
Rich Man, Poor Woman Episode 8 Recap — 32 Comments

  1. Super Wow! What an episode! Thank you Ms.Koala for taking me on the RMPW adventure train! The highs, the lows, the quick turns, had me screaming with delight one moment and hanging on for dear life a second later, what a ride. Whew! Cannot wait til next week!

  2. I posted the first part of the following in today’s Open Thread at Dramabeans, but I knew I would not get many comments because I posted later in the day. I really want to hear what people think about this. I agree with the one commenter who talked abut the years of Asahina’s bitterness. I am also relieved that Hyuga is leaving because I agree with Koala that Hyuga needs to leave, but I am not sure he would have done that on his own. So my new question (in addition to my posting below) is whether or not people think that the reason Asahina is so nasty is because he feels like Hyuga probably should not be there either–that he understands at some level that Hyuga is bigger than even what they have built and that just pisses him off royally. [Sidenote:You will be happy to know Ms. Koala that many people are talking about this drama over there because of you:
    “Asahina is a great villain, but I am not sure that I am understanding him. I “get” that he really wants to get rid of Hyuga and is jealous and bitter that he has to have basically been the “grown up” in the organization to help build the company. I even “get” that he looked for someone like Hyuga so he could do this, knowing that he needed a spark that he did not have. I could get the bitterness of his type, brilliant enough to recognize that he does not have the brilliance that he needs to be great. However, I don’t get the nastiness level. Hyuga is gone or going, so does he have to rub it in? Does he have to show up at the going away party to make sure no one else leaves? Does he have to make him turn in his id card? Even his own sister slaps him in the face, and I don’t think its just because she is in love Hyuga.

    • Asahina is just being a petty brat in addition to the scumbag that he is. All the years of put downs from Hyuga….he’s getting him back for it all. I guess 8 or so years of knowing that he’s #2 (even his sister told him so), to being put down, finally being backed by Tono & Yamaguchi (altho Y doesn’t know the extent of A’s betrayal), and wanting to head NI is just enough incentive for Asahina to humiliate Hyuga for little things.

      Yoko realized (like Makoto) that despite the fact that Hyuga is abrasive he isn’t necessarily a jerk. Whereas her brother planned the betrayal…socially he may be the good guy but he really isn’t. He betrays Hyuga and publicly snatches the PF project & humiliates him in front of his former employees. That slap couldn’t have come at a better time.

    • I think Asahina was cold and calculating when he started the company. He had a long-term goal and was willing to gamble everything to get it. I think he saw some of Hyuga’s potential, but not all. Over the years, he realized how much potential Hyuga really has and became increasingly jealous of his gifts, and realized that, unlike Hyuga, he really had nothing to offer. So, he came to hate Hyuga, and his pettiness came out in a big way. He probably felt that it was getting some kind of “just revenge.”

      Plus, there’s the whole I’m-keeping-what’s-mine intimidation scheme. Hyuga can’t take any employees away, because they’re possessions of Asahina’s, and he wants to make sure they stay that way. People are definitely afraid of him now.

  3. I am SO glad you posted this recap after I watched this episode. All of us went through the gamut of emotions that Hyuga went through in this episode. I felt like someone had kicked me to the curb during the farewell party scene. OMGoshhh!! Hyuga’s pained unshed tears and then finally breaking down w/ the unfairness of it all…how he had put his heart, soul, basically everything into building NI-and to top it that a-hole Asahina rubbing it in…ARGHHHHHH!! I wanted to beat the $hit outta him. I can’t stand his filthy, slimy, backstabbing ways. Yoko’s slap made me feel much better…..didn’t how much until Makoto sayonara’d him off!

    How could I go from getting all teary-eyed to fist pumping w/in a few minutes?! That ending was PERFECT!! I pretty much lost it when Hyuga wrapped Makoto’s arms around his waist. SQUEEEIng so hard!! And, Oguri Shun is the very definition of perfection! <333

    Thank you Ms. Koala for this recap. Much appreciated!

  4. Asahina was a turkey from the word go. I don’t think he started scheming from the moment he met Hyuga, but probably as soon as Hyuga started shining and he was in the shadows. Even then, Hyuga knew that Asahina was capable of pretending kindness but plotting.

    Earlier in the show, Hyuga fired a couple of people – Asahina made like a nice guy and promised to help one of them, but then ignored him, and it was Hyuga who helped him out. Then there was the programmer who Hyuga invested in, even though Asahina demanded to know why he was setting up a competitor.

    So at least his bout of evil wasn’t sudden but was building. Hyuga may only have $20,000 – but he also has his brains. Asahina may have the company, but I doubt he has any vision of where it could go, he just wants to sell out.

