
Cheongdamdong Alice Episode 3 Recap — 37 Comments

  1. I kept checking koala’s website because I know koala will LOVE this episode! I freaking adore the writer, who also co-wrote Tree with deep roots. However, although Tree with Deep Roots is a masterpiece on many fronts, I did not feel “connected” to the drama emotionally. But this drama is the complete opposite! The editing was uneven and the directing has some flaws. But the story, the acting and the characters are so realistic that I am astounded.

    I cried and laughed so hard in episode 3. MGY is amazing. Now I understand why Koala loves her so much.Can’t wait for episode 4!

  2. Park Shi Hoo is a beast when it comes to chemistry. I was definitely feeling it this episode… thanks Ms. Koala for the recap!

  3. I was just about to ask Ms. Koala if the leads have chemistry. Now that you confirmed it, I’m on board. Gonna watch it now then. Thanks Ms. Koala.

  4. I originally watch CDDA for MGY. I like PSH in TPM, but not love. Then, ep 3 aired… he had me at “Fa”. The “Kam-sa.. re-fa, do-re-mi-faa… kam-saaa..” had me fell for him so bad.. ♥ ◡ ♥

  5. I was so worried at the beginning that Moon chose another horrible drama….now I’m laughing with glee to how good this drama is turning out to be. Each episode is better than the next. No wonder the rating went up 2 points.

    In addition to Moon fantastic acting (every time she cries…I cry along with her , she just moves me like no other actress) I’m beginning to love PSH, he had me laughing like a lunatic. Biting my nails now waiting for the next episode to come out….Fighting CCDA.

  6. To be honest I didn’t even think of the age difference and I was live streaming. It was riveting and hit more emotional depths than I anticipated. Absolutely dying for next week.
    I know, I know episode 4 hasn’t even aired.

  7. I was hesitant to watch this one because it looked like every other boring   Cinderella. I was bored enough to watch the first three episodes tonight and nearly died laughing. Now I’m hooked…I hope it keeps being this awesome.   I’m glad you are recapping this one!

  8. Thanks for the recap! This drama is quickly becoming everything I’d hoped it would be. Cute, quirky, touching, funny, and subversive. Love it!

  9. Thanks much for this recap! PSH is freakingly funny! His character is delusional and adorable at the same time. And what else is not to praise about MGY’s performance? She’s awesome as usual…I look forward to tomorrow’s episode when she starts the “social climber” act.
    I also love the song played in the background while Se Kyung was walking and being followed by Seung Jo.

  10. Yes!!! I also absolutely love it. I was sold on it already with the 2nd episode, but this episode is even that much better. I thought the walking a la ADG was interesting to watch – SJ following SK.

    PSH is totally knocking it out of the park with his SJ character. I love him. I love how he is almost rendered speechless around SK. HAHA. The chemistry exploded btw MGY and PSH in this episode and they have more scenes together which I loved to pieces.

    I watched the episode already about 3 times through. It’s just too good. I hope that it stays good.

  11. I’m glad that the current PSH’s drama turns to be satisfying because at first, I was doubtful with the story. Thank you for your recaps Ms. Koala. I’ll start to watch this drama soon. Ms. K, can I ask your help to recap Go Go Go sister. This drama is so fabolous but unfortunately there’re not many blogs do the recaps.Thank you Ms. K ^^.

  12. Daebak!!! i hope this will continue to meet my expectations and more till the end. if this happens, this might as well become my favorite kdrama of 2012.

  13. Thank you Koala unni. I love love this episode.. It was great… I am looking forward tomorrow episode. From the preview, I love PSH when he saw MGY with that dress… =D

  14. Officially hooked! I can’t wait til the next episode and the matchmaking starts! gahhh and the dance? I died when I watched it. I love this drama!

  15. I loved this drama from the beginning (cause PSH is in it 🙂 – yeah, I’m sometimes easily to please) but now … I want to marry it!
    Oh, this is going to be so much fun. Can’t believe how good episode 3 was, love the soundtrack, love the cast, love the script! PSH really picks his dramas well. This is such a great (and different) role for him. Only a few more hours until episode 4 airs!!!

  16. The site i am watching it has no subs yet, so i’m thankful for your recap. Reading the first paragraph of it makes me so happy to see how you are so engross in this drama and i can’t stop reading over and over again.

    Yes, this episode is a winner acting wise and also the chemistry of MGY and PSH is starting to get noticed. Loved it!!! Looking forward to see how Se Kyung life becoming rich a madame.

  17. Seriously PSH amazes me every single time.. I totally love him as an actor.. And this drama proves once again how diverse and good he is and can be.. Thanks for the recap and for the hard work..

    BTW does anyone have any idea who the artist is thats singing the song while MGY is walking sadly?? Im addicted to it, but cant find it anywhere

  18. This might have been the most enjoyable hour of drama watching I’ve had all year! (And I’ve watched a TON of dramas this year, lol). The scene where JTC revealed his identity at the hospital had me laughing so hard I thought I was going to wake my poor hubby up.

    So glad I didn’t drop this one after the lackluster first episode. I’m looking forward to seeing where this one goes. Let’s hope the quality continues at this level 🙂

  19. A little bitter of how they sent off In-chan.. a bastard ex who ran away with her money, I did not see that coming at all. So sad. Maybe he’ll be back in the end somewhere and give her back her money or something.

