several times.

    • Coffee Prince for me too! Usually rom-coms are no good on re-watches: all the cliches start to pile up and the formula shows, but this one just makes me feel good all over again.

      The only other one is Taereung National Village, and frankly, I’d watch that drama 10 times in a row. Quality shows.

    • I am glad to see there is some “Oh My Lady” love out there. I, too, know it is not a great (or evene good?) drama, but there is something so endearing about it and relaxing. Sometimes I just need comfort food (not a lot of angsty, suspency, makjang, tears, which I find even in the most comedic romance shows). Whenever I need to just feel better, I watch episodes from this. Whenever I need a quick shot, I watch the scene where they are looking for the little girl in the mall. I think I have watched the whole thing at least three times.

      • Yay! OML love! I feel the same way about it. I love that it’s not angst!-ridden and super-dramatic. It actually subverts a lot of potential by steering away from uber-dramatic reveals and situations.

        Siwon does a pretty darn good job as Min-woo, too. Chae Rim you just have to love, and the little girl, omo, she’s too cute for words! I could really care less about the other characters, but those three are enough for me. I love the jerk-to-good-daddy story, and I’m a sucker for hot guys with cute kids. ^_^

      • Oh My Lady is my go-to K-drama fluff. I have no clue why. I’m not even that big of a Siwon fan. It’s just…fluff, and sometimes you want…fluff!

        Other go-to k-dramas for me are Coffee Prince, Tamra, Damo, MNIKSS, and MiSa (I know, go figure).

    • Yep, I have my favourite episodes and scenes from CP that I can watch again and again. For instance, I love the quiet night scene in the countryside (during the field trip,), when Eun Chan says she could eat the moon, or the scene when Eun Chan and Gyul are playing with those Lego-like toys he makes – they both feel so…natural, as if unscripted. YEH’s best acting job, too, in my humble opinion – the scene on the bus, when she’s wearing flip flops with a beautiful dress and has to take her wig off because it’s hot, is so grotesque it’s amazing. Also, one of the few dramas where a poor character actually looks poor (hey, she even wears the same outfit from time to time!).

      • Exactly! And it’s the only cross-dressing where the girl actually looks convincingly androgynous. Sometimes you even forget Eun-chan’s a girl, because YEH totally sells the body language. Definitely her best acting job, and I admire her so much for not insisting on still looking girl-pretty.

      • I just got goosebumps even thinking about the quiet countryside scene! Which has got to be pretty high praise. More high praise? If I could actually marry a drama, it would totally be Coffee Prince. 😉

    • I love Oh! My Lady and have rewatched it probably 4 or 5 times. Like you said, objectively speaking it’s not that great, but it just hits my heart the right way.

    • I love city hall and coffee prince so much I had to have my own copy from Amazon. I watch buzzer beat like 5 times a year. I love “love marriage, bad couple, fated to love you, they kiss again (when am not trying to kill Ariel’s character), Mars, Lie to me (when am not mad at 2nd writer for slowing the romance), Devil beside you, Que sera sera, Can love become money, Mr. Brain, Gokusen 1, My lovely Sam Soon, Secret Garden, Lovers”…to name a few.

      And to get off topic on another one of my love since it’s an asian country, any Shah Ruk Khan and Kajol movie (Indian)….lol

  2. I never rewatch a drama from start to finsh. I don’t have the patience for that. I rewatch my favorite scenes or episodes from a lot of dramas. The closest I’ve come to rewatching the whole series was for Sam Soon, My Girl, You’re beautiful and Mars (t drama).

  3. I haven’t yet met a drama that I’d like to re-watch. This is not to say that I haven’t watched the good ones. It’s probably a part of me.

  4. Recently rewatched Coffee Prince and it was love all over again….other rainy day dramas include Life is Beautiful, Alone in love, Delightful Girl Choon Hyang and You’re Beautiful

  5. Ah for me it’s got to be;

    1. You’re Beautiful.
    Watched this countless times. It’s my most watched kdrama. (BOF Jversion would be my most rewatched drama ever) ~ yeah…I fall in love with A.Njell each time. Fun easy drama without drama to follow.

    2. Coffee Prince.
    My first ever Kdrama. <3 Will always hold dear to my heart.

    3. Princess Hours.
    Joo Ji Hoon and Yoon Eun Hye are just so cute. Back when I was naive and young and believed kdramas actually had such things as "sequels" I'd always re-watch this excitedly waiting … Still waiting by the way.

    4. Secret Garden
    When this first aired out I never understood the hype. But one day my auntie gave the DVD to my mom, and it was all that was ever on. I learned to slowly love it. My mom beat me tho, she probably rewatched this like 10 times, all eps in one sitting.

    5. Full House/ My Girl
    I just love these two dramas. Their cute moments were so cute. Would have rewatched them as many times as the rest, but I tend to get annoyed by things I never got annoyed at before. So yea, I don't want to end up hating my favorite dramas so a rewatch every year would be good enough for these two.