  5. What a great recap of a great episode!
    Thanks for doing this despite being slammed coming back from fun times.

    LOL and agree at Yoko and her restaurant side story continues to be so boring that fungus is starting to grow on it.

    I think you are right that while Makoto says she’s going with him on the spur of the moment, and with her feelings, that isn’t exactly true. Obviously, H has inspired her for the last two months, and challenged her professionally. Going with him won’t be bad for whatever career path that leads to. She has also more than hinted that the pharm job she won by doing hellish research was just going to be more hell. She wasn’t going to be inspired at S-tel, but drudgery-ed out.

    There were two “Huh? Hmmm?” moments for me:
    1. Haruka guesses that Ass-hat did that to Hyuga because “it could be due to one person unwittingly hurting the other.”
    I wonder if along with a continuous feeling of inadequacy and jealousy between them was also ONE pivotal moment where A got hurt.
    2.Ass-hat looks sad as M followed H out “asking himself ‘so both of them are gone?’” So some of the good feelings were real, right? A didn’t hate H the whole time. How could he?
    We saw such passion between them in the scene in As office where H wants to crush A, but holds back. Followed by that forehead to forehead embrace while A cruelly insults H.
    Wow! I can’t say that it was sexual really, but it was sensual.
    And, no, Ass-hat, you did not make H. I agree that by handling the finances, you afforded H a safe work environment where he could create brilliantly. But H was the driving force behind the company’s success and growth. That’s like saying Mozart’s agent created him. (I know Mozart didn’t have an agent…)

    Let’s go with the romance now, and kissing LOTS of kissing. I’ll even take a taste as long as Shun and Satomi keep looking at each other like they do. Both are so expressive, it makes me melt.

    I really can’t wait until this Monday, but I am glad it’s only three days away!!!!

    • Asahina penchant for standing near, sitting near, and touching Hyuga when he is rubbing in his betrayal creeps me out and fills me with rage. It’s a very specific and personal reaction for me, because when I am angry it drives me over the edge when someone touches me. No matter their intentions, I always feel the physical contact as being condescending and an assertion of dominance. I do think that there is some attempts at dominance in Asahina’s physical contact with Hyuga when he is exalting in his cunning.

      What really troubles me is that Hyuga has so few human connections and the two people he has had the most connection with, his mother and Asahina, have deeply betrayed him. In that situation I can understand if he were to have deep and abiding trust issues.

      • @Yumi—Love both your points—especially about the touching thing. It IS a huge attempt to assert dominance, and a major manipulation tactic. And it’s just so creepy.

        @Jomo—The sensual but not sexual thing—so true and an awesome description. I also loved the Mozart’s agent thing.

    • @jomo funny you mentioned Mozart. I was precisely thinking of Mozart being Hyuga and Salieri being Asahina in the play Amadeus. The genius and the mediocre – with the latter being so bitter over the brilliance he felt was inexplicably bestowed upon the former that he instigated his demise.

      I peronally think that the trigger in Ass-hat’s attitude towards Hyuga was when Makoto came into their lives. Asahina was initially intrigued, impressed and eventually came to like Makoto. But she does not see anyone apart from Hyuga, and can’t talk about anything or anyone else but Hyuga, despite his cold and oftentimes rude treatment of her. His growing insecurity grew progressively worse when everyone around him expressed the same sentiments – Yamagami, Sakaguchi, even his own sister! asserting that he is ONLY second to Hyuga.

      I think he did this to prove to Makoto more than anyone else that he is better, brighter and can be bigger than Hyuga. I think he sacrificed Hyuga as a cost to win Makoto. That is why for me, more than the Yoko-slap, Makoto’s declaration that she likes Hyuga and the elevator closing dramatically after that, and his bitter, losing statement in the end “both of you are gone…?” – was infinitely more satisfying. *fist pump!

      So for now, Hyuga’s brilliance is dimmed… but the reality is that you can only cover the splendour of a diamond by covering it with mud. You would hope that others would no longer be blinded when you covered its sheen. But those who know the real thing, will always recognize the gem, know its value and believe in its innate brilliance!

  6. This episode is just SU.PERB! Totally awesome! As you said, ms koala, this episode is bringing us through all that emotional jet-coaster and Oguri Shun is just doing it soooooo perfectly. The eyes! oh! How his eyes talked in this drama!!!! The small flickering of his eyes, the unsure ness, the held up inside emotion, the rage, the new hope and the relieve! Gosh! So great!
    And Satomi played Makoto so well too! I really, really love her acting while they were going to take photos in front of the building. Her “I know” KYAAAHHH!!! So perfect!

    Will be looking forward for the next episode! 3 more to go~!

