
The Always Adorable Jo Jung Seok for High Cut Magazine — 11 Comments

  1. I just love him. I don’t find him even remotely attractive… so it’s probably all thanks to his personality and his acting.

    He could be in any CF, I would buy it!

    • Me too! (sniffle sniffle) I so loved them as a couple. And Earnest Bot’s trajectory nearly killed me– it caused such deep emotions. Thinking about JJS in TK2H makes me cry, but thinking about him in What’s Up makes me smile– it was so much fun watching his character’s transformation in that. I can’t wait to see him in his next project.

      I’m not sure what they were thinking when they put him in the paisley outfit– to me it looks like girls’ pajamas, but what the hey.

      Thanks Koala!

  2. Ohh, forgot I do hope he gets the lead for the Incredible Lee Soo Shin, I think he and IU are both adorable, and have this playfulness that silly but not over the top (adoable not cute). And if the drama also casts Yoo Inna I’m all for it.

  3. He’s not very pretty or handsome like some of the k actors but has such presence on the screen. I hope he gets his lead role.

  4. Oh I loooooove him!! My adorable gay friend thinks he might be gay, but I don’t care, still like him!! He’s super talented and too cute!! Looking forward to his upcoming projects!

  5. Koala unni, really want to know what your thoughts are on his new drama, The Best Lee Soon Shin? 🙂 What do you think of IU’s casting?

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