
That Winter, The Wind Blows Episode 5 Recap — 29 Comments

  1. YEY I’m the first! Its been a long time since I had an opportunity to say such! I went straight to say this whilst closing me eyes as I scrolled just so I wont see the spoiler. I love you Ms. Koala! You’re amazing!

  2. I’m hoping that it won’t turn into a fauxcest drama too. Hopefully she will find out that he isn’t her biological brother soon. I’m enjoying this very much so far.. but brother-sister.. no thanks. It’s the main reason why AIMH is in the top 3 of my K-drama hate list, despite the fact that I adore SHK and WB.

  3. Yeah, you can’t really enjoying in OTP moments,because when you’re watching trough OY eyes, it’s to odd and little sick, but then when you do that with OS eyes you are edge and you are pushing him in her arms. That’s I call drama that got your focus 100%.
    I’m watching with fact I know he’s not her oppa, so I don’t feel guilt for wonderful preview ep 6.

  4. Thanks mr koala u r definatly the fastest I was hoping to be first but I’m ok ! I’m loving this show with each moment ! I hope it doesn’t end like the original !!!! They deserve happiness even I it would take the whole kdrama Gods to make it such !!

  5. Once again, it is like seeing the episode right before my eyes complete with colors, face expressions … the whole shebang! Each time Koala, you make wonderful recaps.

  6. hmmm It’s interesting cuz i didn’t see OY’s treatment of OS to be icky at all… she’s like in stunted growth, it feels like. I shared this elsewhere but I think it fits well here too so:

    We see how in reality, she’s a woman living in the past… partly because the most vivid memories were attached to images she saw… and it was only so long ago in the past that she saw anything clearly at all. It’s so terrible to see how she’s stuck with that warm, happy memory… but in reality must live with the present, cold reality… and so she moves, breaths, and interacts like a sleep-walker… and so I can kind of follow what compelled her to walk into the water like that… just wishing to die in, and thereby forever branding, this moment of exhilaration into her existence…

    You see how each time OS does something that sparks in her the memories of her happy childhood, it’s like she’s injected with warmth again (props for SHK demonstrating the difference for us), she’s once more alive and she literally breaths/lives off of the exhilaration. Even though she hasn’t REALLY experienced anything until the cotton candy to bring her anywhere close to 100% certain that OS’s the real brother, it’s hard to be self-protecting in the face of something that makes you live.

    The writer paced herself, bringing us along the progress of the mending of her relationship with her real brother (if we think from OY’s perspective) — founded on precious memories, but so long set on the side, all that’s left is unfamiliarity and covered with dust. We see how she’s rightfully angry at the pool-side scene, but from the train-platform scene to the amusement park we see her anger at her brother subside… perhaps she’s drawn the wrong conclusion about him not caring about her… simply because there was such a large gap of what she knows about his life since their separation. Once shaken, she’s helpless to each time OS’s actions give her hope that she really got her brother back. He’s her memories, returned to her life in a real, living, breathing form.

    I said I was going to come back and talk about OS’s side of the relationship that’s happening between him and OY… In their first encounter, already he was genuine to her– because she wasn’t a woman he was looking out to pimp, but his friend’s younger sister. A year later, he’s been pushed to a corner and finds this con an option for him to live. But as someone else has pointed out, he has these odd episodes of strong reactions hinting that he was genuinely caring about OY’s situation… and I feel that has to do with the first perception he had of OY– his friend’s sister. Yes he’s using her so he can live, but that doesn’t cut away that link between them. To him, this is him merely “borrowing” his friends sister out of desperation. So he tries to get her to open up to him, he plays his part as her older brother. But the tension between his own survival and what he’s doing to his friend (survival vs. friendship) becomes stronger… and the line between him being a fake brother vs. becoming the manifestation of her real brother begins to blur.

