
First Impressions: All About My Love with Shin Ha Kyun and Lee Min Jung — 27 Comments

    • You shouldn’t. I’m at episode 15 right now and I can tell you, this drama is amazing! You have to watch it. Unlike those silly, unrealistic dramas where the male lead/female lead gets drunk and confesses or the guy giving a piggy-back to the girl, this drama doesn’t rely on those at all and you should definitely watch this drama. Shin Ha Kyun is absolutely adorable in this show. It’s a shame this drama is so underrated.

  1. In a hilarious turn of events, I actually ended up liking Song Seung Heon’s drama much more than Shin Ha Kyun’s.

    • (Me, too, don’t tell anyone.)
      But to be fair, my expectations for SSH are much lower, and, to be fair, THT is a gorgeous man to behold in modern clothing.

      If they keep him away from too much emotional heavy lifting*, he can be charming and he’s got so much heart under those chest muscles, you want to love him.

      *and keep him heavy lifting. You saw the show, you know what I mean.

  2. It was okay for the first episode. I will give it few more episodes than decide to watch it or not watch it. As for A man in loves it was okay first episode. I will watch the second episode later on tonight.
    In another note, Koala unni will you do the first impressions of all the spring kdramas?

  3. OT, but I’m really enjoying the commenters on Soompi who hope that Park Shin Hye will be up to the immense challenge of going toe to toe with Lee Min Ho’s stunning acting prowess… rme.

    The delusion. The sheer delusion. I’m loving it 😀

  4. I have to agree about AAML, I love the cast but couldn’t love any of the characters, fast forward through half and couldn’t stand the other half…sad. Major waste of talents.

  5. Whhhhy???? I’m so disappointed. I’m getting second hand embarrassment just looking at the screenshots. But it would be amazing if Mandate of Heaven did well considering KBS wanted to dump the leads not too long ago.

  6. My love for Shin Ha Kyun must be endless since I loved him here! Sure there were some ridiculous parts but overall I was happy to have him on my screen and Im patiently waiting for subs for the 2nd episode. I agree with the rest of your review tho…. Lee Min Jung was uninspiring and Han Chae Ah criminally wasted. Still…. Ill stay with it for at least 2 more episodes

    • Me too… Loves him from “Brain” though don’t really have much interest in LMJ. I’m all for rom-com & a good laugh.

      Maybe when it’s too much negative review on an actor that I loves, creates more curiosity? If it is really horrible – no pbm. Just stop watching eh! 🙂

      I’m out of topic again…!

      Found RMPW Special – still no subs but …. Hey ho! Hyuga+Makoto is back tho for a wee while!

      Cheerio everyone! Have a nice day 🙂

  7. Oh No! This was on my watch list but now… I would’ve checked it out but tw points you mentioned also annoy me to no end. The ridiculous plot and overacting with random crazy faces (which only works with a few actors).. Ugh

    • Me too. I liked the farcical OTTness. SHK seems to be having a lot of fun. But have to agree LMJ is out of her depth here.

  8. this is my first time to watch all the 4 main characters in a drama. i watched ep 1 because i was curious what the fuss was all about shk. read many good reviews about his acting in brain, but didn’t watch that drama coz i don’t like medical dramas.

    so i thought a rom com would be a good genre to be introduced to his acting. i have to agree with all of mrs. k’s comments about shk in this drama. shk over the top acting made me cringe, it was painful to watch. and what’s up with his hair? everytime he is onscreen i want to get ahold of a pair of scissors and give him a haircut. and those pants! someone please give him better pants!

    lmj’s acting nothing spectacular, but at least not over the top. i kept being distracted by the bumps on her face.

    the 2 support characters – they appear at the most random moments.

    think i will stop watching for now, may take the drama up again if i have nothing better to do or to watch.

    thanks for the first impression review.

  9. SHK picks the wrong project this time. SHK is definitely not good at politicking in real life. He miscomprehends the comedic underlying tone of a politician and a judge.

    May be he needs to learn a bit of comedic acting skills from Stephen Chow in Justice, My Foot.

    SHK is at his best only in Brain. As for comedy, perhaps Harvest Villa is his best shot.

    I don’t see the rating penetrating 10. The chance of it going to 5 is more likely with the rather weak plot, and lousy acting across the board, which includes SHK.

    Furthermore, I detect no chemistry between SHK and LBH’s girlfriend. The lead actress seriously needs to beef up her acting.

  10. I found All About My Romance to be refreshingly different. The first five episodes were amusing and romantic–exactly what a romantic comedy should make you feel. If its supposed to be a romantic/political satire then I guess its normal to have the sense of the ridiculous; maybe some of the “overacting” is done to send the message across in a non-serious, non-heavy way despite the serious, heavy subject of political issues and all. I think it is actually harder for actors to make people laugh rather than make them cry, so this is a real challenge for Shin Ha Kyun, Lee Min Jung and the rest of the cast. The chemistry between the two leads actually grows on the audience as episodes reveal new situations and developments (there is this park scene with the two leads on Episode 5 that is so sweet and touching). I believe the writers are doing well so far; the leads and other cast actually made me laugh at their antics and swoon at the romantic moments; the OST so far is great and suits the scenes well. I would have to say that I am looking forward to watching more episodes and will wait it out till the end.

  11. Hahaha, whoever bought to this shitty review is absolutely stupid. Just because you have your personal opinion, that whole drama sucks. To be honest this drama didn’t catch my attention much since the actors isn’t my taste but i won’t judge it too quickly. I watched this drama until eps 7 I am completely in love in this drama! I don’t understand why you said that SHK isn’t meant for this drama… He excels it so well! And also LMJ acts well her part too… The script was very well written, its different, compared to other rom-com i saw before. It serves very well to the mature audience, and i love mature romantic stories like this drama…

    Don”t judge too quickly from the first eps… If you do, i can see you’ll do the same towards people around you. I know you won’t like it if people judge you from its cover, right?

  12. I’m feel so sad just by reading the review and the comments. I’m currently at ep 15 (waiting for ep 16 subs) and I find this show absolutely superb. Best drama I’ve seen in a long, long time. Honestly, Shin Ha Kyun is so adorable in this drama and he changes his hairstyle half-way through it. You grow to love him for who he is soon enough so much so that his hair is the last thing on your mind. This drama is really great and does not rely on the silly, cliche scenes like getting drunk and confessing or the guy giving the girl a piggy-back ride. Honestly, this drama is absolutely fantastic. You have to watch it. The ratings break my heart.

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