
Arang and the Magistrate Episode 5 Recap — 22 Comments

  1. Thank you Ms Koala for the interesting recap. So did Joo Wal, so called “Dad” sell his soul to take in his so-called “son” as a cover? Or too protect a secret, that mom is using for revenge.

  2. I too want to see more character development. And more Moo Young. I mean, I know he doesn’t have to chase Arang around anymore, but he *is* a pretty big deal as far as casting goes, so I feel like we need to see more of him.

    Joo Wal and Lady Seo are soo creepy together. I can’t wait until we’re given more clues about them.

  3. “You know, I would feel terrible for Joo Wal if he didn’t trade an impoverished childhood for becoming a serial killer for some soul-sucking she-demon.”

    Same here….Pity. He was one of my favs.

    Thanks for the recap. 🙂

  4. In regards to character development, I think the pace is very similar to Jdorama’s style. You don’t usually get lots of info about the characters’ preference but rather focused on the issues that happen around them that awaiting to be solved. But for some reasons, I love this drama, whether we’ll see lots of character development or non, the story telling itself keeps me, so I’m happy! 🙂

  5. Thanks for the recap!! I love this drama, it’s so interesting and different for a change. I kinda lose touch with most kdramas because of too many unnecessary and useless scenes along with weak and hazy storytelling lol. Well I think this episode’s progress has made it all the more interesting cause we saw Eun Oh’s mom as ‘The Lady’ coming and I’m thoroughly glad Joo wal’s identity has been revealed as well. With all the revelation of characters over yup we can now move on to the heart and soul of the drama, I can see a lot of plot and character developments coming in the next 15 episode. I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of plot movements from now on!! And yes the romance can tag along I kinda love their chem and we really can’t say if we’re in for pain or laughter with this two 🙂

  6. You can tell that they are going to try and redeem Joo Wol. His trying to touch her face and his hesitation before he leaves seems to be foreshadowing of that very thing. I just don’t know if I can feel sorry for a serial killer trained from childhood…

  7. thanks, lol totally agree “attracted to pretty, because eun oh is pretty” Retweet!! Woah, damn this is going to be a very very big as stone to go over for their relationship. And imagine, how hurt arang can be if she finds out about this.. hmph

    • Me, too. He was really hot in Gourmet. Between his chef outfits and mafia suits…Whoa baby. He can do sympathetic bad guy well, too.

  8. Yeeee! Thanks for the recap koala unnie! Still hating the fact that it takes like 10mins to sub Beautiful You, while Arang takes like 10 days. >__>..

    Anyways! I was really weirded out with the whole lady soul eating thingamajig. O__o. And I do agree with Yoo Seungho being a bit oddly casted in this. But still loving his mane of glory.

    This drama is so creative. Arang healing like wolverine really impressed me. But I do hope that they won’t keep throwing random things out there. As of now, my gut instinct tells me they will live happily ever after.

    Lol, lastly that pic of Junki holding up the pin loooks like a pepper or an edamame bean.

  9. Thanks for this…Parts made me LOL, and parts gave me chills up my back…I love the intensity of feelings between EO and Arang.
    I don’t like EO’s Oma, I don’t want him to find her. Doesn’t look like that one was ever going to win Mother of the Year. Poor baby EO. I can see why he is so anxiously attached. She was absent when she was there, saying all kinds of creepy icky things to the little thing…
    Geez.. Seeing ghosts was more fun than hanging out with her.

    I do love the music. For some reason, I kept thinking of Sandglass when I heard different parts, especially that big sweeping motif.

    I feel bad for black ninja assassin but I had to giggle at this: You know, I would feel terrible for Joo Wal if he didn’t trade an impoverished childhood for becoming a serial killer for some soul-sucking she-demon.
    Poor virgin murdering little – Wait – WHAT? It never got around that some kid was dragging girls up the mountain who never came back? Why would anyone go up the mountain in the first place with the Toudenim? What did he promise them? Creepier and creepier.

  10. I like your fast recap. I am grateful…I wish you’ll use simple layman adjectives and verbs to narrate the story to make it more understandable. Your writing style is undeniably good. Although not too many people can understand hifalutin words, like me.

    I, too am always excited to watch AATM, even if i watched it on TV, i still read recaps to clarify some scenes I didnt get… like watching aint enough.. 🙂 Hope the drama will continue to be entertaining and exciting. Really the best drama I watched so far…

    I do enjoy your recap. cheers!

  11. Having a sad childhood doesn’t add any points to JW’s choice of becoming a serial killer. EO has a sad childhood too but he turns out fine, just slightly irresponsible and lazy in the few scenes we first saw him in. Come to think if it, they are the juxtaposition of each other. Anyway, what gets me feeling sorry for him is the shred of humanity he still possesses when he’s killed Arang. It means he’s not a cold-blooded killer as I like to think he is and that there might be a chance at redemption.

  12. I hate to say that you guys are being too harsh on a serial killer for obvious reasons, but… There’s a difference between a sad, rough childhood like Eun Oh’s – and we can see how messed up he still is as a result of it – and a stealing-food-from-livestock-so-I-don’t-starve-to-death childhood. Being taken in when you’re that young and vulnerable with approximately ZERO other options for a decent life, then being twisted by it for years? Also, have you seen Her Scariness up there? I would not be arguing with that lady either.

    I’m not, like, condoning murder here, but I think there’s significantly more going on than just him being an awful person who should die. If the drama does manage to do something more interesting/complex than dead-eyed evil with the character, I’ll be glad to see it.

  13. miss Koala, in the recap you didn’t include the “JW recognized Arang as LSR” part.
    [“She says she’s especially excited to see this one, and asks if she really has the body of one who was already born. Joo-wal says yes. So he does recognize her. This makes things more interesting.”]
    Seeing how some people were bothered by this, i just wanted to signalise it.

  14. I also cannot really connect with Arang emotionally, though I did love this episode (well, the second half). It was wonderfully eerie. Weirdly enough, I’m totally invested in Faith, which is, let’s face it, probably qualitatively worse than Arang. I need at least one character I feel a connection to, and in Arang, that just hasn’t happened yet, and that makes me sad.
    I’d love to see more of the reaper, though, he’s just got something about him. Must be unpleasant to wear all that make-up all day, though.

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