    T____T I used to think that Chuno was thee greatest thing ever invented. But as I keep re-watching it, I became so utterly annoyed by it and every character asides from Jang Hyuk's. When I watched it the first two times, I thought Oh Ji Ho was a god. Now I can't help but flinch when I see him in Chuno.

    • You’re beautiful for me too. I think its the only one for me. Love it. I’ve only watched it twice, though. But I always go back for favorite scenes. Always amuse me.
      It’s nice that the sbs YouTube channel has the whole data out, always handy for rewatch. ;]
      I did rewatch MeGa a few times, but find it kinda slow.

      • i am trying to watch youre beautiful but at second episode, have yet to see what the fans are seeing. was it immediate for you or should i persist a few more episodes? the girl is acting too cutesy. the premise is a little too ridiculous – she looks NOTHING like a boy! unlike in CP, where eun chan is convincingly boyish

      • Lol. I normally hate the too cutesy types. But YAB had so many cute moments. Like you shouldn’t expect to be watching a masterpiece, just sit back and clear your mind, and the drama will do it’s magic. From episode 3-4 it starts getting better, trust me :’). A fangirl will be born from within you. Hahaha.

  6. the only dramas i’ve seen from your list is my lovely samsoon (which i have on dvd and love so much that i rewatch it a billion times), time between dog and wolf, and let’s go to school sangdoo (i also have this on dvd)…

    the rest of the dramas i havent seen so i cant really say, but the ones i listed from your list are great dramas and will have to agree that i can rewAtch them over and over again

    i just completed rewatching time between dog and wolf yesterday and the ending reminded me the reason i love the drama so much because of the connection between mao and soohyun that they didnt know of

    • I can’t say I dislike it, but in “Lovers”, you know the staring they gave each other throughout the drama; As I rewatch it, I get annoyed at those scenes…hello, people can totally see you two eating each other with your eyes.

  7. Tamra the Island is number one for me! Loved it so much that I bought the extended cut boxset from YA. I’ve since watched the entire thing a total of 4 times. And I know it’s cliched and outdated but I’ve seen Full House probably 4 or 5 times. It was the first korean drama I watched way back when and I’ve hooked friends onto korean dramas because of it. Also, it’s a great bonding experience with my mom who I’ll occasionally watch it with. I’ve also seen Bad Family probably 3 times and I never tire of it 🙂

  8. dramas: rewatched whol and favorite parts more then a few time.

    1. You’re beautiful–so cute and fun.
    2. City Hall–just so full of emotions.
    3. Secret Garden–love it.
    4. Playful kiss–smile everytime I see him look at her behind her back. ^^
    5. Best Love
    6. My Princess
    7. Sungkyunkwan Scandal
    8. Queen InHyun’s man

    • You’re the first person I’ve seen mention that show, basically ever! I watched the first two or three episodes and wasn’t sure if I should keep going. Would you recommend sticking with it? Is it super melodramatic, or does it get funnier? It seems to be a bit under-the-radar, so I’m having trouble getting a feel for it on the internet.

      • If you hate slow paced drama, I wouldn’t recommend but it is an overalll good drama. I have re-watched it multiple times. Also, you can try new tales of GISENG.Love that drama

      • It’s about 20 eps too long…plus after a while, the song, Gloria, will have you climbing the walls. Doesn’t help that the lead actress can’t really sing.

  9. I will admit I haven’t rewatched a lot of my faves but of the ones I have, Goong and Coffee Prince have definitely lasted the test of the rewatch , I think I have watched both 2 times. i think i have seen Goong 3 times. I just simply love those two dramas and they are my definite go to dramas when I want to marathon something on a rainy day. Another drama that has also lasted the rewatch is 9 ends 2 outs, I just simply love the OTP. I have definitely rewatched some episodes of 49 days and Cinderella’s Sister and still loved them but I haven’t yet tried to rewatch the whole series. I LOVED Time between Dog and Wolf but I have’t had the chance to rewatch yet, probably will once I finally watched half the dramas i missed when i was working 60 hr work weeks.

  10. Scent of a Woman—I just love it, and I could watch Lee Dong Wook smolder all day. Also I love Kim Sun Ah.

    Wild Romance—again with the Lee Dong Wook, but I love the mystery and the one-upping at the beginning.

    My Lovely Sam Soon—always hilarious!

    Coffee Prince—Gong Yoo plays tormented, sexually-confused loverboy like nobody’s business.

    And, The King 2 Hearts—love the dynamics.

