
Arang and the Magistrate Episode 6 Recap — 40 Comments

  1. Oh, I’m loving this series.

    Agreed about the mom. Scary.

    I can only hope that we are seeing things unfold at the pace (that I’m okay with) because there will be a AATM season 2.

    Thanks for the generous recap!

  2. While I love the plot itself, I do agree on character development, especially between our OTP. Each episode I find myself wanting for them to spend more time together and develop their relationship (and eventually fall in love) but so far, not that much. This is probably the slowest developed OTP I’ve seen in a k-drama, haha.

    • Here’s the thing – the drama can’t have it both ways, it can’t claim to be a romantic fantasy sageuk while at the same time focusing on fantasy and neglecting the romance.

      I don’t necessarily want/need Eun Oh and Arang to fall in love, and in truth they are adorable together as partners. But the drama tried so hard to set it up in episodes 1-2, what with the skinship and dream kissing and promos all tingling with OTP-cuteness, that it feels so abrupt to see it completely stagnate for the sake of delving into the fantasy mystery of the dead girls and soul sucking demon moms and Heavenly machinations.

      Either/or, please. Either have no romance and make this a fantasy murder mystery, or actually spend time developing the romance it promised. I don’t much like wasted opportunities or promises to the audience that are not kept.

      • Agreed 100%. I do think they’d make great detective partners together (really, so adorkable!), but that almost feels like it should be a whole other drama. They promised us romance! I want my romance darnit! 🙂

      • I do agree this drama potentially to have no romance but only a fantasy murder mystery but what a waste if the PD don’t present a cute & sweet romance when they have two beautiful Shin Mina and Lee Jun Ki, arghhhhhh……

      • Yeah you’re right. They tried to set them up with the romance in the first 2 episodes so I basically expected more to happen in the next episodes but after 4, they’ve only moved a couple of inches. I guess I’m disappointed because they promised, or at least heavily hinted at it. 🙁

      • I feel that Eun Oh has plenty of reason to hold back—especially since he doesn’t know what Arang really is. Plus, I don’t think he really knows himself. He’s been so focused on finding his mom for so many years, that he’s never even opened himself to anything else, so it would be difficult to completely change that so fast. I would love to see more progression in their relationship, but I get it, too.

  3. Awesome recap.

    I have to say, the relationship between Lord Choi and Lady Seo, and then that transitioning to that of Joo Wal and Lady Seo, reminds me of the movie Let the Right One In. Supernatural creatures gotta have their minions apparently. Super creepy.

    And speaking of creepy, this show has certainly taken a turn in the creepy direction. I mean, it was always sort of creepy, with the ghost aspect, but I think it was a little more light-hearted at first. I’m loving it.

    Like you pointed out, this is the best fantasy kdrama. Each episode I’m totally immersed into this world. Unlike other fantasy dramas there are no distractions that push you out of the moment, everything feels so fluid and together.

    The characters could be a little more developed, yes, but I don’t find that bothering me as much. Especially with Arang, probably because she doesn’t remember her past anyway so it’s almost like she’s a blank slate. Still, that moment when she saw her body and freaked out, that got me. And they way that Eun Oh tried to protect her from that. I would have liked to have seen *slightly* more freak out from him when he discovered her bed covered in blood though. Their relationship has kind of stalled. I’d like to see a little more forward momentum at this point.

    I’m thinking that when his mother was talking about her family she meant more creatures like herself. Especially since this has been going on for at least four hundred years… And perhaps the person she’d like revenge on is the Jade Emperor himself? Who knows? The one thing I like most about this show (other than the beautiful cinematography, the costumes, and the brilliant acting by the leads) is that as the story progresses and answers some questions it makes you ask so many more.

    It’s intriguing if nothing else. (And pretty to look at.)

  4. I also don’t pity JW. He had a sad past, yes he was a kid when he accepted the Shaman’s help, that is right, but he is adult by now and he knows what he is doing.

    I agree about Arang and EO.

    I still find weird how he didn’t call the doctor. If they showed us he found out her wound was healing alone I would be ok with it, but thing is he just checked it in the morning.

    Plus EO didn’t even care about Arang at all in this episode,it was all about his mother. Yes I know he really wants to find his mom but still dragging arang like that is not the way.

    He is just using arang as a tool to find his mother and doesn’t really care about Arang and her death at all. When she was dead he showed more feelings for Arang than now.

    It is like their feelings for each other are going a step back.

    But that is not what is missing for me.

    What I wanted to see and so far didn’t was:

    More ghost’s appearing. Maybe Arang and EO can use them to find about things, you know, we help you, you help us. Ghost can see and hear things that maybe helps them. But since arang came back no ghosts appeared… I’m disappointed if the writer won’t use ghost anymore in the story.

    Another thing I was waiting is Arang meeting the young Shaman. Heh. It’ll be so funny now since Arang is alive. But she didn’t meet the shaman at all.

    Thanks for the recap!

    • I think EO does care about Arang, though he’s trying hard to keep it inside. In this episode he waited for her to come back and when she did (after going to the mountain) you can definitely see the sigh and look of relief on his face. Plus when Arang was gushing over JW he looked jealous and grabbed her hand. 😉

      I guess their relationship is just at baby steps right now, though I hope it’ll pick up pace soon!

