
Presenting All King Flower Episodes Exclusively Terry-scenes Cut — 20 Comments

  1. @Gaia, you took the words out of my mouth. I was going to say this amazing. I’ve been following KF through Koala’s recaps. I wanted to watch the show but was fearful of wanting to FF every scene that Terry was not in. This will help me get the best of what KF has to offer, which in one word is Terry. Thanks to the YT uploader as well.

  2. LMAO, I remember I also joked: someone need to upload Terry cut scenes!

    And there it is! OMG, love the person who did it, and I think I might not watch KF anymore but only the cuts parts and the rest I get on the recaps.

    It is perfect Muwahahahaha

  3. I swear…Youtube better not take these down. Thank you for letting us know that someone posted these. And thank you to the user who did post it. I can’t wait for episode 21. I need to watch all the Terry scenes now. Need to figure out how to make a CD hahaha.

  4. Thank you for the videos but out of curiosity will you finish it with episode 21 once it has been broadcasted? Then it would be so complete.

  5. LOL I have only watched the first episode of KF and didn’t continue (reason: no time). I read your recaps though so I do know what’s going on in the drama. But your post here – hahaha, makes me save a LOT of time…. I just need to watch all the clips here.

    BTW, will you update this post with the final clip once available?

  6. That is the perfect incentive to watch this drama (or you know, Chris Wu’s Terry that everyone’s talking about)!!!!

    Now, if only some kind soul subs these.. I will marathon it this summer break.

  7. HURRAY!!!! I was one of those people who said that SETTV should make “King FLower: the Terry Edition”! I wish I knew the person who did this because I would be sending her/him gifts right now. They need to have mush good fortune for doing such a good deed. SETTV does not deserve to make any money of of this the way they not only messed with us as viewers but for th way they shafted CHris Wu (putting him in a story that was not worth his skills or characters) and shafted James Wen (who deserves at this stage in his career–when he has proven he could do much more–a much better character). I will definitely be marathoning these scenes this weekend. Thanks for finding these Captain, Koala!

    YUM. No more Terry snacks; we’ve got a full meal, people!

  8. Oh, and thanks for that great picture of Chris Wu at the opening of this post. I have loved so many of your posts, but this may be my favorite ever.

  9. Thank you!!
    i’ve been planning on rewatching all the terry parts after the drama is over and your post is going to save me a lot of time 😀
    it’s really awesome!! and thank you for recapping this drama, i discovered your recaps in the last 5 episodes, i didn’t know you were recapping this drama from the beginning but i’m glad you are because i love reading your recaps
    anyway, i hope we will have a satisfying happy ending (and not an open ending, i hate those the most :p)

  10. Finally someone answered our prayers. This is amazing, thank you Koala for posting it and I am off watching and swooning over my Terry:)

  11. Yes, thank you. I am going to watch the Terry scenes all over again. How nice I won’t have to lay eyes on some silly people.

  12. Rewatching the first episode also has the initial bonus of reminding you of all those Terry side charcters who’ve disappeared from this drama. LOL.

    Thanks so much for posting these!

  13. Thanks! I skipped watching kf ep20 cos I wanted only the Terry parts. I just ‘finished’ watching it here, thank you to the YT uploader, and Chris Wu really kept up his amazing acting chops in each episode!!! He is my lead man for all Taiwanese dramas for sure♥

  14. This really did have to be done.
    Thank you person who saved me from watching those other people and listening to their inanity!

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