  11. woah, i should try watching those dramas on list. looking very promising there thankyou, now i wont be so bored on the weekend.
    My only one is My Girlfriend is a gumiho. Seriously, never get bored with miho’s character. As like some other drama like queen inhyun, i would rewatch it too but maybe not as much, as i can get sick with it. Unlike miho’s funniness

  12. Delightful Girl Choon Hyang – I still cry every time I watch it. :'(
    My Girl – their banter is hilarious and I still find myself laughing even if I know the jokes
    Prosecutor Princess – Park Shi Hoo’s acting is <3

    Dou Niu Yao Bu Yao
    Hana Kimi (Taiwan)

  13. the only one i’ve rewatched from start to finish was Black and White, and I ended up appreciating it even more 🙂 There were certain things that I hadn’t caught the first time around, and knowing the twists and turns beforehand didn’t make watching it again any less enjoyable. I watched the first 20 episodes of Bridal Mask twice as well, just because my cousin hadn’t watched it and I figured I would watch along with her. Now I’m super duper mega excited for the next few episodes to come out! Gaksital!!

    • MARS!!! It’s a taiwanese drama that started me on all Asian dramas and I have rewatched it maybe 12 times! I love it so much and find myself surprised by dialogue or plot points that I may have missed the first few times. There is no end to the love here.

      Also, Black and White is amazing, rewatchable and really well written. Amazing!

  14. The only drama I’ve re-watched all the way through was The King 2 Hearts (and I expect I’ll adore that for years to come).

    I tried watching Secret Garden again and loved the first six episodes or so, but then the plot takes a bit of a nosedive & I stopped watching. Ha Ji Won and Hyun Bin are magic, though.

    I could definitely see myself re-watching Coffee Prince and Dal Ja’s Spring. Not sure what else…

  15. Capt K – you have great Recess topic ideas!! 🙂 TY

    In no particular order, the ones that I have rewatched at least 3 times each…
    1) All About Eve – the more that I rewatch this one, the more I love it. Strange cause each time, I see more flaws but still love it. The very first time I saw many years ago, I was meh about it. It took to the 2nd time, for me to love it. In all honesty, if I saw something like this today, I was definitely drop it and tare my hair out. I always have a soft spot for those male leads that show that they love just one woman throughout.
    2) Yi San/Dong Yi – I have rewatched Dong Yi more than Yi San but collectively, I have watched these 2 sageuks many times over.
    3) Full House – but I haven’t watched this one in awhile
    4) SKKS – I just enjoy it as it’s breezy, cute – despite it’s flaws.
    5) BOF – I have a soft spot for the manga so I have watched this at least 3 times since it aired even though a lot of it annoys the heck out of me.
    6) Damo – love the trio
    7) Goong

    I will say that many dramas are really good and I think do stand the test of time and rewatch, like MNIKSS and Beautiful Days. But I just haven’t had the desire yet to rewatch them on a personal level. As opposed to those dramas, that I just don’t think will stand the test of time/rewatch… like LTM. 🙁 I tend not to rewatch melos, like WHIB (too heart wrenching!!).

  16. Nobuta wo Produce, Tatta Hitotsu no Koi, & The King 2 Hearts.

    Recently I tried recalling dramas that I watched last year and could only come up with NwP and THnK. The K-dramas that I watched last year are all hazy in my mind. :S Re-watched these two and appreciated them even more and noticed the little details that I missed earlier.

    Shows that I’ll re-watch select scenes from will be Coffee Prince, MNiKSS, & SeGa. Didn’t finish SeGa but HB was hilarious in the first couple of episodes & those are watchable.

  17. rewatched these like crazy : Goong , Coffee prince , hana yori dango , hana kimi , nobuta wo produce , and the this one is not a drama ,but it feels like the best of them all – WGM’s HwangBo and KHJ couple’s cuts . I swear , I have rewatched their cuts like an addict for countless of times in the last 4 years !!! no drama had ever made me feel that way ^^

    • I loved this show, but I had to sleep with the light on after some of the episodes. So freaked out!!!
      PS I am not even kidding.

    • Almost right there with you, except for PP.

      For me, MNIKSS is the best rewatch because I love the character of KSS, and everyone in the cast does a fabulous job.
      Also rewatched Coffee Prince a few times for GY.
      What’s Up Fox is a go-to cheer me up. Nothing like a hot dish of PIE on a cold winter day.

      Fourth for me is TBDandW. It totally changed how I felt about dramas. I did a rewatch as soon as I finished, and now many of the scenes are seared into my brain. It was/is so different from what we see now.
      It was like a long film.

      I am like a lot of others here.
      There are so many shows I haven’t seen that beckon -especially now that I’ved added J doramas into the mix.

  18. Yep… Coffee Prince… the only disillusion was when I actually went to the site where they filmed it and the owner was surly and the whole place was filthy and dark. But the drama is forever golden.

    Also Stars falling from the Sky because the kids are so amazing in it… can watch it endlessly…

  19. *sigh* Teach me how to “fall in love with you again,” pretty please.