    In trying to do his job as a con man, he puts a lot of his attention on her, finds out more about her… and finds the commonalities that make the personal tie between him and her stronger… she can no longer simply be the tool for him to save his hide (not that it could really be like that to begin with, since there already was that tie of her being his friend’s sister)… her pain, her loneliness, her having had the beautiful family he could only dream for… but then devastatingly lost, the walls of self-defense she’s trying to build… in them he sees his own pain, he teaches her from his own experience that humans can’t go on forever isolating him/herself, he feels the need to protect her from the people who took her family away… now she’s going to become a WOMAN who’s shakes his heart.

    But just like OS “borrowed” the dead Oh Soo’s sister… his living on borrowed time. Time and threat for his life boxes him in. How many times has he uttered to OY that he only has 2 month’s time left with her? Increasingly he succumbs to the urge to leave her with SOMETHING of her “brother”– the wind chime… submitting to her touching so she can “know what her brother is like”… he knows how she suffered the absence of her brother, sees how her walls have completely fallen, reverting to her childhood self in an embracing of him being her real brother… but knowing that he’ll have to remove this “brother” from her again, be it by his death, or his release from the debt.

    His desire to leave OY with SOMETHING reminds me of their first encounter… where even though he had to run away, he still made sure he left OY with something of her brother– that her brother wrote “I love you” at the end of his letter
    … and so we see the parallel here…
    he knows that the time where this all ends will come soon… but he makes the extra effort to leave something of “her brother” all around her, do what her brother did not have a chance to do for her like making sure she can live as normally as she could… in hopes of softening the loss

    sorry it’s so friggin long

    • It just feels like OY is being the “spoiled little sister” who playfully annoys her brother with clever words… really… maybe because I feel like i can see how much OY enjoys having her brother back…

    • Completely agree with you about OY. I don’t get everyone finding this icky or flirtatious?

      They’re acting how younger siblings act, in my opinion -holding hands, touching affectionately/innocently, etc.-, because that’s all that OY has known. Just as you pointed out, she reverts back to her younger self whenever OS sparks a memory of her with her brother.

      So with OY, I feel like it’s her innocently trying to connect with her brother the only way she knows how. With OS, I feel it’s him being so intrigued by her and then on top of that fighting his growing attraction/affection for her (out of guilt and holding onto HJ’s memory AND the fact that macking out with his fake sister really won’t help him at the moment lol).

    • Very well said.

      I would also like to add that OS is also full of guilt over the other OS’s death. The real OS died because of chasing after him just like his first love HJ. When he was chased by the cops, he stopped and turned around when he heard the car schreeched and hit real OS. He did not run but was trying to reach the dead body and was clearly devastated. I would not know if he saw OY frantically trying to hail a taxi by the curb near to her bro’s body or that was a scene to show the tragic connection of OS and OY. OS is trying hard to atone his sin. He is not as cold as he portrays.

      My 2 cents on OY. She is a smart woman. She knows OS is not his real brother by virtue of the burn scar. However OY feels that OS is close to her real bro that is why OS knows their childhood memories. She might already figure out this OS is the one mentioned in her bro’s letter as someone she could trust. Hence, OY wants SW to find the gambler OS to reaffirm her hunch. Also to find out why OS comes to see her instaed of her real bro.

      This drama is visually pretty to see. It is not overly dramatic but it draws you in and makes you want to sit by the small screen to wait for the next episode.

    • amen to that. my exact sentiments esp. with Oh Young’s actions toward Oh Soo. It’s not squicky at all. I commend you, you’re a witty writer. try to make your own blog and do drama recaps, i’d be happy to read and follow your blog.

