
Kim Bum Looks Suitably Warrior-esque in Official Stills for Goddess of Fire Jeongi — 22 Comments

  1. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. And I do agree with you that this drama is like watching paint dry, especially at the parts with the elder cast.
    But I think that you are too harsh on the younger cast, they seem to be doing a great job, in my opinion. I tune in to watch their parts since the drama began, but i kinda do skim through the other parts just to understand the story. I really like Ji Jin Hee, and Noh Young Hak, and i might check out their earlier works, and I know Park Gun Tae acts well already, from watching East of Eden and May Queen. It’s funny how PGT and KB were both in EOE and now they are together here too.
    I am looking forward to Moon Geun Young and Lee Sang Yoon bring the same intensity and chemistry to their characters as the JJH and NYK did.

    • I share the same sentiments as you.
      I think Ji Jin Hee has natural screen presence and every time she’s on she’s like a ball of energy and lights up the screen. Which is why she was so perfect in Moon that embraces the sun as the bratty princess.
      I think it’s a combination of a character that could get irritating at times along with some whiny tendencies that are sure to get people turned off.
      This show was okay(although so cliche in terms of sageuk plot) up until they threw in the boring king taejo’s broken vase or whatever and that’s when i was waiting for paint to dry.
      My hobby is pottery so i don’t find the pottery stuff to be boring, only when it’s a dragged out conflict as silly as a broken vase that could get you killed (ahh, the good ol days)
      I think Noh Young Hak is doing pretty good, he’s pretty good at facial expressions and compelling — and i find his character cliched but still endearing to watch.
      Park Gun Tae is one that i was always somewhat okay about — he never really rocked my socks in the shows i’ve seen him in, but he is pretty to look at with numerous projects under his belt.
      I have noticed GoF having some of the same shades as WBDS considering they’re the same writer, everyone seems to be connected to someone either through blood or by past, which I find to be silly coincidences that veer towards makjang tropes.
      One of the main reasons why i stuck it through WBDS (aside from all the bromance and epic battles) was because of the underdog story that this writer loves to write about.
      I was never really a big fan of moon geun young but here’s to hoping this project might change my mind about her.

  2. I agree. Story is uninteresting to the max and the young actress is awfully overacting (opinion shared by a few viewers around me). I blame the Director since it’s his job to set the tone/intensity. I like Kim Bum very much but even him is not enough to make me stay onboard of this train wreck. Dropped at episode 3…
    Thanks for the pics anyway. 🙂

  3. Jin ji hee really annoys me in this drama! She was never really to my liking in TMETS either, but I’d rather choose her overacting in there than this one. I already don’t like the plot and her acting really makes it more boring to watch for me. So far, all the male actors are doing great! Noh Youn Hak really captures the camera well with his great facial expressions! I really cant wait until the adults shown up now because the kids version are quite boring if you ask me.

  4. I will only start watching when MGY start appearing. I seriously think Kdrama should stop making younger version vs older version drama. There is nothing new in offence

    • right right. will start watching when the older casts particularly MGY comes out too. I hope she’ll not disappoint.

  5. I agree with most that they drag the child version too long (though I understand its to provide the background). I actually dislike sageuk in general but for Moon and Kim Bum, I’m going to stick around to the end.

    I love how protective Teado is of Jung Yi…aren’t they so sweet.

  6. I have zero interest in watching this drama but OMG Kim Bum looks mighty fineee!

    Moon Geun Young’s latest projects have been pretty bad. Each new project is worst than the last! I actually like her, so it’s a pity that her last dramas have left me cold.

  7. I’m really enjoying it and think it’s the best of the newly started dramas. Maybe I just miss a sweet sageuk. I had no idea Kim Bum was in this but now I’m highly anticipating all 4 leads since I love them all!

  8. I actually like this drama. Yes JJH can be annoying with her rash decision and always getting everybody around her in trouble but it’s part of being a child I guess.

    I will be looking forward to next ep where adults will be on.

  9. right on the dot sis! story is so meh and i don’t think that even the arrival of MGY scenes could save the day… only Bummie can do that for… but now i think not even that. i might just have to content myself in staring at his stills.

    thanks for the post.

  10. My reaction, aigoo omma ya~ He looks mighty fine.. 😀

    As for the drama, will give it a try for my fondness of MGY’s sakes and KB of course.

  11. This show is not extraordinaryly eye-widening & heart-thumbing in plot neither is it paint-dryingly boring.
    Plus , I love Moon Geun Young.So Im definitely going the full 10 metre stretch with this drama.
    I really dont understand why people mention that actors & actresses over-act. To me , overacting means its acting more unrealistic than real behaviour would have it. And the teenage child here isnt overacting to me , by my understanding of my own
    definition.Just like similar comments on Lee Seunggi’s acting deemed as ‘overacting’ by some.I’ve got friends/relatives who have such sanguine personalities who are exactly like these characters.These sanguine beings flourish in their daily expressions of their feelings. Very ‘extreme’ & exuberant.Fun or irritating or just too much to witness ..depending on your own feelings for the day.May some of you have the chance to meet such ‘overacting’ real life humans , some day soon.

  12. KB and MGY pairing is so much better than that main male lead in MSOAN (btw, what’s his name?). I am definitely holding on to my breathe for the chemistry between these two fine looking couple.

  13. I love this drama, i dont know what you all may think but to me this drama is a most watch. especially jjh she is so gud…. keep up the gud work jjh love u

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