    Once upon a time I was addicted; now I have zilch desire to watch or rewatch. Everything seems like so much ado over nothing. Downloading, watching, screencapping, writing… So much time spent, such a high price to pay. Enough!! ^__^ *flails theatrically before crawling back to cave to hibernate some more*

  20. Sega is number 1 for me.Re-watched it so many times. Princess Hours, Queen Seondok, Jumong, Dong-yi, Yisan, Seodongyo, Stairway to heaven, King 2 hearts,Duke

  21. Family’s Honor is the only one which I love more and more, I have no idea how many times I’ve rewatched that long drama already. Maybe 6 times? I just love it to pieces.

  22. queen in hyun’s man (4xs worlds record for me to rewatch so many time within less than a year)
    smile you (4xs although I do happen to skip lots of episode in between lol)

    I think that is about it for my korean drama fest. 🙁

    honorable to mention where I watch selective episodes/scenes: my girl, full house, my lovely sam soon, and so on…

    mars (3xs)
    princess pearl 1&2 (lost track of how many time I rewatched this)

    jodorama ding ding ding 1 litre of tears (6xs)

    and other dramas that no one here knows about
    ka neung ha (more than 10xs)
    oum ruk (chain of love) [6xs]
    noom ban rai gub wan jai hi so (proceeding to rewatch again)
    4 hua jai haeng khun khao (3xs)
    sood sanaeha (3xs)

    • hey fun! you’re here too! :p
      The only Kdrama I’ve watched repeatedly is Beautiful Days. I must have watched it maybe 7,8 times by now.
      Jdramas: Tokyo Cinderella Story, Say You Love Me, Love Story, Emergency Room 24 Hrs II.
      C/HK drama: Demi gods semi devils 2003, Blood Stained with Royal Blood 2007, Rosy Business, War and Beauty.
      Lakorns: Sawan Biang, Sood Sanaeha, Oum Ruk, Jam Loey Rak (I enjoyed JLR the 2nd time, but I’m not so sure if it will hold up to further re-watches). Yay for NBRGWJH re-watch! hmm, 4 Hua Jai is worth watching 3 times? I barely made it through Aum’s story. :O

      • oooohhh, you watch lakorns too? just started getting into lakorns. just finished watching jone plon jai, prisoner of love w/ aum and aff, kaeh taw pee/ the apple of my eye, rak nee hau jai rao jong (both of which i’ll def rewatch), and bride for money, tho cliched i still enjoyed it enuff to rewatch. currently watching mia taeng and klin kaew klang jae. next to watch will country son-in-law and waiting for leh roy ruk and nang fah gub mafia to be subbed. but the 2 lakorns i want to watch most, sood sanae ha and kah khong khon, i can’t find anywhere 🙁

        anyways, the shows i’ve rewatched are: Smiling Pasta, City Hall, Full House, My Lucky Star, Mars, Oh! My Lady, Happy & Love Forever and Meteor Garden. Tho MG gets draggy it’s the only Hana Yori Dango live drama adaptation I’ll rewatch bc it came first and it was the first asian drama series I ever watched. Bad family is def a rewatch-able drama too.

      • I’m here occasionally. Commenting is rare, but lately I have been posting non stop to many blogs I have visited. 4HJHKK is more like watching the other 3 mini series. Skip the first mini series.

    • @lidy I grew up with Thai lakorn first before any other Asian dramas (I blame my mom and aunt for venting them at the Thai video store). Well I lied, I started off with Chinese films/dramas (more like TVB and wuxia)

      • @lidy, I knew Kah Khong Khon got taken down due to Ch7’s ‘crackdown’ but didn’t know SSH is gone too. If you know Chinese, chi subs for both lakorns can be found on yt/chinese streaming sites.
        I used to watch mainly J/HK dramas but since discovering lakorns around 3 years back, much of my time has been devoted to watching and blogging about them!

    • I loved it but thought it fell apart at the end. Which is TRAGIC because everything leading up to the end was magnificent & it was on its way to becoming one of my favorites. The chemistry between the two leads was insane. So I still love parts of it but ultimately it is unsatisfying to think back on the show, because all I remember is how out of this world amazing it *could* have been if the writers had gone with a stronger climax/resolution. Still a great show, though. Very entertaining.

  23. If i want to have a fall in love vibe in me, top of my rewatch drama is Coffee Prince, Full House, Bad Family, Sunkyunkwan Scandal, You’re Beautiful, and the latest is Queen Inhyun’s Man

  24. Most recently I’ve rewatched Can You Hear My Heart about 3 times, each time I’m blown away with Nam Goong Min’s acting, the OPT and how incredibly heartwarming the show is.

    And also Coffee Prince, I have rewatched that too many times to count, but then so has everyone else.

  25. This will probably show my age, but no matter… here’s a list of my re-watched dramas, which i pull out now and then, even within the past year.

    Nodame Cantabile (TV series)
    Kim Samsoon
    Secret Garden

    re-watched countless times although not on the active list.

    Only You
    Love Story in Paris
    Legend of 4 Gods (Wang God something)
    My Girl
    Love Story in Harvard

    There must be a psychologist out who specialises in assessing our personalities from our choices. I wonder what will be assessed from our lists.