    • awww thank you for all your replies =P it’s just that this drama is pulling me in so deep haha

      I do have a blog… I do have a drama i want to recap… but I have yet to bring myself to sacrifice all that time and energy as Ms. Koala does to actually write stuff up for the blog haha

      <3 ms. koala

  7. Thanks Koala, its the first page l open when l open on my laptop this morning. l know you wont dissapoint me (as always).

    l watched AIMH and loved it without knowing of its really sad ending. If l knew, l wont watch it at all. That’s why l really hoping that this drama wont have those sad ending and makes me hate watching Korean drama that was pretty and beautifully done and loved by everyone suddenly turn to be hate by everyone cos of its ending. There’s another long way to go, 11 more eps and really awaits for it.

    This drama is on my first list drama currently watching, so l hope it keeps it flourish.

    And btw Hartofseeker, its so enjoyable reading your comments. Fighting!!!

  8. I think I’m fine with touching his face since that’s how blind people ‘see’ a face, but the snuggling was wierd. And you know what, I keep hoping that all this time, she is totally aware that he’s not her brother. That could be one reason why she asked to find the other Oh Soo..

  9. Thank You for the recap I enjoy every episode more and more. The main leads are doing a great job I have already watched episode 5 twice and with no subs.

  10. btw~ I can’t forget to add this: I love waiting for and reading your recaps ms koala~~~ Q__Q well maybe not the waiting cuz i’d be itching to see what you think. Thank you~~ lol you’re like the fastest, comprehensive recapper out there =] keep up the awesomeness!

  11. As someone who has watched several tv shows that feature semi-incestuous or incestuous content, I can’t quite say I find this entirely icky, or weird, as OY seems to revert back to being a little girl around her brother. Or that’s how I see it.

    OS is sparking many of her memories, and I feel her touching him/holding hands with him/snuggling with him, are ways that help her connect to him the only way she knows how- the way she USED to, when they were children and that type of closeness isn’t deemed “inappropriate” when you’re small. So I feel like that at this point, if she does truly believe OS is her brother, this isn’t that weird. She’s probably confused and is really like a little girl, as someone pointed out above. It’s like she stayed in this sort of emotional limbo, waiting for her mom and her brother, and now he’s back and she believes it’s truly him, she’s going back to where they left off. But maybe I’m interpreting this wrong lol.

    Either way, OS needs to watch himself and his behavior if he’s trying to act brotherly. I feel like he’s going along with it 1) because he wants her to have some good memory of her reconnecting with her bro and 2) I feel like his attraction/affection for her is growing, but he is not helping himself AT ALL.

  12. I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels uncomfortable whenever OS and OY have an opportunity to talk and be close per se. The hugging and touching part to me is kinda too soon for a brother and a sister that had been estranged and just got reunited. As viewers we know they are not siblings but in the drama Oh Young is suppose to be unaware that OS is not her real brother. In addition, OS is suppose to be convincing OY that he is the real brother. So the hugging and touching bit is quite inappropriate to me (of course until everything is revealed to OY). However I must admit that in the back of my mind, I have the feeling OY knows all along that OS is not her brother. How can she not? Being blind heightens all your other senses such as hearing, sense of smell, touch etc. She mentioned in the previous episode that she can recognize someone by their footsteps thus she knew to follow OS down the stairs of his residential building. She got close to OS when he was trying to hide from the police and must have smelled him. Although she is blind now, she saw when she was young where her brother’s scar was located especially that they were very close. When she first watched her mom’s videos of them she had sight. Therefore, she must have seen the pictures taken by her mom and one of them the real OS was wearing short sleeves which showed the scar on the left arm. Yet I still feel a bit of the shivers as they interact with each other, even knowing that they are not really siblings. I guess it must be because the characters were well portrayed by the actors that one gets drawn in to the story. For me, I think it will take the revelation of OS and OY non-familial relationship to be OK with their man-woman awareness of each other. Their chemistry is too palpable and the writer better make the revelation soon.

  13. So far, I’m able to be engrossed when watching the drama that I don’t find myself being disturbed at all. I give the credit to such delicate writing and execution. I find the scenes between Oh Soo and Young sweet and heart-tugging but I don’t see them romantically, at least not from Young’s side.