      • I agree. Plus, he thought long and hard to try to understand her feelings. And he did. He stopped letting his obsession with finding his mother block his ability to feel for her. And he was definitely anxious and worried and jealous this episode. Love it!

    • Hate all of his hairstyles.
      I don’t understand why they don’t have him a more realistically sized wig.

      Why does he look like he has the biggest noggin ever?
      I can’t even say his hair takes me out of the moment. It blocks me from actually getting in the moment in the first place.

    • Me too! As if the last one wasn’t bad enough, they found a worst one to replace it…kkkkk…poor ideas from the costume crew.

  5. This drama is perfect! I hope the ratings does not affect the original storyline!

    As much as I’d love to see Arang&EO together happily ever after, I am so happy that they are not focusing on their feeling for each other, but their story.

    I care about the characters a lot! 😀
    I am more interested in EO’s character than the others, what the hell is he? Without his ability Arang can’t take her task to find out what did happen to her. Without him, the Jade Emperor can’t find the missing souls. They need him more than Arang, she just needed him to look in the right place for his mother. If she is really her mother, than it has something to do with his abilities.
    The mother/evil character is also very interesting, a man killed her all family members in one day, leaving her alone in purpose. I hope it wasn’t the same day she become pregnant.
    Arang is lovely, smart and brave. She is so naive and pure, got to love this character. Feels like she was the last girl JW brougth to the evil mother alive, because she ran away in time but injured enough to die in a way. I think the Jade emperor felt her different, that is why he let her go in the first place. I hope her amnesia does not belong to the Jade emperor himself.

    A very unique drama, I hope the rating goes up soon, they all deserve it.

    • I don’t think Arang could have been an intended victim before. Otherwise, this wouldn’t have been Joo Wal’s first big failure. Since it is, Evil Mom got what she wanted last time, a.k.a. 3 years ago.

      I love how much seems to hinge on Eun Oh, but there’s also so much about Arang that drives this drama. Jade Emperor is specifically using her as his tool, which may have something to do with how she can influence Eun Oh.

      • We’ll see about that! 😉 Think about it, why do you think JW engaged her?

        Yes, the Jade emperor using Arang, but I don’t think it has anything to with her influence on EU.

      • @K-what – Hmmmmm… are right about this being his first failure.
        But maybe he did lose Arang three years ago when she ran out of the Shed o’ Death, but found another pure soul in time to sate Creepy Crazy Mom.

      • @Irene—I think he got engaged to her because it was a step forward to the perfect life he wants. She was the daughter of the 2nd most powerful man in Miryang, after all, so that would improve his status greatly. She was a tool for his political progression, which is why he doesn’t really care about her all that much.

        @Jomo—I think Joo Wal seemed pretty genuinely panicked about losing his corpse, in a way that makes me think it hadn’t happened before. He doesn’t seem like the greatest improviser to me. I wonder if mom was the real offering last time, and Arang somehow got involved before the body takeover happened.

    • Yeah, but Arang remembers pulling the hairpin out of EO’s mom’s hair over three years ago so what about that failure?

      Perhaps the last attempt with Arang did not fall during the leap year and the fact that her current spirit is that of a newborn, which holds more significance for evil mom’s soul stealing during a leap year moon that just passed….Also, does anyone else get the creepy feeling that when she mates, she’s draining the men’s souls during their time of “oneness”?

      • I don’t know that that was a failure. I think Arang may have been there and secretly witnessed some of what happened, and got killed in the process—maybe trying to flee. When she pulled the hairpin, Mom wasn’t wearing gisaeng clothes. I think Evil Mom needs a new body as well as a new soul on leap month, so she took over Mom’s body that time.

  6. Arang rocked this episode! Facing her fears head-on, and so soon after she was attacked/killed. Awesome! I love that she did it, but I’m glad that she did it when she felt ready, and not because Eun Oh pushed/dragged her into it. Even if the difference was only a few hours. SHE needed to break down her barriers and overcome her fear. And he needed to understand her and why he was demanding too much from her.

    I also love that Arang is now basically a Damo, and she has the uniform to prove it. Good job writers! At least she has (fake) authority to investigate.

    Another part I loved was when Evil Mother told Joo Wal to find the corpse at all costs. I giggled at the thought of his reaction when he saw the corpse walking around. And it was awesome when it happened.

  7. Thanks for the recap.
    I think they are using EO’s desparate search for his mother like a sling shot.
    As hard as he pulls away from Arang and her feelings, when he realizes what Oma really is, he’s going to be hurled towards her with that much more impetus.

    I like that EO’s memories of time with Oma don’t tell us the whole story. We see a loving son being pulled away, we see him trying to build a bridge to her in crazyland.
    My (recent) guess is there were LOTS of other bad, icky memories he is repressing.
    If Creepy Oma is a 400 year old supernatural being, can she birth real babies? Let’s say she rescued or stole EO when he was a child, but when she realized the kid could see dead people, she had to find someone else. Obviously, you can’t have someone with soul radar detector living in your house of doom and death.