  26. Korean Dramas:
    Coffee Prince: My first love
    Boys before Flowers: My first crush
    Goong: I love cuteness and royalty
    News Tales of Giseng: No words but its one of my all time favorites
    City Hall/SamSoon: Needing to laugh
    You’re beautiful: The only drama i love with JGS

    Taiwan Drama:
    Fated to love you- Features the saddest scene ever. I cry EVERYTIME

  27. Life is Beautiful (an awesome weekend family drama – if you’re not seen it or are a bit worried about devoting time to it, I really do recommend it… you won’t be disappointed).

    Bad Family – hot chocolate, cold rainy day and a warm blanket.

  28. Countless Times:
    I love rewatching dramas sometimes it disappoints me when a drama I loved so dearly on the first watch turns into a wracked one the second time around.
    My favourite drama which stands the tests are:
    Delightful Girl Choon Hyang, Kim Sam Soon and Goong. Coffee Prince is also very good, even the second time around. Same goes for White Christmas, this is a brilliant little drama I love love love!!!!
    On my rewatch lists are super-often j-dramas because these started my addiction to asian dramas & movies so here I love to watch again and again: Hotaru no Hikari, Bloody Monday, Ouran High School host club, Hana Kimi 2007 & Hana Yori Dango. Zettai Kareshi, Dr. Jin and Mr. Brain are also on that list and – Gokusen.
    Strangely for Taiwanese dramas there is only one which I rewatch every so often and that is Smiling Pasta…gosh that one is so silly but I love the leading man….swoooon.

  29. I’m Sorry I love you,Dae Jang Geum,Surgeon Bong Dal Hee..these are a few that I can’t get enough..Thanks for this post.Just love it.

  30. City Hall does it for me. Have the DVD. Also love MNIKSS. I”m a KSA fan, but I don’t know what’s happened to her lately. Really didn’t like IDID, and struggled to watch it. Also like Joseon X Files, and will watch again soon.

  31. Awesome! Love this post.

    The dramas I can rewatch again and again are actually those that I watched when I first started liking Asian dramas, back in 2008/2009.

    Hm, my favourite re-watchable dramas are:

    1. My Girl
    This gets cuter everytime I watch it. 2nd leads are actually bearable and I love the romance, faux cousin angst, and the cute housemates hijinks!

    2. My Name is Kim Sam Soon
    Lovely drama. Chemistry between the leads. A bit of food porn, heh.

    3. Sweet 18
    This was my FIRST “favourite drama ever”! After that I totally wanted a ajusshi-husband 10 years older than me and live together in the same little apartment. Absolutely cute and heartwarming show. Whenever I feel nostalgic, I’ll pick up my VCD (yes! VCD!) of this show and watch my favourite parts.

    4. Hana Kimi
    The japanese drama that started it all. This drama actually spawned my love of Korean dramas, although it was a Jap drama itself. It is so zany, crazy, wacky and fun. Toma Ikuta as Nakatsu stole my heart. Oguri Shun as the lead was so bad.

    That’s all I can think of at the top of my head.

    These are dramas that I LOVED when I watched it the first time, but am surprised i don’t rewatch it:
    1. Sungkyunkwan Scandal
    2. Delightful Girl Chun Hyang
    3. Boys Over Flowers (understandably so)
    4. You’re Beautiful (once I rewatched it I found the main girl insufferably dumb)

  32. K-DraMA– watch the countless time
    1. Goong–love cute YEH, the chemistry is awesome
    2. Creating Destiny– love the story & OTP ( they also get married in real life, how awesome is that!)
    3. Choon Hyang– love the story as well
    4. Lie To Me & Princess Man (just join into my countless watch list recently), KJH+YEH — PSH+MCW, my fav. all the time

    1. Romance in the Rain– love Vicky zhao, Love the song, Love everything
    2. Smile Pasta (don’t have the DVD but whenever it replay on TV, It never fail to catch my attention.

    1. Hana Yori Dango (IMO it’s the best out of TW/Korea/China version)
    2. Attention Please! — it describe the professional side & seriousness of becoming a pilot and stewardess
    3. Mr. Brain — up till now still wish there will be season 2, even I know I just been dreaming
    4. Buzzer Beat– love the OTP, the first J Dorama that make me amaze with how deep their feeling for each other.
    5. Itazura Na Kiss (anime Version)– IMO, this version is better than TW drama version & even K-Drama version
    5. Great Teacher Onizuka– (just watch this 3x) not as many times as others but like it as much as others

  33. K-DraMA– watch the countless time
    1. Goong–love cute YEH, the chemistry is awesome
    2. Creating Destiny– love the story & OTP ( they also get married in real life, how awesome is that!)
    3. Choon Hyang– love the story as well
    4. Lie To Me & Princess Man (just join into my countless watch list recently), KJH+YEH — PSH+MCW, my fav. all the time

    1. Romance in the Rain– love Vicky zhao, Love the song, Love everything
    2. Smile Pasta (don’t have the DVD but whenever it replay on TV, It never fail to catch my attention.

