
Miss Rose Episode 8 Recap — 10 Comments

  1. This is a wonderful thoughtful recap!
    For some reason, this episode just hit all the right buttons for me.
    Everything everyone did and said moved the story along.

    I like that storm clouds from SY’s past heartbreak are starting to clear before the thunderclap from Vivian hits her. SY isn’t fully repaired, but at least we see her willingness to battle is baayaaaack.

    They deceptively kept Vivian out of this episode so we forget she’s lurking in the warm shallow waters just beyond our focus. [Cue Jaws theme… OMG I HATE HER!]

    So far, the fight with Vivian hasn’t been that personal, but once SY digs in and declares the Golden Boy MINE! it’s gonna be good.

    Love how protective Mom is. I almost fear for YC’s life when he meets up with Dad. Oy!

    I had a huge smile on my face for the funny parts. Watching CK chase the orphelins brought back memories of my father doing that with the grandkids. They LOVE doing that, and would make him scare them for hours.

  2. Yay for another scene with both Xiao Ke and Sheng Jun…together, interacting!
    Still don’t get why Ah Zhe would cheat on Xiao Ke with an older and less attractive lady (IMO). Are we supposed to think she is sexier and more beautiful than Xiao Ke? Cause Si Yi mentioned something about how there’s a lot of guys chasing after her. Hm.
    I am THISCLOSE to being fed up with weepy Si Yi. I was glad to see that she seems to be toughening up again in the second half of this episode….let’s hope.
    Drunk Cheng Kuan was <3

  3. Ting Ai repeats “fiancee?” and asks Xiao Ke if she’s sure that her fiancee is going to marry Xiao Ke? Cheng Kuan speaks up and says that he’s sure the fiancee is NOT going to marry Ting Ai.
    I rewatched this one segment so many times — it was so funny! Really starting to get hints of a Qin Ziqi vibe from Chengkuan now that he’s loosened up around Siyi and doesn’t rein in his emotions as much anymore. His conversation with Siyi about the orphanage date, and the way he walked away with his fingers in his ears screamed Qin Ziqi, rofl.

    Great thing about this episode was that there was no Vivian! I’m not as annoyed with her as I could be, but that doesn’t mean I don’t mind getting a break from her. xD Now, if only they’ll give us some more Shengjun/Xiaoke scenes~

    Lovely recap as usual! And thanks for the clue about the joke with Luo Mama’s choice of baby names… I had no idea what she was getting at with that. xD

  4. Why oh why did they have to make the past Yi Chun and Si Yi so adorable together?! I still love Si Yi and Cheng Kuan together, but every time Yi Chun pops up, I get excited for some Si Yi-Yi Chun interaction. Nooo, I don’t wanna second-lead ship!

  5. Again, Ms. Koala, your words goes through the analysis and thought-process that I’m sure most of us are going through while watching Miss Rose.
    I love your ending in this recap because you got at the heart of what these two characters are about.

    I am so happy that Taiwan have been coming out with such great dramas lately! As always, looking forward to reading more as Miss Rose progresses along!

    Happy Wednesday!

  6. I haven’t watched it yet but this looks like a cute episode. When does this drama air? It takes such a long time to be subbed and uploaded on Viki, I might just have to wait until it ends and marathon it.

    • It airs Sundays (in Taiwan) don’t know if it’s a long time from air date, but we don’t have to wait a long time between episodes.
      They are doing them pretty fast at viki.
      I know you get plenty of time before Koala’s recaps to watch it, so to me it’s just fast enough.

  7. Hello Koala unnie!!!!

    Thank you so much!!

    Because of you i got to watch for the first time in my life a Taiwanese drama, and i love it!!!!
    I have been lurking in the playground since Playful Kiss time, and i have been with you through My Princess, Lie to Me Kings 2 Hearts. And now i am discovering Taiwanese dramas through you, i was curious about Roy Qiu as you were always posting things about him, and when you started recapping MR i decided out of curiousity to watch it, i watched episode 1 to 5 straight in one day!!!!! and i couldn’t wait until the next episode!!!!

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