
Han Ji Min in Talks to Join Hyun Bin in The King’s Wrath — 17 Comments

  1. Yes! it’s a beautiful pair. I’ve seen all her dramas, and she has improved a lot since Great Inheritance with Kim Jae Won. The only one I’m still pending to watch is Resurrection, because I can’t find it. Well, I hope they’ll make a good movie. It’s been a long time since we saw Hyun Bin acting, in a drama or a movie. CF’s are so short.

  2. This is good news… I was hoping for Moon Chae Won but Han Ji Min is no slouch either.

    And the trend of movie casting >>>>> drama casting continues.

  3. Wooo – I think HJM would be perfect for this role. I did love her as SY in Yi San. I giggled at your comment about her (if she accepts) playing King Jeongjo’s lady love again. Definitely onboard for this.

  4. You accidentally wrote Ha Ji Min in your title – could you possibly subconsciously be thinking of Ha Ji Won and hoping she’d be acting with Hyun Bin again? 😉

  5. So will she be playing be wide or concubine as she did in Yi San. She was adorable with art school hyung (thanks to 1n2D I call him that)on Yi San.
    I’m really interested in this project because it seems dark and awesome.
    And Jo Jung Seok was cast as a bad guy in this right?

  6. Hi Koala, thanks for featuring KJH and YEH as your banner. I miss them a lot especially after a fatal error in the Hwan-Hye forum. Thanks.

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