    1. Hana Yori Dango (IMO it’s the best out of TW/Korea/China version)
    2. Attention Please! — it describe the professional side & seriousness of becoming a pilot and stewardess
    3. Mr. Brain — up till now still wish there will be season 2, even I know I just been dreaming
    4. Buzzer Beat– love the OTP, the first J Dorama that make me amaze with how deep their feeling for each other.
    5. Itazura Na Kiss (anime Version)– IMO, this version is better than TW drama version & even K-Drama version
    6. Great Teacher Onizuka– (just watch this 3x) not as many times as others but like it as much as others

  34. I have watched Mei-chan no Shitsuji at least 5 times. The over-the-top-ness never gets old and I laugh as much now as I did the first time I watched it 4 years ago. Hana Kimi 2007 is next, as I’ve watched it through 4 times.

    Others that I’ve watched at least twice and would watch again:
    My Girlfriend is a Gumiho
    Best Love (to me, this one was meh the first time, but great the second time)
    Boys Over Flowers
    Hana Yori Dango
    You’re Beautiful
    Coffee Prince
    City Hunter
    Queen In-hyun’s Man
    Kim Sam Soon
    Atashinchi no Danshi
    Kimi wa Petto
    Secret Garden

    Most of the time when I rewatch something, it’s because I’m watching with someone else who hasn’t seen it. I don’t typically rewatch on my own because there’s always another drama I haven’t watched yet and it takes precedence. However, there are some dramas that I intend to rewatch at some point:

    City Hall
    Sungkyunkwan Scandal
    Zettai Kareshi
    Buzzer Beat
    What’s Up
    Shut Up Flower Boy Band
    Vampire Prosecutor (can’t wait for VP2!!)
    In Time With You
    Flower Boy Ramyun Shop
    And if they continue to be as awesome as they are now, Faith and Arang will be added to the list.

    • Wow that’s honestly your most rewatched drama? How do you go through all that pain again and again? Lol. It’s a wonderful drama and all, but the drama itself is so painful. Though it was my first So Ji Sub and Jo In Sung drama. After that I could not stop loving them.

  35. Wow, great to read the comments! It’s a shame that Coffee Prince didn’t make it on the list for Ockoala. Although I tend to always rewatch a drama when I’m enjoying the drama at the time, but the ones that came to my mind would have to be Coffee Prince, My Name is Kim Sam Soon, Goong and Secret Garden. Most of the rewatch didn’t stay long with me, but these 4 would be timeless! I’m still watching Coffee Prince these days…

  36. Love love love Tamra the Island, I could watch it a billion times and never get sick of it. Love Hana Yori Dango too, I think that was my first drama, and I still love it to pieces.

  37. Hm, I’m not sure if I can remember all of them:

    – Nodame Cantabile
    – Trick 1, 2, 3 (argh, I just love this show)
    – Atashinchi no Danshi (it’s just really cute)
    – MARS
    – Devil Beside You (was my first T-Drama, and after a while I wanted to see if I’d still like it)
    – Hotaru no Hikari
    – Hana Kimi (because afer a while, I had forgotten pretty much everything about this drama)

    Argh, I’m sure there are more, but I can’t presently remember.

  38. I have a hard enough time keeping up with current ones and trying to watch some of the older ones that are recommended that I haven’t re-watched anything yet. Also, I’ve come to realize that a lot of dramas even if they get ridiculous or a little bit slow, I can finish them b/c of the whole live process makes it more exciting. But I have trouble finishing older dramas b/c I find them almost always boring at some point… usually after the half-way mark. So, I can’t imagine re-watching those anyway.

    If I ever catch up enough to re-watch something, it may be QIHM b/c it was such a great falling in love experience.

  39. Rewatched many times, especially favourite episodes and scenes:

    1. Time Between Dog & Wolf – all-time favourite drama.
    2. Delightful Girl Chun Hyang – especially love the episodes after the OTP met again, so hilarious and JH was so smart at outwitting HCY.
    3. Romance – love the OTP’s determination to be together against all odds.
    4. Only You – love the OTP’s interactions, their cute baby and the food.
    5. Bad Family – best and oddest “family” ever. So heart-warming.
    6. Iljimae – love the thefts, the fighting scenes, all the side characters and the dishrag. The few romantic moments were truly romantic, never knew kissing in a tree could make my heart flutter.
    7. Family Honor – love all the grandpa and great-grandson’s scenes.
    8. A Love Story about Star – love the cool female lead and i would have run away with the male lead too. Imo, Joseph Chang in his most charismatic role in a drama.
    9. Smile Pasta – this show makes me feel happy.
    10. Demi-god and semi-devils – love all scenes with Jimmy Lin and the monk Xu Zu and imo, this show has the most awesome wuxia fighting scenes ever.