    EO’s father either is EO’s blood father, or another of Creepy Oma’a errand boys. That she was the one who set his family up with power, so he had to take little EO with his toudenim hat.

    • what the Jade emperor mean is that it has been 400 yrs since such a thing like spirits disappearing without a trace has happened. C’mon the mother is not centuries old, she was a perfectly normal human being before, like Eun Oh’s flashbacks tells us. I guess her thirst for revenge against ‘that man’ who destroyed her family drove her to become what she is today.
      I love this drama whether i get romance or not 😀 its so interesting i’m left wanting more and with all the excitement for what’s to come next, simply engaging! On that note, lets just hope the writers know where they’re going with the whole cliffhanger thing and such because if i get a nonsensical end huh huh i’ll go mad!! And guys chill man we have like 20 episodes, I’m sure we’ll see a lot of blooming romance along the way plus too much of romance is corny and boring :p

      • Oh, my subs were tough to understand on that.
        She may not be a perfectly normal human, though. Everything is not what it seems here.

      • But the mom has been doing this for a looong time. If Lord Choi was her minion before Joo Wal started as a kid, it’s been a while. Plus, there are a lot of bodies down in the pit, and if she only does this on leap month, that’s more than just a few years.

  8. This drama has had a hell of a turn recently, the humor is gone and now there’s this dark atmosphere surrounding the characters. I’m trying to find it interesting because I like detective stories, but, so far, it seems a bit absurd. These horrible crimes were perpetrated and people don’t want them solved, including the magistrate, since he is too busy thinking about his mother. Where the hell did he live or come from to be so insensible to those massive crimes? I’m not saying that he’s not interested in solving them, but his motivation is totally selfish, he’s only investigating because his mother might be involved. How can it be possible? Nobody is asking questions or trying to find out who was burried in that grave. No real investigation is going on, everything seems so childish, so unrealistic even for a fantasy.

    About the romance…I believe it’s a manipulation to grab the audience, since there’s no romance in the folk tale.

    Still, I love the cinematography…it’s what keeps me going.

    Koala, thanks for another recap and for the laughs you gave me by reading it – love your sense of humor.

    • EO is not a real magistrate, remember? He was kidnapped and put their the three Stooges. Anyway, they are the ones who should have been investigating the mysterious disappearances of young maidens in their district.

      The ghosts that refused to leave and the ones that begged EO for help in ep 1 tell us injustices have been going on in that locale if not every locale I daresay. This drama could have another season with Arang placed by EO’s side as his Damo and we get the BW and DS too.kkkk

      I did not pick this drama up for the “romance” only but for the entire package that it presented itself to be.

      • He wasn’t the real magistrate, but after they tried to “persued” him to become one, he decided on his own free-will to assume the magistrate’s position even if it was for a short period of time.

        What I miss in this drama was the funny vibe it had in the beginning, now it’s all tense and morbid, and the investigation part is so poor…I love detective stories and mysteries, but this one is leaving me bored.The mystery is already solved, we know who did it, we’re just waiting the “why” part, why they did it.

        I started watching it out of curiosity, fantasies are not my cup of tea. When I saw that the first episodes had this mix of comedy, romance and mystery…I was thrilled, it seemed a perfect combination. Now they killed the comedy, the romance and the mystery…what’s left? To me, cinematography.

  9. What do you think about the rings? As far as I remember, Only JE, KoH, Evil Mom and JW have rings. The one JW has is almost the same(except its color) as the Jade emperor’s ring. Is it a coincidence?

    • Evil mom gave him the ring, but how did she acquire it?

      I think she is the woman who first approached little JW and we see her being wealthy by her dress. This may have been before her family’s fall. Like little shaman girl asking for a general spirit to come possess her, why not evil mom doing the same for revenge?

      • Yes, I know she gave JW that ring, what I meant is that ring is also looks like it comes from the underworld/heaven.

        I also think she is the same woman, but not her soul, only her body is the same. Someone using her body. I wondered if the Jade Emperor comes to Earth, what form/body would he use?

        Oh, and I think JW and EO are the same age.

  10. I like this drama so much, it’s different and interesting. I’m kind of full of “love drama” so, less love lines and more fantasy/detective story it’s better for me. From time to time we all need something new, like in JXFiles.

    “This drama does fantasy better than any K-drama I’ve ever seen” – my feelings exactly, such a beautiful cinematography.

    I can tell that I re-found joy of my Wednesday-Thursday.

  11. Hi koala

    Thanks for your recaps.

    I looove this drama like i never love a drama before. I care for the character especially arang till i cant sleep. Usually in a drama i really seek a deep character development but for me the way this drama is devlop is what make it stand out. The character is mysterious, the before, or the past is waited to be uncovered slowly as well, by evolving the mystery and plot the character will be evolve, understood and develop. That what i found for this drama, it done it intentionally to keep the chrarcter devlop and eagerly waited to be unwarped by the same time we waited the intriguing plot. I.e the amnesia of arang is craeted. Otherwise, we can just see the usual character development by telling the past etc, etc. of course i hope more from eun soo since ithink his character should be mor indepth but im positive and love just the way it is. Cant wait for more.

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