  20. Totally with you Ms. Koala. Ep 3 is one of the best eps that I have not been seeing for such a long long time. It’s so funny and so heart wrenching. I have to admit that I have been fastfowrding both ep. 1 & 2 “BIG TIME”. But not Ep. 3, I even rewatch it right the way. It is that good. Get ready to watch Ep. 4 now. Hopefully it is as good as ep. 3. Thanks for the recap! : )

  21. Thank you for your quick recaps!
    I’m watching this show witout subtitles, so your insightfull descriptions are more than welcome
    And OMG, episode 4 was good.

  22. I just finish this episode. I was laughing soo much during most of the PSH parts, that my roommate kept giving me dirty looks. The dance was just hilarious, but what crack me up more was the stupid lamp near his desk. It’s in an odd place & oddly shape and instead of going around it, he just bends and twist. Lol. Just kill me. I completely loved this man since “Prosecuter Princess” now I just love him more. Hope the writers don’t change his charecter much as the story progresse. Well other then giving him a heart to love MGY.

  23. So glad you’re recapping this, thank you! Totally agree with your wonderful comments.

    I had the same feelings about episode 3. I liked it and was VERY interested in where the story was going after episode 2, but 3 bowled me over into total love. I am blown away by the writing. The dialogue is sharp and honest – people actually communicate with each other in this drama, imagine that! Unlike most rom-coms where 90% of the dialogue is meaningless, if enjoyable, fluff, here all the conversations matter, and develop our plot and and characters in interesting ways. The story is so dark and serious for a rom-com, and yet it doesn’t let itself go melo. The serious moments are undercut by pitch-perfect humour which is suitably subversive rather than being goofy and throwing off the tone. Love, love, love. Like you said – it’s a real adult rom-com rather than Disney for grown-ups.

    Both leads are awesome too – Park Shi-hoo is hilariously unbalanced, but he nails the serious moments too. And his I’m-so-fabulous moments totally slay me. And Moon Geun-young. no surprise there. She’s perfect as usual. I always am hit with exactly how mediocre a lot of other actresses are when I see Moon acting. She blew me away in episode 3. That last sequence was exhilarating and brilliant.

    Also, I LOVE Namgoong Min and I was feeling very conflicted about the six-year relationship and wondering how they would make the OTP feel legitimate after showing such a deep relationship with someone else, but I totally get why they had to include his character now. Hats off to the writers. I agree with you that with this episode I now have a lot of faith that they know where they’re going and they won’t disappoint us.

  24. SO GOOD. Please recap episode 4 soon! I wish I knew Korean now so I could just watch the raw subs! I’m glad you’re starting to like this drama! I loved it after my initial hesitations with the OTP. I need some comedy in my life while studying for law school finals.

  25. kyaaa… handsome, genius, success, rich yet distressed? that Seung Jo… cincha???
    I’m gonna love this drama, one of a kind… the hero is crazy… LOL

  26. Wheeee…. isn’t it amazing how CDDA is developing? I am glad the that the development of SK’s and CJ’s loveline is developing slowly from getting to know you rather than love at first sight. As it is MGY’s and PSH’s comeback, the first two episodes its kinda of a warm up to getting to each other and their chemisty is slowly building up from episode 3 onwards. Episode 4 is simply AMAZING!!!

    I just can’t wait for CH’s jealous antics and wild imaginations when SK starts on her dates. It is even better when Tommy and her manager comes into picture. And also, when SK discovers the relationship between CJ and YJ. That will be explosive!

    Really appreciate your time to recap this drama.

  27. i love this drama and SJ is just soooooo funny! he’s a little crazy but i like him so much… i was really moved when he said to his doctor friend that good women really do exist but he thought they were extinct… dude! that’s what i say every single time about guys, but the difference is that i consider them like UFOs: they might exist, few people says they saw one but i haven’t so i can’t believe them yet…
    ep 4 is awesome! team SK-SJ FTW!!!!!!!
    thanks for the recap 🙂

  28. Daaamn!!… PSH rocking yet another role… i knew that this drama will get better and better with every episode!!! Great acting (especially from PSH), great directing, great story and great chemistry between the OTP! this is going somewhere very interesting, although im a little concerned about CSJ because he will get his heart broken yet another time when he finds out about HSK’s intentions!!!

    P.s The quote CSJ was saying again and again was by Erich Fromm (Immature love says: “I love you because I need you.” Mature love says: “I need you because I love you.”) and not by Churchill.. So funny he got that messed up thinking he is so smart!

  29. The scene where In Chan is saying thank you to JTC in his office and he starts his speech again the backround score is the im your lady you are my man song.. what a funny touch, didnt notice it until the 3rd time i watched the episode…

  30. Thank you Koala for the recap. It totally changed my mind as I wasn’t planning on watching it after reading the recaps for ep 1 & 2. Your intro definitely sold it! Or maybe am under your spell? Or am a mindless koalabot matching to your orders? LOL!!

    Anyway I loved the highs and lows of this episode. I love how Jean Theirry Cha is so petty, vindictive and funny at the same time. I laughed at how he was peeping at the photographer’s car, how he walks under the lamp in his office, how deflated he gets when his imaginary delusions don’t come to pass and his precious Barbara Streisand’s dance. I rewound the dance so many times! I lub PSH so much!!!!

    I have always liked MGW since the first time I saw her in Painter in the Wind where she knocked my socks off but I never kept up with her or watched any of her shows. But I like her hear and I was right there crying with her when she realized In-Chan had really left her for good and stolen her money.

    Keep up the good work!

  31. Omg this show is so awesome, I’m so glad that I decided to watch it.
    Between this show and Kng od Dramas, there anything else for my viewing pleasure!!!

    I watched this show raw because I couldn’t wait for subs.

    Kansa kamsa kamsa for recapping.

    You are Awesome, Auntie K ^.^

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