    I don’t know if you’re thinking too much when watching it, but if you just let it go and watch the show with an open heart and mind, you may be able to follow through the character’s feeling and emotion from their action.

    In Young’s case here, Oh Soo is the only family member she has in this world, and she misses him so much. It’s almost like he’s both the brother and the mom she has been longing for. And she’s also still in the memories when she was a little girl. I don’t know how they do it, but when watching their scenes together, I see Young behaving like a little girl with her brother, while Oh Soo developing interest and feelings towards her. Yes, their actions are not appropriate if you think about it, if you’re not absorbed enough into their world.

    It’s a different case with AIMH where I dislike the fauxcest. They clearly behaved like a 2 people in love, and want to continue with it despite knowing they’re brother and sister.

    I hope this drama won’t go that way. I’m fine with it so far because Young doesn’t act like she sees Oh Soo as a man instead as the brother she long for. Eventhough his presences and action somehow makes her think of the other Oh Soo. This is where i find Noh Hee Kyung so brilliant in that there maybe 2 persons there Oh Soo and Young but it’s like 3 souls are present. Oh Soo has been reenacting the real oppa Oh Soo’s previous action like that person is inside him while Young is reminded by both Oh Soo when interacting with him. I don’t know if I make sense here haha. Anyway I’m loving this drama so far, and hoping I will continue to love it till the end. The characters and their emotions are layered and very complex that it’s fascinating to watch. Not to mention everything is executed so beautifully with dialogues and acting that move me. So good.

    By the way, I don’t know why but I cried so easily and a lot of times watching Flower Boy Next Door compared to this or any other melodramas that it leaves me dumbfounded everytime. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t wish for this drama to make me crying more, but that’s what amazes me with FBND. This drama is another kind of awesome though.

  14. if hee sun doesn’t want jin sung, i am willing to take him any day LOL!!!
    on the other note…
    “the touching is way inappropriate and the snuggling even more so. I don’t know how anyone could get excited watching that because we know one of the participants thinks the other is a sibling.”

    i totally agree w/ koala’s statement above! there is no excuse to be touching and behaving inappropriately like that…it doesn’t matter even if they haven’t seen each other for decades or so…youngie sure is acting more like his lover than his sister hahah Anyways, we all know Oh Soo is seeing Youngie as more than a sister.

  15. Thanks for the quickest recap! You keep me sane…
    I find the relationship totally believable… If Young didnt start to think soo might just be the brother, she would not trust him enough to be physically close to him. She has basically no one close to her, no one she can touch or hug or allow herself to be hugged by. But now she has that in Soo! Young probably wanted that sort of physical warmth but has never had anyone to turn to, and now she has a brother to hold and trust. Thus, to me, there is nothing icky about them holding each other. I didnt see any intentions in young, other than to hold and to be held by a family member.

    Soo, on the other hand, understands young intentions and needs, but of course, the physical contact, though innocent on the part of Young, arouses something else in Soo… Which is so brilliantly conveyed!

    Make sense??

  16. Can we say that OY belongs to the kind of people who are very affectionate? Especially since she has to ‘see’ with her hands and not her eyes? But my, my..incest or not, they oozed chemistry like no other and perhaps it’d be less icky to watch those scenes and make up our own story about how they’re actually lovers and not fake siblings.

  17. I really love your review. You have a good taste in drama. This drama is good so far, but I have a feeling that we will have a sad ending. It is just my thought, anyway, I hope it won’t be the case

  18. Count me as another one on the second lead ship – I’ve never seen feelings so openly admitted and matter-of-factly understood by the other person in a kdrama, and Kim Bum has fantastic chemistry with Eun-ji so even if the OTP go down in flames (which they well could) I’ll be happy if these two make it out alive and together.

    And as a beta couple, they’re so much better-integrated with the main story than Nice Guy managed, being part of the ruse makes them non-superfluous and I look forward to seeing more of them.

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