    Haha, I just realised that the most rewatchable dramas for me are the older shows.

    And Arang has already made it onto my list, purely based on the “measurement” scene!

  40. City Hall!!!
    You’re Beautiful
    My Name is Kim Sam Soon
    Coffee Prince
    Smile, You
    Ojakgyo Brothers (kinda lengthy along w/ Smile, You but still worth it)
    Really, Really Like You
    My Girlfriend is a Gumiho
    Queen In Hyun’s Man
    Lie to Me
    some more…tend go back and reminiscence what i’ve watched over the years ^___^

  41. Hands off to Time Between Time and Wolf!!! It just gets better and getter with each and every re-watch <3 <3 <3 There are just so many aspects of this drama to love! I'd say that Resurrection is a close follow-up, but that one is all about suspend and surprise element which makes it a most unique experience watching it the first time but that feeling can't be replicated through re-watching.

  42. I never rewatched any Kdramas.

    It is kind of funny but yeah, I think have so many other dramas to watch that I have no time to rewatch a kdrama again.

    I was thiking in what drama I would like to rewatch, and I would say Dong Yi (love the romance plus the ost), Ojakgyo Brothers, Can you hear my heart, Damo… I want to rewatch Jdrama pride and TW drama Mars (but don’t find good quality for it… TT)

    It is weird. Most dramas I want to rewatch are the ones with lots of episodes.

  43. wahhh, love how you have Beautiful Days on your list ^^

    i re-watch the following almost every winter:

    Beautiful Days
    I’m Sorry I Love You
    Dalja’s Spring

  44. 1 New tales of a gisaeng
    2 S. Scandal
    3 Family honour
    4 City hall
    5 Dong Yi
    6 Yi San
    7 Soldier {ongoing korean drama I still repeat past episodes.}

  45. The only drama I’ve been able to rewatch from beginning to end would be Coffee Prince. That drama had a certain charm to it that I haven’t been able to find since, and the chemistry (not just between GY and YEH, but the whole cast) was just effortless and amazing. It’s definitely my all time fav, and I also discovered TONS of great music because of it lol.

  46. My Girl
    Secret Garden
    You’re Beautiful (but always skip the second to last ep)
    The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry
    Coffee Prince
    Soul mate
    And I hate to admit it Boys over Flowers. It is not that it gets any better when I re-watch I think it is just some sort of weird comfort food. I have watched the scene where Jan-Di tries to wake him up and he pulls her down and asks for just 5 more min more times then I can count

  47. Me I’ve watched east of eden several times already, And also memories of Bali the unexpected ending for such kind of drama. Actually there’s alot of drama that made me re-watched again because of great chemistry of the actors best story lines and full of emotions that was shown.. On my list, sad love song was included it was the most kdrama i cried a lot, every time they would found each other and leave each other for the sake of one another it was heart breaking and the fact that the main actress was blind there at the beginning..

  48. I think I’m 80% certain of your DramaWhichMustNotBeName.
    I rewatch things all the time, and my initial love for it always holds firm, my list is similar to yours plus or minus a few: I’ve rewatched QSS many times and just recently and it grows on me on rewatches fr like to LOVE.

    Exception is when I have an irking I didn’t really like the drama that much and wanna rewatch for a confirmation I can delete it forever(eg BBJX)

  49. i ended up watching ” Time between dog and wolf” and honestly i am glad i did and thanks to you koala, i sure love it! watch the whole thing for a day lol! so now that i just finish it im going to go through your list and try one of those drama you’ve mention..

  50. My list is as follows (in no particular order):

    My Girl- This drama is just so cute and breezy. I was skeptical about watching it the first time around but I liked it when I watched it and then LOVED it the 2nd time. Park Shi-Yeon’s character still drives me nuts but I love Lee Dongwook and Lee Dahae snd they make up for it.

    Autumn’s Concerto (Taiwanese Drama): I love love LOVE this drama. It was one of my first T-dramas and I remember refreshing youtube constantly on Sundays waiting for the RAW to be uploaded. Oh how I love it so…

    My Name is Kim Samsoon- AWESOME! I love Samsoon since she is so unlike other heroines. One of my absolute favorites…maybe my favorite

    Greatest Love- Hysterical with so much heart.

    Boys Over Flowers– Yes I know it is bad-so SO bad- but it was one of my first dramas and this was the drama that started me on this wonderful drama addiction that I have so I have a soft spot for it.

    Thorn Birds- This drama should annoy me, but I love it. Whenever I want some melodrama and crazy crying and threatening this is my show. Besides I love staring at Joo Sang Wook 🙂

    Que Sera Sera- So good. So SO good. And Eric Mun makes me happy.