    • OH! And on the scene when Asahina gave flower to Hyuga. GOOOSSSHHH!!!! That flower felt like giving / putting a flower in front of a grave / tomb. I mean, (forgive my choice of words) but, It is like giving a flower to a dead man. That Asahina is so so cruel!

      • (forgive me for another posts)

        OH!! And another one! The Elevator scene between Asahina and Makoto, well… that makes me feel like what Asahina wants from Makoto is like (forgive my analogy again) wanting a dog. One who will follow him and do as he beckon. Since there’s the scene in…. was it eps 6 or 7, when Makoto was squatting in front of the NI wall when Hyuga was in his office room brooding, and then Asahina came and sat on the sofa, and commented “You make me want to have a dog.”
        (and thus also the use of cat faction and dog faction)

  7. Well done, Koala! Absolutely loved this episode as well. RMPW has become my most fave drama at the moment! Was really happy to see today it getting some love on other drama sites, too. Mondays can’t arrive soon enough for me. Hyuga + Makoto = PERFECTION

  8. Just when I thought I couldn’t drama-love Oguri any more….ep 8 falls out of the sky and has me squeeing and fangirling for 2 days! This whole ep was BRILLIANT. I don’t have enough good words for how the two leads are nailing the full spectrum of emotions the characters go through literally in the span of a few minutes.

    Just by watching Huyga’s eyes during the farewell party we could tell exactly what he was feeling and so could Makato who, at the time, could only support him silently from across the room & cry for the pain of heart he is experiencing.

    I don’t even have the words to say how fantastic the last 10 minutes of this ep were. The elevator scene, jumping in front of his bike, the “starting over” photo….and riding off into the sunset. It was completely, perfectly WONDERFUL when Hyuga’s not only *allowed* Makato to accompany him, but he *WELCOMED* her when he moved her arms from his shoulders to around his waist. I found myself rewatching that scene just as I would rewatch a beautiful kiss/confession scene. Isn’t that funny? *goes off to watch it again*

    That simple action was sublime! It spoke volumes for Huyga to invite her to hold on to him tighter and when his hand held hers for a moment before they rode off…..SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!! No words were needed to convey not just the affection, but the emotional support our hero desperately needs right now.

    Can’t wait for ep 9! Watching a Monday drama is the only thing that makes me wish the weekend went by faster –especially since I have to wait ’til Wed/Thurs for subs! LOL

  9. I haven’t watched this epi yet but LOVED the recap and this line?

    “Yoko and her restaurant side story continues to be so boring that fungus is starting to grow on it.”


    I hate Asshat with the fire of a thousand suns. I really wish we had gotten a tad bit more concrete evidence of what pushed Asshat over the edge. Or, if he has indeed been planning this for ages, it would’ve been nice to see in flashback an example of Hyuga’s behavior that sparked Asshat’s malice. I love Hyuga as a character, but he can be incredibly cruel and it would be interesting to see how that played out in his relationship with Asshat, historically. I think then the betrayal would hold more weight.

    Also? I think that following Hyuga is 110% the smartest business decision Makoto could EVER make. Of course emotionally he is a crippled little puppy and could hurt her in the future, but he’s a freaking genius and with her hard work and generous people skills, the two will be absolutely unstoppable. I get why Hyuga was wary of having her follow him in the last episode (she is SO genuine and SO naive in a lot of ways, and he probably doesn’t trust himself to not break her heart and, ultimately, her). But…from her perspective? Everything the man touches turns to gold.

  10. Thanks for providing a space to discuss this drama.

    I’d be amazed if this line “Haruka points out that it could be due to one person unwittingly hurting the other.” doesn’t play into the explanation for Asahina’s behavior. Nothing will make it forgivable, but there might be some explanation.

  11. Oh, so emotional! I wanted to kill that Ass..ahina. Taking everything from Hyuga… and in such evil way… purposely hurting H. as much as possible… BUT one thing A. didn’t manage – to take Makoto away. New beginning is here, this time with a loving and supporting partner with no side thoughts! Go Hyuga, go!

    Honestly, this is my current crush drama. Yes, I like Arang and it’s mystical world, I find Miss Rose cute and I’m curious about the Korean version of Hana Kimi… but RMPW is the only drama when I count down the days to the next episode. Thank you for your recaps and sharing the love for this drama.