    Wild Romance- I would wake up to stream this show at 4:45AM and I don’t even speak Korean. I have watched this countless times since it has aired. Flawed, but one of my favorites. 🙂

    Hmmm…this was a lot longer than I expected…

  51. These dramas I have rewatched in their entirety:
    City Hall
    Coffee Prince
    Sungkyunkwan Scandal
    Boys Before Flowers
    You’re Beautiful
    Nodame Cantabile (Jdorama)
    Devil Beside You (T-drama)

    These dramas have episodes that I go back to now and then (kind of comfort watching)
    Secret Garden
    My Name is Kim Sam Soon
    Queen of Reversals
    9 Ends 2 Outs
    Tree With Deep Roots
    Que Sera Sera

    These I intend to rewatch when I find the time:
    Queen In-Hyun’s Man
    Ojakgyo Brothers
    A Gentleman’s Dignity

    I have not seen some of the dramas mentioned in the posts. They sound good so will add them to my To-watch List, especially Time Between Dog and Wolf and Tamra, the Island.

  52. My Name is Kim Sam Soon (fave-never gets old), Delightful Girl ChunHyang (first kdrama love) and Tamra Island (So many reasons why I love this drama, best of all >> My oppa!). These are the dramas that I am able to rewatch countless times without hitting the FF button.

    • I have to add COffee Prince. That drama holds up the magic, fun and splendor of a summer love each time I watch it. Plus it still remains to have the most awesome soundtrack ever.

  53. my list of rewatched dramas :

    – delightful girl chun hyang, could not count how many times i rewatched this, so loving jae hee in it
    – oh my lady, love the story and love my siwon acting
    – all about eve, my first love of korean drama
    – full house

    hk/t drama :
    – mars
    – fated to love you
    – legend of condor heroes (felix wong n barbara hung version)

  54. you’re beautiful
    Prosecutor Princess
    Que Sera Sera
    I’m Sorry I Love You
    Can You Hear My Heart
    Time Between Dog and Wolf

    Sometimes I rewatch a drama for the pretty.. LOL I admit I’m shallow….

  55. Wow…
    i’ve watch some from ur list,,
    n i’ve watched so many KDrama, JDorama, Chinese,, but forgot to list them ^^

    but some that always got me curious everytime i watch are:
    JDorama :
    HanaYoriDango 1&2, i never get bored from watching,,
    Kamisama Mou Sukoshi Dake, always miss Kaneshiro Takeshi n Kyoko Fukada
    Rondo, like the chemistry between Yutaka Takenouchi n Choi Ji Woo

    TDrama :
    MARS,, like like like this so much! never get bored by this.

    so far there is no KDrama i rewatched but some i quit on the way 🙂

  56. I know everyone’s tastes are individual and stuff but I’ve struggled twice to get into Time Between Dog and Wolf, it’s a show that sounds so cool and up my alley, but then I drop it after the initial few episodes again, I just. can’t. progress. I used to have the same problem with Lee Kyung-hee’s Thank You but I managed it in the end and it’s now one of my Top 10. Maybe one day I’ll do it.

    Otherwise my most rewatched is WISFC — my rainy day comfort drama. Also re-indulged in WHIB more than twice. (Both shows have the same PD, too) Otherwise I rarely rewatch.

  57. If you liked Resurrection I suggest you should watch “The Devil”. It is equally good if not better in terms of execution in my option. I couldn’t stand Han Ji Min’s character in resurrection (i FFWed every single time she was on screen). UTW’s acting was better in the Devil and the plot was so tightly written, every single small detailed fit in perfectly. I’m someone who loses interest right away after watching something for 10 minutes most of the time (could be a sign of ADD) but I can at least vouch for watching the devil 12 times.

  58. I just wanted to say thank you Koala! I just marathoned Tamra the Island after going through your list to see what the big deal is… I had heard about it earlier but for some reason,the few initial scenes of the 1st episode kept putting me off.After I read your list,I finally thought to give it a go and Ohhh emmm geeee!!! I can’t believe that my initial impression had kept me away from a gem like that…i wanna go to sleep now but i keep re-watching some of the wonderful scenes and there were so many lovely moments that totally trumped out on the not so great moments…so thank you again and keep up the wonderful work!:)

  59. The dramas I always go back…

    1. Oh! My Lady: I don’t know why, may be is his struggles to be a great actor, a father, a husband, God, being human and grow a concience always, always left me with a pain in my stomach, coz I WANT MORE!!! Re-watched: 6

    2. My Name is Kim Sam Soon: The love, the angst the “I don’t like you, but I don’t like to you, to talk with other either”…Really, Sam Shik? Mhahahhahaha RW:10

    3. Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge: Ugly Sunako always make me smile!! RW:4

    Not Re-watched(RW)perse, but just parts:
    -You’re Beautiful
    -Snow White/Taste Sweet Love
    -Flower Boy Ramyun Shop

    Plan to Re-watch:
    -Rooftop Prince
    _Queen In Hyun’s Man
    -Scent of a Woman
    -9 Ends 2 Outs

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