  12. i have to say every time i see Oguri Shun drama i fall in love with him no not with him with the person he play ,he make me love another person every time and forget it the same person and it really hard to find actor like him maybe a good actor who make you love his role but an actor who make you really forget him and not think about what he play on the past even if you stiil on love with that role it really rare things. and i have know not a lot who can do it. but back to my sweet Huyga i really can uderstand him and sure he going to hurt Makoto as you said ,and he know that well that why he didn’t accept her before even when he know that she someone special to him from the start , its hard to him to accept the trust and love even if he was longing to them cause its hard after all this years ,and him knowing that very well doesn’t mean he can aviode hurting her /but i trust Makoto i trust her guts,her stubborn and i knew she can handle that scared ,tired ,broken and stubborn child and i am soo looking for its.
    for Asahina i got that strange feelling that he doing all that for Huyga but on the hard way ,i dont know why but i get this feelling when i see him talk with Huyga its like a father give a hard leason for his spoiled child and i may be wrong i don’t konw, but i dont see a really hate or revange in his talk even with all the terrible words he say or maybe i just hoping this cause this 2 friendship is really great from the start ,something i really wants to not lose faith in it.

  13. Thankyouu for keep recapping the drama!! I watched ep 7 and 8 in marathon after that horrible episode :s And i have to say it was all worth it to go through all this process and have a perfect ending in this episode. Hyuga and Makoto are truly a wonderful OTP. I was a fan of Oguri Shun and on the way of becoming Ishihara Satomi fan.

    I usually becoming a person who liked second lead, but i just can’t understand Asahina at all. What’s on his mind, his plan, his goal. His act made Hyuga becoming the good guy, when i thought at first he was the good guy. Maybe he just want to be recognized and because hyuga took all the attention, he get rid of him in a really unpleasant way. In the end i just feels sorry for him.

    Really looking forward and hype up for the next episode!! Cause it’s all gonna be makoto-hyuga XD

    • I am totally with you on the wtf ness of Asahina.

      He is prolly bluffing when he says he has planned this from the git-go. I call BS on that. I think he DID see H as a revenue monster and wanted to exploit him, but not as someone he had planned on making and breaking.
      First of all, how could he possibly have seen their future success that clearly? Secondly, you can’t have that much passionate hate for someone you hardly know.
      I think over the years he developed this envy driven slow boiling destructive love hate thing for Hyuga.
      Are we supposed to believe that ALL that emotion completely eclipsed his logical business brain? There is no way he thinks he can go forward with NI, matching their previous growth rate without at least ONE brilliant programmer. I almost hope he has a trump card of Hyuga’s biggest rival hidden up his sleeve, but by now at least we would have heard of him/her.
      I guess A could hire back that other good but unproductive guy from the earlier eps.
      With the constant renewal and dismissal of employees who just can’t cut it at NI, it’s pretty clear that H was the top dog for what he does.

      For now, they are safe. A has the PF project locked down, most of the programming done, a team of good but not great guys who can finish up. What is next? Where is the next big thing going to come from for them? Who is going to be able to recognize and hire outstanding programmers? Who is going to keep them on their toes?

      I am sure there is a Shakespearean character – Othello? – who destroys himself because of jealousy, but I am sure they also didn’t paint him as a brilliant tactician and businessman. The two don’t mix for me.

  14. I’m a newbie here but a fan to Oguri Shun & Satomi. Really excited to see them matched in this RMPW and from the very start they both were so unique and watching them is really entertaining on its won. I am so delighted to read all the comments posted here.

    Gee whiz!! amazing! I know many felt so much against Asahina but that role was acted so well that we could feel his envy towards Hyuga. Different views aired here and yes, is there any mischief behind his cruel action? Is it just a facade to mask his true intention? We shall see.

    I heard it’s only to 11 episodes. Today’s is Monday and yet another 2 long weeks to wait for the ending 🙂 happy watching to the addicts of RMPW !!

  15. Wow, A looked like he wanted to totally cripple H by getting M to stay by his side. I’m glad she finally saw things clearly betw the two.

    Well, it looks like one small step for the two of them. H did all of the field work on the PF, which A does not seem to care about. I expect a major fail coming his way re this project.

    Thanks OcKoala!

  16. Thank you for the recap Ms. Koala. The most amazing emotional rollercoaster! Very intense. I wanted to comment on Asahina. What a complex character. Jomo your insights on Asahina are very interesting. I can’t help think that his self destructive streak of seeking greatness for himself and not thinking past what will happen with NI when the real innovator Hyuga is gone echoes real life business decisions. This story makes me think of Steve Jobs life. He was pretty much backstabbed and kicked out of Apple computers like Hyuga only to come back like a phoenix to rescue and resurrect the company years later. I see this story as a celebration of inovators everywhere and the difficulties and challenges they face from Asahinas (Greed symbol) to envy, resentment, being misunderstood, etc. Asahina’s character brings all that to life. Enjoying every moment of this, can’t wait for next episode!

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